All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
957 WIN Dialogue: Report back and caucus on streams/plenary Stream Session Dialogue
369 Can protected areas reduce risks? Case studies from around the world Stream Session Launch Event File 369_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 369_2_Ford-Hurricane Katrina.pdf
PDF icon 369_3_Pert-CaseStudy Cyclones.pdf
PDF icon 369_Mantalingahan- Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 369_5_Murti-Safe Havens.pdf
241 National experiences with marine protected areas (MPA) network development Stream Session Lecture File 241_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 241_Blue Gabon - Stream 1 workshop.pdf
PDF icon 241_Juan Bezaury_Deep Sea MPA Mexico.pdf
PDF icon 241_Mediterranean countries.pdf
PDF icon 241_Melwert Kikuo_Palau finance mechanisms.pdf
PDF icon 241_PAN Office_Palau.pdf
PDF icon 241_Panel 1_Session 38_Mexico and Malaysia.pdf
PDF icon 241_Panel 3_Session 38_Palau and Spain.pdf
460 Privately protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 460_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 460_1_Kouderin-Sitatunga Valley Benin CREDI.pdf
PDF icon 460_Privately protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
428 Extractives, energy and responsible investments (Part 1): Challenges Stream Session Panel Discussion File 428_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 428_1-Tom Okello.pdf
PDF icon 428_2-Warwick Mostert.pdf
PDF icon 428_3-Lisa Gaylord.pdf
PDF icon 428_4-Mahlette Betre.pdf
PDF icon 428_5-M Fuls.pdf
PDF icon 428_6-Saleem Ali.pdf
572 Creating the change we want to see Stream Session Workshop File 572_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 572_1_Greg Moore-Creating the change we want to see.pdf
PDF icon 472_1_Farvar-Effective and equitable governance of landscape, of country, territory, Mother Earth.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
531 North American Indigenous Peoples and protected areas Stream Session Dialogue File 531_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 531_1_Indigenous Experiences USA.pdf
PDF icon 531_2_Indigenous Peoples of North America Leadership on Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 531_3_Land of the Ancestors.pdf
PDF icon 535_4_Jones-Potential, Need, and barriers to renewable energie.pdf
PDF icon 535_5_Inspiration for Partnership with Inuit communities.pdf
836 WIN Dialogue: Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Negotiation Practices Stream Session Panel Discussion
277 Transformational change: knowledge, values and rules Stream Session Panel Discussion File 277_wpcreport_RV.docx
708 Building Legal Capacity for Protected Areas Law and Governance Stream Session Workshop
242 Protected areas and invasive species 2: Engaging communities and civil society Stream Session Lecture File 242_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 242_Andrea Monaco_European Guidelines.pdf
PDF icon 242_Graeme Elliott_Birds in N Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 242_IAS in Oceania.pdf
PDF icon 242_Peter Jacobs_Wild horses in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 242_Rajiv Bhartari-Lantana in India.pdf
371 Nature-based solutions for disasters: lessons from practices on the ground Stream Session Lecture File 371_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 371_1_Smith-Managing Watersheds for Resilience.pdf
PDF icon 371_2_Shi-Reducing Drought Risk by Improving Access to Freshwater and Forest Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 371_3_Adhicari-Ecosystem based Road Side Bioengineering.pdf
PDF icon 371_4_Ogar-Native Institution for the Governance of the Environment.pdf
243 Vision and characteristics for an IUCN Green List of Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop File 243_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 243_1_Vision and characteristics for an IUCN Green List of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 243_2_Cairnes&Whiffen-Green List partnership.pdf
PDF icon 243_3_Experiences from three Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy).pdf
PDF icon 243_4_Conservation Assured Tiger Standards - CATS.pdf
PDF icon 243_5_Scaling Up Green List in China.pdf
461 Privately protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 461_Privately protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
651 Getting Started - and why it matters Stream Session Workshop File 651_wpcreport_EL.docx
339 Connecting people and parks Stream Session Panel Discussion File 339_wpcreport_MC.docx
File 339_Introductory slide.pptx
PDF icon 339_1-G Moore-Keynote-Parks for all forever.pdf
PDF icon 339_2-S Wills-Active in Parks Australia.pdf
PDF icon 339_3-T Henderson-Heart Foundation-Park Walks.pdf
PDF icon 339_4-5-Tapaninen Finton-Top End of Europe.pdf
PDF icon 339_6-K Wheeler-Golden Gate-Park prescriptions.pdf
PDF icon 339_Closing slides.pdf
PDF icon 339_7_Saintz-Can an International Trails Network Deliver Increased Benefits to Protected Areas.pdf
429 Good for business: solutions through sustainable sourcing and supply chains Stream Session Panel Discussion File 429_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 429_2-Petrus Gunarso.pdf
PDF icon 429_3-Kering.pdf
PDF icon 429_4-COMACO.pdf
PDF icon 429_5-Blue Ventures Aquaculture.pdf
PDF icon 429_6-Adriana-PAs and supply chains.pdf
