All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
833 The Hadza: Last of the First', Film Screening, Discussion and Reception Stream Session Launch Event
446 Protected areas and Sustainable Development Goals (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 446_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 446_1_Nagu-The Role of Protected Areas in the context of the Malaysias Vision 2020.pdf
PDF icon 446_2_Aggrey Rwetswa-Protected Areas Uganda.pdf
PDF icon 446_3_Tarun Kathula-Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in EGREE AP.pdf
PDF icon 446_4_Ravaka Ranaivoson-When Protected Areas sustain life and support development, myth or reality.pdf
PDF icon 446_5_Nwangchuk-Protected Areas of Bhutan.pdf
PDF icon 446_6_Jamison Ervin-Nature - Why cares.pdf
PDF icon 446_7_Angelito Fontanilla-NATURE - The role of PA in Philippine.pdf
PDF icon 446_8_Krishna Prasad-Protected Areas Tourism for Nepal's Development.pdf
589 Connecting families and their children to nature worldwide Stream Session Workshop File 589_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 589_1_Kids in Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_2_Investing in Children.pdf
PDF icon 589_3_GLongley-Nature Play.pdf
PDF icon 589_4_McClelland-Nature Play NSW.pdf
PDF icon 589_5_Charles-Children&Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_6_Wenyang-Family eco-tourism.pdf
956 Pacific Delegation debrief Stream Session Debate
368 Preparedness and recovery from disasters in protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 368_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 368-1_Lesley Gibson-EARTH OBSERVATION IN SUPPORT.pdf
PDF icon 368_2_Mulligan-Protected areas, natural capital and water security.pdf
PDF icon 368_3_Methods for integrating ecosystem services into policy, planning and practice.pdf
PDF icon 368_4_Natural Capital and Development.pdf
PDF icon 368_5_WWF-Redesigning the Approach towards Promoting Ulu Muda's Protection through Sustainable Financing Initiatives.pdf
232 Innovative protected area management 2 Stream Session Lecture File 232_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 232_1_Wise-Pete-The Introduction of disease free Tasmanian Devils to Maria Island National Park.pdf
PDF icon 232_2_Galuvao-Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 2014-2020.pdf
PDF icon 232_3_Fleischer-Dogley-A conservation success story that inspires.pdf
PDF icon 232_4_Campello-Georgladis-Fcocus on Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 232_5_BrazillBoast-Saving our Species.pdf
410 The contributions of the GEF and the UNDP, World Bank and Conservation International to protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 410_1_Hay-Edie-Experience from GEF SGP in support of PAs - ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_2_ICCAs and Aichi Targets.pdf
PDF icon 410_3_De Minicis-Inspiring solutions for PAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_4_Joshi-Shifting the Goal Post, The World Bank - GEF Journey in Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 410_5_Dinu-Protected Areas in the 21st Century, Meeting Development Challenges UNDP.pdf
556 Breaking down the walls: inspiring life-long connections to parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 556_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 556_1_Breaking Down the Walls, Inspiring life-long connections.pdf
PDF icon 556_2_Good stories, good news.pdf
PDF icon 556_3_You can't change my behaviour.pdf
517 Locally managed marine areas providing ecological, social and economic benefits at multiple scales Stream Session Workshop File 517_wpcreport_ND.docx
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
300 Adaptation Frameworks: key characteristics of climate-smart conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion File 300_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 300_1_Young-Adaptation as a threat to coastal park natural resources.pdf
PDF icon 300_2_Marshall-Climbing the Ladder of Adaptation Engagement -a framework for overcoming adaptation inertia.pdf
PDF icon 300_3_Boulter-The NRM Adaptation Checklist.pdf
PDF icon 300_4_Gross-Moving Forward. Frameworks for Effective Climate Adaptation.pdf
PDF icon 300_5_Rhodes-Climate Change Adaptation for Protected Areas in Mexico, From Theory to Practice.pdf
