All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
545 Traditional marine management systems and international policies and targets Stream Session Workshop File 545_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 545_1_Kunen-Traditional Fire Management and Climate Mitigation.pdf
PDF icon 545_2_Filardi-Becoming the Forest.pdf
PDF icon 545_4_Kalamia-Southern Fijian Perspectives on Community-based Marine Resource Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 545_5_Tauetia-Traditional Marine Management Systems - International Policies and Targets.pdf
524 Traditional management systems in achieving national and international policy goals Stream Session Workshop File 524_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 524_0_Policy Dialogue.pdf
PDF icon 524_1_Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 524_2_Stoianoff-Developing a Sustainable Future for Biocultural Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 524_3_Vasco-Challenges of Co-management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 524_4_Song-Lessons Learned from the Seed Park in Stone Village, Yunnan, China.pdf
PDF icon 524_5_Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
520 Traditional knowledge: a voice for freshwater futures, and a voice for adaptation Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 520_1_Harrison-Biodiversity PEEK.pdf
PDF icon 520_2_Whitten-Biodiversity Restoration in Lake Dianchi Yunnan - China.pdf
PDF icon 520_3_Raghavan-Can Gods save freshwater fishes.pdf
PDF icon 520_4_Pictures.pdf
PDF icon 520_6_Mauroner-Climate Change and Indigenous Groups.pdf
PDF icon 520_7_Mauroner2-Climate Change and Indigenous Groups.pdf
529 Traditional fire management and climate change mitigation Stream Session Workshop File 529_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 529_1_Lucas-Traditional Fire Management and Climate Mitigation.pdf
PDF icon 529_2_Filardi-Becoming the Forest.pdf
PDF icon 529_4_Kalamia-Southern Fijian Perspectives on Community-based Marine Resource Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 529_5_Tauetia-Linking Traditional Marine Management Systems, International Policies and Targets.pdf
96 Traditional conservation management in Tuvalu Other Dialogue
1 110 Towards Ecological Civilization Build a National Park System for Nature Conservation in China Congress Event Networking Event
688 Towards a Strategic Framework for Comprehensive Conservation Capacity Stream Session Workshop
910 Towards a Protected Areas Global Connectivity Initiative Congress Event Dialogue
1 049 Toward worldwide ecosystem risk assessment Congress Event Workshop
989 Tourism in Transfrontier Conservation Areas, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other
796 Tourism Conservation Partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
93 Tourism as a Nature-Based Solution Other Panel Discussion
790 Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist group: Strategy development and networking meeting Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 790_1_Lanier-Positive Impacts of Ecotourism in Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 790_2_Mearns-Use of sustainability indicators in community-based ecotourism in Southern Africa.pdf
PDF icon 790_3_Rylance-Living Outside the Fence.pdf
PDF icon 790_4_Ritchie-Europarc, People, Passion, Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 790_5_Prokosch-Linking Tourism & Conservation.pdf
1 114 Tourism and Protected Areas Congress Event Other
266 Tools marketplace for responding to climate change Congress Event Dialogue
361 Tools for understanding and communicating the value of protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 361_1_Tustas-Capturing ecosystem service opportunities.pdf
PDF icon 361_2_Eawpanich-Application of an economic valuations at the ECO-BEST.pdf
PDF icon 361_3_The economic value of Cat Tien National Park.pdf
PDF icon 361_4_Pigueron-Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Mexican Federal Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 361_5_ValuES Tools for Understanding and Communicating the Value of Protected Areas.pdf
789 Tools for the mapping & visualization of protected areas Congress Event Capacity Development
857 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
858 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
861 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
863 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
867 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
869 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
1 043 Third sector protecting Brazilian nature Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement PDF icon 1043_1_Leide-Third Sector Protecting Brazilian Nature.pdf
PDF icon 1043_2_WikiParques Brazil.pdf
433 They're not making it any more: Integrating protected areas into spatial planning Stream Session Panel Discussion File 433_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 433_1_Agardy-Oceans Save Them to Use Them or Lose Them.pdf
PDF icon 433_2_Christopolou-Towards an inspiring future for the Mediterranean.pdf
PDF icon 433_3_Leiner-Natura 2000, the EU response to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 11.pdf
PDF icon 433_4_Millington-The East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership.pdf
PDF icon 433_5_Suksawang-A System Plan for Thailand's PA.pdf
PDF icon 433_6_Marine Spatial Planning in Practice.pdf
1 232 The Yawuru and their Indigenous Protected Area Congress Event Lecture
126 The World Harbour Project Other Launch Event
262 The voice of Africa in reaching conservation goals in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 262_1_African PAs reaching conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 262_2_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 262_3_Odendaal-The NamibRand Nature Reserve.pdf
PDF icon 262_5_Mulama-Wildlife-Livestock Integration, an innovative approach to conservation.pdf
PDF icon 262_6_Goede-Best Guide Principals for Transboundary Conservation.pdf
558 The value of visitor monitoring systems at parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 558_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 558_1_Eagles-Administrative procedures for operation of a national visitor use monitoring program in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 558_2_Erkkonen-Operations of the Visitor Monitoring System in Finland.pdf
PDF icon 558_3_Sieler-Visitor Monitoring Data.pdf
PDF icon 558_4_U.S. State Parks Visitation Data from the NASPD Annual Information Exchange Project.pdf
