All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
46 Welcome Cocktail Reception Stream Session Ceremony PDF icon 143_0910-1010 Minister Donskoy.pdf
219 Sliding back or moving forward? Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression. Stream Session Panel Discussion File 219_wpcreport_JT.docx
PDF icon 219_1_Mascia-Sliding back or moving forward Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression..pdf
PDF icon 219_2_Lobo-Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing, and Degazettement (PADDD) in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 219_3_Taylor- PADDD in context windback.pdf
PDF icon 219_4_Craigie-PADDD a mechanism to improve the Comprehensiveness, Adequacy and Representativeness of protected areas.pdf
932 Pacific Islands Café Stream Session Lecture
440 Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 440_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 440_1_Mora-Private Sector Contribution to Protected Areas, Studies in Colombia and Peru.pdf
PDF icon 440_2_BIOFIN-Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 440_3_ICooperation-Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 440_4_Zuñiga-Iniciativa Finanzas para la Biodiversidad - BIOFIN.pdf
PDF icon 440_5_Arenas-Diseño, Construcción e Implementación de Mecanismos de Financiamiento Sostenible en Áreas Naturales Protegidas con el Sector Privado.pdf
PDF icon 440_6_Protected Area Financing in India, Issues and Challengues.pdf
894 SOI Action Plan: Implementing the Sustainable Ocean Initiative of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Stream Session Dialogue
287 Building resilience and adaptation in marine ecosystems: case studies Stream Session Panel Discussion File 287_wpcreport_JD_RV_MM.docx
PDF icon 287_1-T Yeemin-Coral reefs in Andaman Sea.pdf
PDF icon 287_2-E Darling-Climate refuges.pdf
PDF icon 287_3-M Welly-Nusa Penida Indonesia.pdf
PDF icon 287_4-N Khera-Urban MPA Mumbai.pdf
PDF icon 287_5-Roberto Perez-Impacts of climate change Cuba.pdf
PDF icon 287_6-H Rakotondrazafy-MPA Mgt in Madagascar.pdf
340 Valuing diverse knowledge paradigms â?? science, traditional knowledge and people-parks connections Stream Session Panel Discussion File 340_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 340_1-C Henderson Wilson-Engaging with parks Enhancing Health.pdf
PDF icon 340_2-D Alvira-Human wellbeing and conservation.pdf
PDF icon 340_3-J Kingsley-Traditional owner groups in health research.pdf
PDF icon 340_4-C Golden-Social media and mental health.pdf
File 340_Open and closing slides.pptx
PDF icon 340_5_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon, an illustration on conservation contradictions in the Congo Basin.pdf
PDF icon 340_6_Mathe-Cartographie participative, outil de mobilisation communautaire pour le dialogue.pdf
403 Financing protected areas through payments for environmental services (PES): A possibility? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 403_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 403_1_Rama-Financing protected areas through payments for environmental services.pdf
545 Traditional marine management systems and international policies and targets Stream Session Workshop File 545_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 545_1_Kunen-Traditional Fire Management and Climate Mitigation.pdf
PDF icon 545_2_Filardi-Becoming the Forest.pdf
PDF icon 545_4_Kalamia-Southern Fijian Perspectives on Community-based Marine Resource Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 545_5_Tauetia-Traditional Marine Management Systems - International Policies and Targets.pdf
708 Building Legal Capacity for Protected Areas Law and Governance Stream Session Workshop
859 Protected Area Resilience - value, risk, and investment Stream Session Dialogue
302 World Heritage, large landscapes, and climate change Stream Session Workshop File 302_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 302_1-Policy and legal options-Ben Boer.pdf
PDF icon 302_2-Performance of World Heritage Sites against human and climatic stressors.pdf
File 302_3-Wilderness conservation under the World Heritage Convention.pptx
PDF icon 302_4-The role of Indigenous People in the management of Large Landscapes.pdf
PDF icon 302_5World Heritage Wildernes-Kormos.pdf
PDF icon 302_6-WildernessApproach can help protect natural world heritage.pdf
PDF icon 302_4_Huntington-Indigenous Use of the Arctic Ocean.Space, Time, Flexibility.pdf
505 Resilient livelihoods 2 Stream Session Dialogue File 505_wpcreport_GP.docx
47 Opening Ceremony Stream Session Ceremony
220 Innovative protected area management Stream Session Lecture
472 Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 472_1_Farvar-Effective and equitable governance of landscape, of country, territory, Mother Earth.pdf
PDF icon 472_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
933 Climate Change Stream Session Welcome Ceremony
1 271 Stream 7 New Social Compact Dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion
373 Water System Garage: how can we better maintain our wetland engines? Stream Session Workshop File 373_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 373_1_Water System Garage How can we better maintain our wetland engines.pdf