479 Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 479_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 479_1_Vasilijevic-Intrucuction Workshop.pdf
PDF icon 479_2_TransParcNet.pdf
PDF icon 479_3_Transboundary Marine Conservation in the Coral Triangle.pdf
PDF icon 479_4_Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent.pdf
PDF icon 479_5_Transboundary governance arrangements Africa mini-workshop.pdf
PDF icon 479_Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
695 Certification for protected area professionals Stream Session Workshop
835 Making it Right for Indigenous Peoples: Launch of the Whakatane Mechanism and Launch of the Publication \â??World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples' Rights\â?? Stream Session Launch Event
447 Setting the stage for development challenges (Part 2): A political and business response Stream Session Panel Discussion File 447_wpcreport_GD.docx
590 Schools and programmes connecting children to nature Stream Session Workshop File 590_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 590_1_Forestiers juniors.pdf
PDF icon 590_2_Margaret-Engaging the youth in the conservation of key ecosystems in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 590_3_Syslak-Connecting Youth with Parks and Wilderness.pdf
PDF icon 590_4_Lloyd-Teaching outside the box.pdf
957 WIN Dialogue: Report back and caucus on streams/plenary Stream Session Dialogue
369 Can protected areas reduce risks? Case studies from around the world Stream Session Launch Event File 369_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 369_2_Ford-Hurricane Katrina.pdf
PDF icon 369_3_Pert-CaseStudy Cyclones.pdf
PDF icon 369_Mantalingahan- Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 369_5_Murti-Safe Havens.pdf
233 Protected areas and human-wildlife conflict Stream Session Lecture File 233_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 233_1_Waithaka-Parks Canada's Protected Area Management Approaches that Prevent or Minimise Human Wildlife Conflicts.pdf
PDF icon 233_3_Rao-Making Voluntary Resettlement Work.pdf
PDF icon 233_5_Perez gil-Human-Wildlife Conflicts.pdf
411 Launch of new protected area tourism publications Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 411_1_Spenceley-Launch of new publications on tourism, protected areas and concessions.pdf
PDF icon 411_3_Yu-Fai-The 2015 IUCN Sustainable Tourism, Best Practice Guidelines.pdf
PDF icon 411_4_Nicolas-Tourism Concessioning Launch of the WBG Practioner's Toolkit.pdf
PDF icon 411_5_Steve Anna-Launch of Koedoe.pdf
PDF icon 411_6_Glen Liz- TAPAS Parks Special Issue.pdf
557 Why are we here? Embarking on the Inspiring a New Generation journey Stream Session Launch Event File 557_wpcreport_ALL.docx
PDF icon 557_1_Why are we here-Karen Keenleyside.pdf
412 Lunch-time event on tourism solutions for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 412_0_Intro event.pdf
PDF icon 412_1_LMcMillan-The Power of Tourism and Recreationists to Protect Ecosystems.pdf
PDF icon 412_2_Fontour-Tourism, biodiversity, and national park management in Brazil, USA, and Mozambique.pdf
PDF icon 412_3_Lanier-Leveraging the Power of Tourism for Protected Areas Innovations and Lessons from Africa.pdf
PDF icon 412_4_Opportunities for neighbouring communities to supply products and services to the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa.pdf
PDF icon 412_5_The Revenue Maximising Entrance Fees for South African National Parks.pdf
558 The value of visitor monitoring systems at parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 558_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 558_1_Eagles-Administrative procedures for operation of a national visitor use monitoring program in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 558_2_Erkkonen-Operations of the Visitor Monitoring System in Finland.pdf
PDF icon 558_3_Sieler-Visitor Monitoring Data.pdf
PDF icon 558_4_U.S. State Parks Visitation Data from the NASPD Annual Information Exchange Project.pdf
518 Respecting, relying on and advancing traditional knowledge, governance and management systems Stream Session Workshop File 518_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 518_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 518_2_Karibuhoye-Beyond the sacred.pdf
