All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
405 USAID's Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 405_1_Braconnage-Grands défis de la lutte contre la criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale.pdf
PDF icon 405_2_Siam-Les Aires Protégées au Tchad.pdf
PDF icon 405_1_Braconnage-Grands défis de la lutte contre la criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale.pdf
PDF icon 405_2_Siam-Les Aires Protégées au Tchad.pdf
PDF icon 405_3_Russel-The Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment, Past, Present and Future.pdf
PDF icon 405_4_Braconnage-Grands défis de la lutte contre la criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale.pdf
PDF icon 405_5_Plumptre-Conservation Planning.pdf
PDF icon 405_6_Davis-Improving forest mapping and monitoring in the Congo Basin.pdf
PDF icon 405_7_Sumba-African Wildlife Foundation - Community Involvement in Protected Areas Managment.pdf
PDF icon 405_8_Wilkie-Are we making a difference - Five measures to assess our conservation impact.pdf
404 Rising to the challenge: sustainable financing of protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 404_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 404_1_Muldoon-A role for financed Marine Managed Areas and Tenure Systems.pdf
PDF icon 404_2_Levetan-Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 404_3_Using innovative financing to safeguard the cornucopia.pdf
PDF icon 404_4_Garcia-Economic impacts of marine protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 404_5_Bellot-Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Mexican.pdf
403 Financing protected areas through payments for environmental services (PES): A possibility? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 403_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 403_1_Rama-Financing protected areas through payments for environmental services.pdf
402 Marine protected areas as a tool for food security Stream Session Debate File 402_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 402_1_Garcia-MPAs as a tool for food security.pdf
PDF icon 402_2_Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 402_4_MPAs No Take Closures & Food Security.pdf
PDF icon 402_3_Marine managed areas in the Pacific - 2009.pdf
401 Marine protected areas and sustainable livelihoods Stream Session Panel Discussion File 401_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 401_1_Pesca Artesanal Mexico.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_ Proyectos Productivos PROCODES.pdf
PDF icon 401_3_Areas Marinas Protegidas y Bienestar Comunitario.pdf
PDF icon 401_4_Participación comunitaria en la conservación de tortugas marinas.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_1_Charles-MPA & Livelihoods.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_2_Example of MPA impact.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_3_Case studies of Community-based MPAs in Japan.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_4_Marine protected Areas and sustaining small scale fisheries.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_6_Meaningfully involving locals in making effective MPAs in the Maldives.pdf
PDF icon 401_2_5_Integrating conservation and development in Madagascar.pdf
400 Protected areas for food security and nutrition: wrap-up and recomendations Stream Session Panel Discussion File 400_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 400_1_Supporting human life.pdf
PDF icon 400_2_Gender perspective critical analysis and perspectives.pdf
399 Tenure, food security and conservation: advancing the agenda in protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 399_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 399_3_Vietnam-Impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services.pdf
PDF icon 399_4_Megawanto-Institutional Framework of Sustainable Financing.pdf
PDF icon 399_5_The LIFE MGN project Making Good Natura.pdf
PDF icon 399_6_Lisboa-Local Development in Virua.pdf
PDF icon 399_7_MIdeiros-Bolsa Verde.pdf
PDF icon 399_1_Islam-Conservation of the Sundarbans through Ecotourism.pdf
PDF icon 399_8_A ridge to reef approach to conservation in southern Belize.pdf
398 Protected areas to support human life: food, water and disaster risk reduction Stream Session Panel Discussion File 398_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 398_1_Roles of Protected Areas in Disaster Risk Reduction.pdf
PDF icon 398_2_Introduction - Nigel Dudley.pdf
PDF icon 398_3_ Supporting Human Life clean SG.pdf
PDF icon 398_0_Opening session on Roles of Protected Areas in Disaster Risk Reduction.pdf
397 Do landscape approaches work? Stream Session Debate File 397_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 397_1_Jane Madgwick-Do Landscape approaches work.pdf