PDF icon 373_2_Linking Wetlands and Water Management The case of Lake Chilika, India.pdf
PDF icon 373_3_Mali's Inner Niger Delta.pdf
PDF icon 373_4_Water Restoration to the Basin Ndiael - Senegal.pdf
441 Protected areas, natural capital accounting, and economic valuation (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 441_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 441_1_Eigenraam-The UN System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA)Accounting' for parks ecosystem services.pdf
PDF icon 441_2_SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounts for the Great Barrier Reef.pdf
PDF icon 441_3_Obst-SEEA The International Standard for Environmental-Economic Accounting.pdf
895 Working together â?? making friends in multiple use marine protected areas Stream Session Dialogue
288 A Polar Journey Part 2: The effectiveness of protected areas in the high north and the deep south Stream Session Workshop File 288_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 288_1-Wenzel-Pan-Arctic MPA Network PAME.pdf
PDF icon 288_2-Clive T-Last Ice Area.pdf
PDF icon 288_3-Joergen H-Hollesen et al Museum Denmark.pdf
PDF icon 288_4-Goldworthy-Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition.pdf
PDF icon 288_5-Shaw and Chown-Antarctic Specially PAs.pdf
1 231 WIN Dialogue: Sharing practice: Indigenous Peoples and World Heritage Sites Stream Session Panel Discussion
341 Indigenous and local community perspectives on nature and well-being Stream Session Workshop File 341_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 341_Scherl et al-Natural resource management.pdf
PDF icon 341_1_Aili-Impacts and Effectiveness of Protected Areas in the Congo Basin, Preliminary findings.pdf
404 Rising to the challenge: sustainable financing of protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 404_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 404_1_Muldoon-A role for financed Marine Managed Areas and Tenure Systems.pdf
PDF icon 404_2_Levetan-Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 404_3_Using innovative financing to safeguard the cornucopia.pdf
PDF icon 404_4_Garcia-Economic impacts of marine protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 404_5_Bellot-Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Mexican.pdf
709 Communications for Capacity Development Programmes Stream Session Workshop
860 Artisanal and small-scale mining in protected areas and critical ecosystems Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 860_1_Kyngdon-McKay-The Extractives Industry and Natural World Heritage Sites.pdf
303 Climate change policy: how natural solutions can influence local to global climate change dialogues Stream Session Panel Discussion File 303_wpcreport_JD.docx
506 Resilient livelihoods 1 Stream Session Dialogue File 506_wpcreport_GP.docx
48 Way forward for conservation finance Stream Session Networking Event
651 Getting Started - and why it matters Stream Session Workshop File 651_wpcreport_EL.docx
221 The value of IUCN\â??s Red Lists in protected area planning and monitoring. Stream Session Dialogue File 221_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 221_1_Lacher-review of its role in aiding protected area network planning, management and monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 221_2_Oliviera-Red list, A New Tool to Inform Protected Area Management and Monitor Effectiveness..pdf
PDF icon 221_3_Hilton-Taylor-The integration of the IUCN Red List and its relevance to protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 221_4_Secoy-The importance of National Red Lists in catalysing biodiversity assessments.pdf
473 Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 473_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 473_1_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape.pdf
PDF icon 473_3_Indigenous Protected Area Discussion.pdf
PDF icon 473_4_Mitchell-Privately Protected Areas Sterwardship.pdf
PDF icon 473_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
934 Pacific Call and the Promise of Sydney Stream Session Lecture
374 Managing protected areas to benefit water services Stream Session Networking Event File 374_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 374_2_Managing protected areas to benefit water services.pdf
442 Protected areas, natural capital accounting, and economic valuation (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 442_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 442_1_McLellan-The significance of protecting Natural Capital in greening the world's economies.pdf
PDF icon 442_2_Devanadera-Lessons from the Implementation of the Wealth Accounting.pdf
896 The Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve Stream Session Lecture
289 A Polar Journey Part 1: The effectiveness of protected areas in the high north and the deep south Stream Session Panel Discussion File 289_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 289_1-Carl Gustaf IUCN WPC Polar 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 289_2-Neil Gilbert Growing Relevance of PAs in Antarctica.pdf