573 From awareness to love: connecting new audiences with parks and protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 573_wpcreport_NB.docx
881 Conservation with small grants - the view of the grantees Stream Session Panel Discussion
301 Assessing resource and cultural vulnerability to climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 301_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 301_ S Jupiter-New framework for monitoring changes.pdf
PDF icon 301_G Rambeloarisoa-From science to decision in Madagascar.pdf
PDF icon 301_J Cinner-Vulnerability of coastal communities.pdf
PDF icon 301_W Foden-Assesssing species vulnerability.pdf
392 Climate change adaptation and mitigation actions to enhance food security and livelihoods Stream Session Lecture File 392_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 392_1_Climate change adaptation.pdf
532 Indigenous Peoples and invasive species Stream Session Panel Discussion File 532_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 532_0_Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 532_1_Jones and Lyver_Harvest and management of introduced species by New Zealand Maori.pdf
PDF icon 532_2_Atchison-Indigenous Invasive Plant Management in Northern Australia.pdf
PDF icon 532_3_Rogers-Yugul Mangi Rangers Caring for Country in south east Arnhem Land, Australia.pdf
PDF icon 532_4_Witt-Impacts of IAS on livelihoods in Africa.pdf
PDF icon 532_5_Managing Weeds on Bunuba Country.pdf
PDF icon 532_6_Oades- Invasive Species on the Dampier Peninsula.pdf
PDF icon 532_7_Recovering Nyinnga, managing camel impacts on the Haasts Bluff Land Trust.pdf
839 From Global to Local: Linking Local Conservation Objectives and Local Business Potentials Through ABS Stream Session Workshop
278 Part 3: Connectivity and climate change examples Stream Session Panel Discussion File 278_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 278_1_Geidezis-Cross-border cooperation along the Central European Green Belt - some model projects.pdf
PDF icon 278_2_Green Belt of Fennoscandia.pdf
709 Communications for Capacity Development Programmes Stream Session Workshop
961 WIN Dialogue: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forests and Fisheries in the Context of National Food Security Stream Session Lecture
244 Alliance for Zero Extinction: saving the most critical areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 244_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 244_1_Alliance for Zero Extintion.pdf
PDF icon 244_2_Glastra&Hoogeslag-Privately Protected Areas to save species.pdf
PDF icon 244_3-The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.pdf
PDF icon 244_4_Moore-Amphibians and AZE.pdf
PDF icon 244_5_Brazilian Alliance for Zero Extinction.pdf
PDF icon 244_6_Okena-Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program in YUS, Papua New Guinea.pdf
PDF icon 244_7_Whitten-Come on, it's not all about SIZE.pdf
462 Protected areas under government governance (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 462_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 462_1_Zeballos-NATIONAL PARK KAA IYA (Isoseño Guarani, Chiquitano, Ayoreo)).pdf
340 Valuing diverse knowledge paradigms â?? science, traditional knowledge and people-parks connections Stream Session Panel Discussion File 340_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 340_1-C Henderson Wilson-Engaging with parks Enhancing Health.pdf
PDF icon 340_2-D Alvira-Human wellbeing and conservation.pdf
PDF icon 340_3-J Kingsley-Traditional owner groups in health research.pdf
PDF icon 340_4-C Golden-Social media and mental health.pdf
File 340_Open and closing slides.pptx
PDF icon 340_5_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon, an illustration on conservation contradictions in the Congo Basin.pdf
PDF icon 340_6_Mathe-Cartographie participative, outil de mobilisation communautaire pour le dialogue.pdf
430 Food for thought: minimizing impacts and maximizing benefits of sustainable agriculture Stream Session Panel Discussion File 430_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 430_1_Diment-The Ibis Rice project in Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 430_2_Zuluaga-Sustainable cattle ranching in Colombia.pdf
PDF icon 430_3_Joshi-Leveraging Sectoral Investments for Greening the Agriculture Production System.pdf
PDF icon 430_4_South-South Knowledge Exchange Colombia, Ethiopia, Burundi and Rwanda.pdf
574 Presenting the Young Peoples' Pact to the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 Stream Session Workshop File 574_wpcreport_EL.docx
882 Small grants: effective financial mechanisms for protected areas Stream Session Networking Event
302 World Heritage, large landscapes, and climate change Stream Session Workshop File 302_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 302_1-Policy and legal options-Ben Boer.pdf
PDF icon 302_2-Performance of World Heritage Sites against human and climatic stressors.pdf
File 302_3-Wilderness conservation under the World Heritage Convention.pptx
PDF icon 302_4-The role of Indigenous People in the management of Large Landscapes.pdf
PDF icon 302_5World Heritage Wildernes-Kormos.pdf
PDF icon 302_6-WildernessApproach can help protect natural world heritage.pdf
PDF icon 302_4_Huntington-Indigenous Use of the Arctic Ocean.Space, Time, Flexibility.pdf