PDF icon 518_3_Nadeau-An aboriginal conservation strategy to maintain the Cree way of life in the Québec (Canada) boreal forest.pdf
PDF icon 518_4_Joint UTS and NWLLS Project.pdf
PDF icon 518_5_Carla-Banggur, the mountains call me home.pdf
PDF icon 518_6_Malmer-Connecting Diverse Knowledge Systems for Enhanced Protected Area Governance -The Multiple Evidence Base approach.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
696 Capacity Development in Eastern European Protected Areas: An Action Plan Stream Session Workshop
836 WIN Dialogue: Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Negotiation Practices Stream Session Panel Discussion
448 Setting the stage for development challenges (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 448_wpcreport_GD.docx
234 Global gap analysis of protected area coverage of biodiversity Stream Session Lecture File 234_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 234_1_Butchart-How well do protected areas cover biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 234_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 234_3_Venter-The future of protected areas and threatened species a cautionary tale.pdf
PDF icon 234_4_Di Minin-Global conservation prioritization for Aichi Target 11.pdf
414 Legal issues in protected areas and development Stream Session Panel Discussion File 414_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 414_1_Cassuto-United States Water Law & National Parks.pdf
PDF icon 414_2_Zellmer-Federal Reserved Water Rights in U.S. Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 414_3_Martin-Water Matters Pacific and NZ orientations.pdf
PDF icon 414_4_Owley-Protecting Private Land & Water.pdf
339 Connecting people and parks Stream Session Panel Discussion File 339_wpcreport_MC.docx
File 339_Introductory slide.pptx
PDF icon 339_1-G Moore-Keynote-Parks for all forever.pdf
PDF icon 339_2-S Wills-Active in Parks Australia.pdf
PDF icon 339_3-T Henderson-Heart Foundation-Park Walks.pdf
PDF icon 339_4-5-Tapaninen Finton-Top End of Europe.pdf
PDF icon 339_6-K Wheeler-Golden Gate-Park prescriptions.pdf
PDF icon 339_Closing slides.pdf
PDF icon 339_7_Saintz-Can an International Trails Network Deliver Increased Benefits to Protected Areas.pdf
881 Conservation with small grants - the view of the grantees Stream Session Panel Discussion
301 Assessing resource and cultural vulnerability to climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 301_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 301_ S Jupiter-New framework for monitoring changes.pdf
PDF icon 301_G Rambeloarisoa-From science to decision in Madagascar.pdf
PDF icon 301_J Cinner-Vulnerability of coastal communities.pdf
PDF icon 301_W Foden-Assesssing species vulnerability.pdf
480 Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 480_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 380_1_Valuation of protected area systems.pdf
PDF icon 380_2_The role of TEEB in assessing the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_3_TESSAA Practical tool to assess the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_4_Protected Areas Benefit Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 480_Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
697 Peer Exchange across Indigenous Peoples and local Communities for Capacity Development Stream Session Workshop
839 From Global to Local: Linking Local Conservation Objectives and Local Business Potentials Through ABS Stream Session Workshop
449 Governance for the conservation of nature Stream Session Panel Discussion File 449_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 449_Governance for the conservation of nature Workshop Summary Report.pdf
PDF icon 449_1-NAMIBIA – The greatest wildlife recovery story ever told.pdf
PDF icon 449_2-FRANCE The governance of protected areas in France.pdf
PDF icon 449_3-IRAN, Nature Conservation in Iran.pdf
PDF icon 449_5-PHILIPPINES Celebrating Governance.pdf
PDF icon 449_6-AUSTRALIA Celebration od Culture and Country.pdf
PDF icon 449_7_~1.PDF
PDF icon 449_8_Amend-Governance for the conservation of nature.pdf
PDF icon 449_9_New Zeland Recreation Association.pdf
961 WIN Dialogue: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forests and Fisheries in the Context of National Food Security Stream Session Lecture