221 The value of IUCN\â??s Red Lists in protected area planning and monitoring. Stream Session Dialogue File 221_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 221_1_Lacher-review of its role in aiding protected area network planning, management and monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 221_2_Oliviera-Red list, A New Tool to Inform Protected Area Management and Monitor Effectiveness..pdf
PDF icon 221_3_Hilton-Taylor-The integration of the IUCN Red List and its relevance to protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 221_4_Secoy-The importance of National Red Lists in catalysing biodiversity assessments.pdf
431 The urban jungle: protected areas and urban development Stream Session Panel Discussion File 431_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 431_1_Myrdal-Integrating Table Mountain National Park.pdf
PDF icon 431_2_Establishing the Table Mountain National Park Consolidation of Conservation Worthy Land.pdf
PDF icon 431_3_Conservation & development working together.pdf
PDF icon 431_4_Bajikar-Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.pdf
581 The urban gateway: sparking an interest in nature among the world\â??s city-dwellers Stream Session Workshop File 581_wpcreport_AJ.docx
349 The transformational power of nature-based experiences Stream Session Panel Discussion File 349_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 349_I Wolf et al-Transformational power.pdf
582 The tourism gateway - partnering to connect people with parks and protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 582_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 582_1_Ronda Green-Inspiring appreciation of parks.pdf
PDF icon 582_2_TAPAS New Generation.pdf
PDF icon 582_3_Robinson-Geotourism, Inspiring a New Generation.pdf
131 The status and problems of Japanese oceans (from icebergs to coral reefs) Other Dialogue
1 140 The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program for the Great Barrier Reef Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 266 The Satoyama Concept: Theory and Practice Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1126_1_Mitomori-JICAs Nature Conservation Cooperation.pdf
PDF icon 1126_2_Ichikawa-Introduction of the Satoyama Initiative and IPSI.pdf
PDF icon 1126_3_Jurado-Participatory Protected Area Management.pdf
PDF icon 1126_4_CROCKER RANGE PARK Community Use Zone (CUZ).pdf
PDF icon 1126_5_Win-WinCrested ibis.pdf
PDF icon 1126_6_A farm of the future.pdf
298 The role of parks and protected areas in an era of change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 298_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 298_2_B Herrerra-Conservation -based evidence.pdf
PDF icon 298_3_R Murti-PAs for risk management.pdf
PDF icon 298_4_N Gilbert-Establishing PAs in Antarctica.pdf
PDF icon 298_5_N Burgess-PAs and REDD-plus.pdf
PDF icon 294_ and 298_Nov 14 1330 and 1530 Session Details Stream2_MembersBar.pdf
257 The role of law enforcement monitoring in improving management effectiveness of protected areas: lessons learned from global case studies Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 228_1_Hockings_Protected Area Management Effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 228_2_Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation IUCN-PAPACO.pdf
PDF icon 228_3_Liverington-GlobalstudyWPC.pdf
PDF icon 228_4_Riecken-Quality counts,Criteria and standards for large protected areas in Germany.pdf
PDF icon 228_5_Indonesia-Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_6_Burgess-The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool.pdf
PDF icon 228_7_Carbutt-The KwaZulu-Natal experience.pdf
PDF icon 228_8_Hamdan-Sarawak Towards Effective Management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_9_Mathur-Management Effectiveness Evaluation, Indian Experience.pdf
521 The recognition, relevance, role and reworking of Traditional and Cultural Systems to a Fast Changing and Developing Asia Stream Session Dialogue File 521_wpcreport_PG.docx
72 The reality of risk: making the links between ecosystem and human vulnerability for resilience Other Debate
889 The Reactive Reefs Exhibition â?? Telling the story of how the world\â??s reefs are changing and adapting using UAV Fluid Lensing and underwater giga-pixel imagery Stream Session Dialogue
1 229 The North Kimberley Fire Abatement Project Stream Session Launch Event
294 The New Climate Classroom: How to communicate effectively to different audiences about climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 294_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 294_2_T Read-Strategic Comms Action Planning Tool.pdf
PDF icon 294_3_M McBride-Communicating climate change projections.pdf
PDF icon 294_4_R Mather-Media as a partner.pdf
PDF icon 294_5_M Wood-The role of parks.pdf
PDF icon 294_6_Denning-How to communicate to skeptics.pdf
PDF icon 294_7_R Finchum-Climate change museum.pdf
PDF icon 294_Climate Classroom-all presentations.pdf
PDF icon 294_8_Communicating Climate Change Projections.pdf
PDF icon 294_ and 298_Nov 14 1330 and 1530 Session Details Stream2_MembersBar.pdf
592 The Nature of Crime - the extent and impact of illegal wildlife trade Other Dialogue File 592_wpcreport_CJ.docx
348 The nature experience: behaviour change, conservation and technology Stream Session Panel Discussion File 348_wpcreport_ES.docx
File 348_Final running sheet.docx
File 348_Speaker bios.docx
PDF icon 348_Intro 3-4.pdf
PDF icon 348_1-J K Africa-The nature experience.pdf
PDF icon 348_2-J McDermott-Mistakes in behavioural design.pdf
61 The launch of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)'s Continuing Call to Action Other Launch Event
967 The Launch of Measuring Ecosystem Services: Guidance on Developing Ecosystem Service Indicators Congress Event Launch Event
1 075 The Judiciary and Protected Areas Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1075_1_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_2_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_3_Protected Areas in the Courts - An Overview.pdf
247 The IUCN World Heritage Outlook â?? setting a decade challenge for the World Heritage Convention Stream Session Workshop File 247_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 247_1_World heritage Outlook_launch.pdf
PDF icon 247_2_Osipova-The benefits of Natural World heritage.pdf
PDF icon 247_3_Cyril kormos-Key messages World Heritage.pdf


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