PDF icon 289_3-Steven Chown Antarctic Conservation Strategy.pdf
PDF icon 289_4-Chris D ONC_internationalv3.pdf
PDF icon 289_5-A Shestakov Arctic PAnet.pdf
342 Contribution of protected areas to the achievement of health related Sustainable development goals Stream Session Panel Discussion File 342_1-Intro and outro slides.pptx
PDF icon 342_2-C Martinez-SDGs-PAs-Health 13Nov2014.pdf
PDF icon 342_3-C Romanelli-Biodiversity and health in SDGs.pdf
PDF icon 342_4-MOH-INSPIRE Indoor smoke reduction.pdf
PDF icon 323_5_ Session 11- Policy and Partnerships - Keith.pdf
PDF icon 342_6_ Suneetha MS-Session 11-Global enviromental and health policy.pdf
File 342_wpcreport_MC.docx
405 USAID's Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 405_1_Braconnage-Grands défis de la lutte contre la criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale.pdf
PDF icon 405_2_Siam-Les Aires Protégées au Tchad.pdf
PDF icon 405_1_Braconnage-Grands défis de la lutte contre la criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale.pdf
PDF icon 405_2_Siam-Les Aires Protégées au Tchad.pdf
PDF icon 405_3_Russel-The Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment, Past, Present and Future.pdf
PDF icon 405_4_Braconnage-Grands défis de la lutte contre la criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale.pdf
PDF icon 405_5_Plumptre-Conservation Planning.pdf
PDF icon 405_6_Davis-Improving forest mapping and monitoring in the Congo Basin.pdf
PDF icon 405_7_Sumba-African Wildlife Foundation - Community Involvement in Protected Areas Managment.pdf
PDF icon 405_8_Wilkie-Are we making a difference - Five measures to assess our conservation impact.pdf
548 Where to from here? Our commitments to action Stream Session Launch Event File 548_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 548_1_Inspiring a New Generation Summit N American.pdf
710 IUCN WCPA Capacity Development Programme: Planning for the next decade Stream Session Workshop
861 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
304 Restoring natural systems to provide resilience to climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 304_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 304_1-Restoring natural systems-Fernando Camacho.pdf
PDF icon 304_0-Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 304_2-Wetland restoration_KGBR.pdf
49 Madagascar Biodiversity Fund: financially sustaining protected areas in Madagascar Stream Session Panel Discussion
222 Funding success in protected areas â?? how to assess financial needs, identify gaps, and develop the right strategies Stream Session Workshop File 222_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 222_1_Andrew Bovanick-Guide to increase the public budget for protected area systems.pdf
PDF icon 222_2_The financial costs of establishing and effectively managing a global protected area network.pdf
PDF icon 222_3_Taylor Fitzsimons-Reaching Aichi Target 11 in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 222_4_Lowell_CaseStudySMMA Sust Finance.pdf
PDF icon 222_5_Amazon Protected Areas Program.pdf
PDF icon 222_6_A Strategy to Finance Protected Area Systems Brazil.pdf
474 Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 474_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 474_Workshop3.3 INTRO.pdf
PDF icon 474_2-Irving-MPAs in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 474_3-Hastings-Effective Governance Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 474_4-Ari Gorring-Governance of seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 474_5-Jones-Haida Gwaii marine planning.pdf
PDF icon 474_6-Dhimurru Australia.pdf
PDF icon 474_7-Francisco Viddi-Chilean Patagonian fjords.pdf
PDF icon 474_9-Savu Sea marine national park.pdf
PDF icon 474_10-Combest-Friedman-Central America and Ecuador.pdf
PDF icon 474_11-Govan-Fiji and Solomon Islands.pdf
PDF icon 474_2nd session-Peart-Hauraki Gulf New Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 474_0_Building capacity for participatory, ecosystem-based marine.pdf
PDF icon 474_01_Haida Gwaii Marine Planning and Implementation.pdf
PDF icon 474_Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
937 The Call Stream Session Lecture
375 Water for Life Stream Session Panel Discussion File 375_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 375_1_Berney-Protecting Flows to Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 375_2_Nel-Identifying and protecting Strategic Water Source Areas for water security.pdf
PDF icon 375_3_Smith-Water Policy Dialogue Can We Strengthen the Role of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 375_4_Farrell-Protecting Biodiversity and Fisheries from Development Threat.pdf
PDF icon 375_5_Mendoza-A flagship species for freshwater conservation in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 375_7_Leonard-Protected Areas and Hydroelectricity Development.pdf
PDF icon 375_6_Aisha-Jebel El Dair as biosphere reserve.pdf
PDF icon 375_8_Harrison-Breakout Discussion Groups.pdf
443 Integrating protected areas into national plans and policies (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 443_wpcreport_MS.docx


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