371 Nature-based solutions for disasters: lessons from practices on the ground Stream Session Lecture File 371_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 371_1_Smith-Managing Watersheds for Resilience.pdf
PDF icon 371_2_Shi-Reducing Drought Risk by Improving Access to Freshwater and Forest Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 371_3_Adhicari-Ecosystem based Road Side Bioengineering.pdf
PDF icon 371_4_Ogar-Native Institution for the Governance of the Environment.pdf
235 Innovative protected area management (Part 3) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 235_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 235_1_Lopoukhine-Innovation in park management.pdf
PDF icon 235_2_Gardner-Appropriate Approaches to Capacity Development for Protected Areas Management in Small Island Developing States.pdf
PDF icon 235_3_Lisboa-Megadiversity in Virua National Park.pdf
PDF icon 235_4_Hicks and Quincy-Resilience, risk and return on investment - Innovations from the Great Barrier Reef field management program.pdf
PDF icon 235_5_ Izurieta-Galalpagos Protected Areas Managment Plan.pdf
416 Protected areas and peace-building efforts Stream Session Panel Discussion File 416_wpcreport_MS.docx
340 Valuing diverse knowledge paradigms â?? science, traditional knowledge and people-parks connections Stream Session Panel Discussion File 340_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 340_1-C Henderson Wilson-Engaging with parks Enhancing Health.pdf
PDF icon 340_2-D Alvira-Human wellbeing and conservation.pdf
PDF icon 340_3-J Kingsley-Traditional owner groups in health research.pdf
PDF icon 340_4-C Golden-Social media and mental health.pdf
File 340_Open and closing slides.pptx
PDF icon 340_5_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon, an illustration on conservation contradictions in the Congo Basin.pdf
PDF icon 340_6_Mathe-Cartographie participative, outil de mobilisation communautaire pour le dialogue.pdf
521 The recognition, relevance, role and reworking of Traditional and Cultural Systems to a Fast Changing and Developing Asia Stream Session Dialogue File 521_wpcreport_PG.docx
882 Small grants: effective financial mechanisms for protected areas Stream Session Networking Event
302 World Heritage, large landscapes, and climate change Stream Session Workshop File 302_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 302_1-Policy and legal options-Ben Boer.pdf
PDF icon 302_2-Performance of World Heritage Sites against human and climatic stressors.pdf
File 302_3-Wilderness conservation under the World Heritage Convention.pptx
PDF icon 302_4-The role of Indigenous People in the management of Large Landscapes.pdf
PDF icon 302_5World Heritage Wildernes-Kormos.pdf
PDF icon 302_6-WildernessApproach can help protect natural world heritage.pdf
PDF icon 302_4_Huntington-Indigenous Use of the Arctic Ocean.Space, Time, Flexibility.pdf
481 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 481_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 481_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
698 A Resource Fair- Capacity development tools and partners for Formal and Non-formal training (Part 2) Stream Session Workshop
840 Traditional Voyaging Workshop Stream Session Launch Event
236 Freshwater Session 2 â?? Freshwater Biodiversity Outcomes from Protected Areas. Stream Session Lecture File 236_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 236_1_Berney-Achieving Conservation Outcomes in Temporary Wetlands in Eastern Australia.pdf
PDF icon 236_2_Singh-Setting up of Tri-state Coordination Mechanism for Conservation Riverine Protected Area in India.pdf
PDF icon 236_3_The past, present and future of freshwater conservation planning.pdf
PDF icon 236_4_Nel-National indicators for measuring levels of threat and protection of ecosystems.pdf
419 Zonation conservation prioritization framework and software Stream Session Workshop File 419_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 419_1_African Night.pdf
PDF icon 419_2_Johnson-The Global Emergence of Private Land Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 419_3_Land Use Planning and Spatial Conservation Prioritization Using Spatial Data and Zonation Software.pdf


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