PDF icon 397_2_Shaer-Case Study Supporting the Management of Important Marine Habitats, Species and fisheries in Lebanon.pdf
396 PAs contributing to food security and nutrition: Examining innovative Institutional arrangements Stream Session Panel Discussion File 396_wpcreport_RM.docx
395 Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to sustain forests and people's livelihoods in protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 395_1_Matta-Main outcomes of the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests.pdf
PDF icon 395_2_Nukui-Efforts of the city of Yokohama.pdf
PDF icon 395_3_Levetan_Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 395_4_Opportunities and Challenges for Payment in PES.pdf
394 Marine protected areas and community livelihood: sharing experiences on participatory management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 394_1_Ramirez-Restoration of Biodiversity in a World Heritage Protected Area.pdf
PDF icon 394_2_Morais-Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a tool for restoring biodiversity West African experience.pdf
PDF icon 394_3_Springer-Eradication of Vertebrate Pests from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.pdf
PDF icon 394_4_Latreille-Restoration and Ecological Reconstruction of the Semi-Dry Forest of La Grande Chaloupe.pdf
393 Stream Opening: food security, in-situ conservation/ sustainable use of genetic resources Stream Session Panel Discussion File 393_wpcreport_RM.docx
392 Climate change adaptation and mitigation actions to enhance food security and livelihoods Stream Session Lecture File 392_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 392_1_Climate change adaptation.pdf
391 Protected areas and sustainable hunting and fishing Stream Session Panel Discussion File 391_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 391_1_Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife.pdf
PDF icon 391_2_Madeleine N-Sustainable game management in finland.pdf
390 Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 390_1_Murphfree-Bridging the Divide.pdf
PDF icon 390_2_Supporting the Management of Important Marine Habitats in Lebanon.pdf
PDF icon 390_3_Community white Rhino Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 390_4_Case Studies Discussed at Asia Parks Congress.pdf
389 Protect what you eat; conserving our food\â??s genetic resources Stream Session Workshop File 389_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 389_1_Corrado-The role of PAs for the maintenance of our best food producers.pdf
PDF icon 389_2_Protect what you eat - conserving our food's genetic resources.pdf
PDF icon 389_3_Arriola-Programa de Conservación del Maíz Criollo (PROMAC).pdf
PDF icon 389_4_Dullo-Contribution of protected areas to food security through in situ conservation.pdf
PDF icon 389_5_Loo-Protecting genetic resources for nutrition from the forest.pdf
387 Connecting Practice: linking cultural and natural heritage with World Heritage Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 387_1_Connecting Practice.pdf
PDF icon 387_2_Authenticity in World Heritage.pdf
PDF icon 387_3_Takeuchi-The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS).pdf
386 Ecosystem restoration and protected areas: delivering socio-economic and environmental benefits Stream Session Panel Discussion File 386_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 386_1_Utomo-Ecosystem Restoration, An experience from Flores, Indonesia.pdf
PDF icon 386_2_Kings parks and botanic garden.pdf
PDF icon 386_3_Hill-Building resilience through recovery, mangroves and MPAs in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 386_4-Walters-Forest Landscape Restoration, method and opportunities.pdf
385 Ecological and social approaches to food production in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 385_wpcreport_RM.docx
384 Watershed management: a modern approach to protected area management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 384_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 384_1_Focus on the management approach of CENTRAL KARAKORAM NATIONAL PARK.pdf
382 Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 382_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 382_1_Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas.pdf
381 Launching of sustainable wildlife management fact sheets Congress Event Launch Event
380 Valuation of protected area systems Stream Session Workshop File 380_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 380_1_Valuation of protected area systems.pdf