393 Stream Opening: food security, in-situ conservation/ sustainable use of genetic resources Stream Session Panel Discussion File 393_wpcreport_RM.docx
534 Young Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue: The Future We Want Stream Session Dialogue File 534_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 534_1_The Mungo Youth Project.pdf
PDF icon 534_2_Increasing future livelihood opportunities for Indigenous Australian.pdf
PDF icon 534_3_Bruyere-Samburu Bush School Program, Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 534_4_ Indigneous Young Leaders.pdf
840 Traditional Voyaging Workshop Stream Session Launch Event
279 Part 2: Connectivity initiatives analysed through the lens of climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 279_wpcreport_MM.docx
494 African Indigenous Peoples' knowledge, culture, values and livelihoods: transforming protected areas from within Stream Session Workshop File 494_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 494_1_Daigle-Indigenous Experiences in the U.S. and Maine with Climate Change.pdf
PDF icon 494_2_Courtois-Indigenous Peoples of North America Leadership on Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 494_3_Thaidene Nene Land of the Ancestors.pdf
PDF icon 494_4_Inspiration for Partnership with Inuit communities.pdf
710 IUCN WCPA Capacity Development Programme: Planning for the next decade Stream Session Workshop
373 Water System Garage: how can we better maintain our wetland engines? Stream Session Workshop File 373_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 373_1_Water System Garage How can we better maintain our wetland engines.pdf
PDF icon 373_2_Linking Wetlands and Water Management The case of Lake Chilika, India.pdf
PDF icon 373_3_Mali's Inner Niger Delta.pdf
PDF icon 373_4_Water Restoration to the Basin Ndiael - Senegal.pdf
245 Monitoring conservation outcomes inside and outside protected areas (Part 1) Stream Session Lecture File 245_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 245_1_Turak-A framework for monitoring biodiversity inside and outside protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 245-2_Boaille- Framework for monitoring biodiversity inside and outside protected areasaillie-.pdf
PDF icon 245_3_McGeochv-In situ data collection.pdf
PDF icon 245_4_Turner-Monitoring Conservation Outcomes Inside and Outside Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 245_5_Hobern-Organising Evidence for Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 245_6_Fishpool-DPSIR indicators at different scales.pdf
PDF icon 245_7_Ferrier-Linking monitoring inside and outside protected areas with whole-landscape modelling and scenario analysis.pdf
PDF icon 245_8_Keith-AdaptiveMonitoring.pdf
463 Protected areas under government governance (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 463_wpcreport_gm.docx
341 Indigenous and local community perspectives on nature and well-being Stream Session Workshop File 341_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 341_Scherl et al-Natural resource management.pdf
PDF icon 341_1_Aili-Impacts and Effectiveness of Protected Areas in the Congo Basin, Preliminary findings.pdf
431 The urban jungle: protected areas and urban development Stream Session Panel Discussion File 431_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 431_1_Myrdal-Integrating Table Mountain National Park.pdf
PDF icon 431_2_Establishing the Table Mountain National Park Consolidation of Conservation Worthy Land.pdf
PDF icon 431_3_Conservation & development working together.pdf
PDF icon 431_4_Bajikar-Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.pdf
575 Young Peoples\â?? Pact Stream Session Workshop File 575_wpcreport_EL.docx
883 Shifting the way the world shops Stream Session Panel Discussion
303 Climate change policy: how natural solutions can influence local to global climate change dialogues Stream Session Panel Discussion File 303_wpcreport_JD.docx
535 Contributions of Indigenous and community conservation to global biodiversity targets Stream Session Workshop File 535_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 535_1_Kothari-Indigenous Peoples' and Local Community Contribution to Conservation in Asia.pdf
PDF icon 535_2_Usongo-Contributions to biodiversity conservation by the Indigenous peoples.pdf
PDF icon 535_3_Oviedo-Contributions of Indigenous and community conservation to global biodiversity targets in Latin America.pdf
PDF icon 535_4_Courtois-Indigenous Peoples of North America Leadership on Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 535_5_Malmer-Contributions to biodiversity conservation by the Indigenous peoples and local communities of Europe.pdf
PDF icon 535_6_Tawake-Contributions to biodiversity conservation by the Indigenous peoples and local communities of Oceania.pdf
PDF icon 535_7_Morrison-Contributions of Indigenous peoples and local communities to biodiversity conservation in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 535_8_Scott-Contributions of IPs and LCs and community conservation to.pdf
PDF icon 535_9_Kothari-Indigenous Peoples' and Local Community Contribution to Conservation in Asia.pdf
842 WIN Dialogue: Through the Looking Glass? Presentation on Wearable Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights Stream Session Workshop


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