PDF icon 380_2_The role of TEEB in assessing the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_3_TESSAA Practical tool to assess the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_4_Protected Areas Benefit Assessment.pdf
379 Meeting: Latin American Technical Cooperation Network on Protected Areas (REDPARQUES) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 379_1_Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Técnica en Parques Nacionales, otras Áreas Protegidas, Flora y Fauna Silvestres.pdf
PDF icon 379_2_Peru Map protected areas.pdf
378 Freshwater ecosystems in protected areas: effective protection through conservation law Stream Session Workshop File 378_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 378_1_A -Convention Checkek-in a freshwater National Park, a bottom-up approach for better implementation of conservation-related MEAs.pdf
PDF icon 378_2_Mauerhofer-Freshwater ecosystems in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 378_3_Boer-Protecting Freshwater Ecosystems.pdf
PDF icon 378_4_Slobodian-Protected Areas and the UN Watercourses Convention.pdf
377 Guaranteeing high quality water Stream Session Panel Discussion File 377_wpcreport_MW.docx
376 Valuing natural capital: protected areas and water security Stream Session Workshop File 376_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 376_1_Kettunen-Valuing water as natural capital (intro by MK)_IUCN WPC Sydney 2014 2.pdf
PDF icon 376_2_Methods for integrating ecosystem services into policy, planning and practice.pdf
PDF icon 376_3_Protected areas, natural capital and water security (1).pdf
PDF icon 376_4_Earth observation in support of payment for water ecosystem services.pdf
375 Water for Life Stream Session Panel Discussion File 375_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 375_1_Berney-Protecting Flows to Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 375_2_Nel-Identifying and protecting Strategic Water Source Areas for water security.pdf
PDF icon 375_3_Smith-Water Policy Dialogue Can We Strengthen the Role of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 375_4_Farrell-Protecting Biodiversity and Fisheries from Development Threat.pdf
PDF icon 375_5_Mendoza-A flagship species for freshwater conservation in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 375_7_Leonard-Protected Areas and Hydroelectricity Development.pdf
PDF icon 375_6_Aisha-Jebel El Dair as biosphere reserve.pdf
PDF icon 375_8_Harrison-Breakout Discussion Groups.pdf
374 Managing protected areas to benefit water services Stream Session Networking Event File 374_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 374_2_Managing protected areas to benefit water services.pdf
373 Water System Garage: how can we better maintain our wetland engines? Stream Session Workshop File 373_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 373_1_Water System Garage How can we better maintain our wetland engines.pdf
PDF icon 373_2_Linking Wetlands and Water Management The case of Lake Chilika, India.pdf
PDF icon 373_3_Mali's Inner Niger Delta.pdf
PDF icon 373_4_Water Restoration to the Basin Ndiael - Senegal.pdf
372 Achieving connectivity conservation goals in Mesoamerica: lessons learned and future perspectives Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 372_1_Carolina-LANDSCAPE CONNECTIVITY.pdf
PDF icon 372_2_Costa Rica por siempre.pdf
PDF icon 372_3_Scaling Up Costa Rica.pdf
PDF icon 372_4_Understanding Connectivity Conservation in the Context of Social-Ecological Systems.pdf
371 Nature-based solutions for disasters: lessons from practices on the ground Stream Session Lecture File 371_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 371_1_Smith-Managing Watersheds for Resilience.pdf
PDF icon 371_2_Shi-Reducing Drought Risk by Improving Access to Freshwater and Forest Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 371_3_Adhicari-Ecosystem based Road Side Bioengineering.pdf
PDF icon 371_4_Ogar-Native Institution for the Governance of the Environment.pdf
370 Capacity needs for Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction: what\â??s available and what\â??s needed? Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 370_1_Capacity needs for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_2_Charles B-Natural hazards and disaster risk reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_3_Radhika-CapacityBuildingforDRR.pdf
PDF icon 370_4_Mitomori-Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_5_Hammill-Understanding the climate-related risks.pdf
369 Can protected areas reduce risks? Case studies from around the world Stream Session Launch Event File 369_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 369_2_Ford-Hurricane Katrina.pdf
PDF icon 369_3_Pert-CaseStudy Cyclones.pdf
PDF icon 369_Mantalingahan- Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 369_5_Murti-Safe Havens.pdf
368 Preparedness and recovery from disasters in protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 368_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 368-1_Lesley Gibson-EARTH OBSERVATION IN SUPPORT.pdf
PDF icon 368_2_Mulligan-Protected areas, natural capital and water security.pdf
PDF icon 368_3_Methods for integrating ecosystem services into policy, planning and practice.pdf
PDF icon 368_4_Natural Capital and Development.pdf
PDF icon 368_5_WWF-Redesigning the Approach towards Promoting Ulu Muda's Protection through Sustainable Financing Initiatives.pdf
367 Developing guidelines on protected areas management for disaster-risk reduction Stream Session Workshop File 367_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 367_1_Yamamoto-Developing Guidelines on PAs Management for DRR.pdf
PDF icon 367_2_Dudley-Disaster Risk Reduction and protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 367_3_DevelopingGuidelines.pdf
366 Marine protected areas as solutions for resilience Stream Session Lecture File 366_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 366_1_Are We Putting Marine Protected Areas in the Right Places.pdf
365 Can green and grey infrastructure work together? Stream Session Lecture File 365_wpcreport_AS.docx
364 Nature-based solutions for disasters: a new horizon for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 364_wpcreport_AS.docx
363 Connectivity of water services Stream Session Panel Discussion File 363_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 363_1_Pittock-Great Eastern Ranges overall river health, The big picture.pdf
PDF icon 363_2_Pittock-Panel discussion, Connectivity of water services.pdf
PDF icon 363_3_Pulsford-Eastern Rangers.pdf
362 Water and cities Stream Session Workshop File 362_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 362_1_Flyer Water Funds sessions.pdf
PDF icon 362_2_Brigges-Introduction and Session Overview.pdf
PDF icon 362_3_Veiga-Corporate sector engagement.pdf
PDF icon 362_4_Gil-Water tariffs incorporating watershed conservation costs, the recognition of the ecosystem services benefits.pdf
PDF icon 362_5_Calvache-Financial tools for watershed conservation, Water Funds.pdf
361 Tools for understanding and communicating the value of protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 361_1_Tustas-Capturing ecosystem service opportunities.pdf
PDF icon 361_2_Eawpanich-Application of an economic valuations at the ECO-BEST.pdf
PDF icon 361_3_The economic value of Cat Tien National Park.pdf
PDF icon 361_4_Pigueron-Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Mexican Federal Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 361_5_ValuES Tools for Understanding and Communicating the Value of Protected Areas.pdf
360 Water Funds and social impacts Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 360_1_Earth Observation in Support of payment for water ecosystem services.pdf
PDF icon 360_2_Water funds.pdf
359 Volunteering in nature benefits humans and ecosystems Stream Session Panel Discussion File 359_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 359_L Riley-Park Champions.pdf
PDF icon 359_M Rodrigue_Sharing love for Victorias MPAs.pdf
PDF icon 359_M Townsend-Keynote-Engaging with nature.pdf
PDF icon 359_P Ingamells-NatureWatch.pdf
PDF icon 359_R Molsher-Improving wellbeing.pdf
File 359_Opening and closing slides.pptx
358 Perspectives on health â?? current practices and future opportunities for protected area managers Stream Session Panel Discussion File 358_wpcreport_BW.docx
File 358_Notes_BW.docx
PDF icon 358_Session 2_Stream 3 Perspectives on health.pdf
PDF icon 358_Session 2-Intro slides.pdf
357 Stream opening â?? human health and wellbeing depends on nature Stream Session Panel Discussion Image icon 357_JuliaMartonLefevre_ES.jpg
File 357_Notes_ESBWMC.docx
PDF icon 357_ Session 1 -1- Human healt and wellbeing depends on nature.pdf
PDF icon 357_Session1_0-Introduction Human healt BRANDED.pdf
356 Stream Welcome Luncheon - Improving Health and Well-being: Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress Event Networking Event
355 Responding to the effects of climate change on communities, parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 355_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 355_2_Jeffrey A-Responding to the effects of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 355_ 1_Jonathan Papz-Climate & Health.pdf
PDF icon 355_David Welch-Sky Parks.pdf
354 Closing the loop - moving management effectiveness evaluations from reporting to adaptive management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 354_wpcreport_BW.docx


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