All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
315 Sustaining parks and improving human health together 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 315_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 315_Stream 3-session 10-Sustaining parks and improving human health.pdf
536 Assuring the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the World Heritage Convention Stream Session Workshop File 536_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 536_1_Assuring the Rights of IPs in the WHC.pdf
PDF icon 536_2_Porokwa-Assuring Rights of Indigenous.pdf
PDF icon 536_3_Kakadu National Park.pdf
474 Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 474_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 474_Workshop3.3 INTRO.pdf
PDF icon 474_2-Irving-MPAs in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 474_3-Hastings-Effective Governance Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 474_4-Ari Gorring-Governance of seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 474_5-Jones-Haida Gwaii marine planning.pdf
PDF icon 474_6-Dhimurru Australia.pdf
PDF icon 474_7-Francisco Viddi-Chilean Patagonian fjords.pdf
PDF icon 474_9-Savu Sea marine national park.pdf
PDF icon 474_10-Combest-Friedman-Central America and Ecuador.pdf
PDF icon 474_11-Govan-Fiji and Solomon Islands.pdf
PDF icon 474_2nd session-Peart-Hauraki Gulf New Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 474_0_Building capacity for participatory, ecosystem-based marine.pdf
PDF icon 474_01_Haida Gwaii Marine Planning and Implementation.pdf
PDF icon 474_Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
248 Inspiring Hope: Protected areas restoration Stream Session Lecture File 248_wpcreport_NL.docx
714 Developing a road map for capacity development for effective management and governance of conservation areas Stream Session Workshop
443 Integrating protected areas into national plans and policies (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 443_wpcreport_MS.docx
955 Talanoa and Kava Session Stream Session Excursion
217 Protected Planet: status and trends of protected area coverage across countries Stream Session Lecture File 217_wpcreport_JT.docx
PDF icon 217_1_Diego-Assessing progress towards Aichi Target 11 where are we now.pdf
PDF icon 217_2_Johnston-Mainstreaming protected areas into business decision making.pdf
PDF icon 217_3_Yerena&Naveda-The real extension of Venezuelan Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 217_4_Dobois-Web based services for.pdf
PDF icon 217_5-Harris-Dynamics of the Conservation Estate.pdf
386 Ecosystem restoration and protected areas: delivering socio-economic and environmental benefits Stream Session Panel Discussion File 386_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 386_1_Utomo-Ecosystem Restoration, An experience from Flores, Indonesia.pdf
PDF icon 386_2_Kings parks and botanic garden.pdf
PDF icon 386_3_Hill-Building resilience through recovery, mangroves and MPAs in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 386_4-Walters-Forest Landscape Restoration, method and opportunities.pdf
680 Nature-based solution for disasters: how can science better inform policy-making? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 680_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 680_1_Nature-based solutions for disasters.pdf
PDF icon 680_2_Study on Great East Japan Earthquake.pdf
PDF icon 680_3_Mitigation role of nation parks in assisting coral reef.pdf
PDF icon 680_4_How can science better inform policy-making.pdf
406 Welcome luncheon for the Stream on Reconciling Development Challenges Stream Session Networking Event
914 New social compact: Dialogue on a global compact for sustainable economics and environmental integrity Stream Session Dialogue
353 Managing biological pest invasions to keep people and protected areas healthy Stream Session Panel Discussion File 353_wpcreport_ES.docx
File 353_An Introduction to Session 26_Managing biological pest invasions.pptx
PDF icon 353_Speaker 1_Geoffrey Howard_Invasive Species and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 353_Speaker 3_Lolita Gibbons_Palau.pdf
PDF icon 353_Speaker 4_Raymond Nias_Norfolk.pdf
PDF icon 353_Speaker 5_Maria_Lionfish.pdf
1 229 The North Kimberley Fire Abatement Project Stream Session Launch Event
577 Empowering young people to be agents of change Stream Session Workshop File 577_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 577_1_Lennox-OZGreen Learning and leadership.pdf
877 Launch of the 7th edition of the Conservation Trust Funds Investment Survey (CTIS) Stream Session Panel Discussion
284 Part 2: Adaptation measures from around the world Stream Session Panel Discussion
537 Assessing and certifying Indigenous knowledge of tracking in African conservation and protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 537_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 537_1_OchiwasahowFisher Bay.pdf
PDF icon 537_2_Cosentino-Social Mitigation, Offsets & Tangible Benefits to Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 537_3_Snyman-The integration of culture and indigenous knowledge into tourism in protected areas.pdf
475 Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 475_1_Workshop3.3 INTRO.pdf
PDF icon 475_2-Irving-MPAs in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 475_2nd session-Peart-Hauraki Gulf New Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 475_3-Hastings-Effective Governance Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 475_4-Ari Gorring-Governance of seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 475_5-Jones-Haida Gwaii marine planning.pdf
PDF icon 475_6-Dhimurru Australia.pdf
PDF icon 475_7-Francisco Viddi-Chilean Patagonian fjords.pdf
PDF icon 475_9-Savu Sea marine national park.pdf
PDF icon 475_10-Combest-Friedman-Central America and Ecuador.pdf
PDF icon 475_11-Govan-Fiji and Solomon Islands.pdf
PDF icon 475_Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
831 Community Management of Protected Areas Conservation (COMPACT): UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme and UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Book Launch and Reception Stream Session Networking Event
249 Beyond Aichi 2: 'Space for Nature' Stream Session Dialogue File 249_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 249_1_Baillie-Beyond Aichi - space for nature, Summary from block 1.pdf
PDF icon 249_2_Possingham-How you would design an optimal PA network taking all the values into account.pdf
PDF icon 249_3_Jepson-Project for protected area resilience.pdf
PDF icon 249_4_Juffe-Tracking progress and costing knowledge products.pdf
PDF icon 249_5_Machlis-Science, Resource Stewardship, and the Parks.pdf
499 Indigenous Peoples and protected areas: advances and challenges from around the world Stream Session Panel Discussion File 499_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 449_7_Casey-Co-existence of Yawuru cultural land management with commercial operations on Roebuck Plains Station.pdf
PDF icon 449_8_New Zeland Recreation Association.pdf
716 Connectivity Conservation Areas and Biodiversity Conservation Stream Session Lecture File 716_wpcreport_ST.docx
444 Integrating protected areas into national plans and policies (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 444_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 444_1_Integrated Conservation of Kopet Dag Eco-region in Iran.pdf
PDF icon 444_2_Myanmar_NBSAP planning and implementation_WPC.pdf
PDF icon 444_3_Villamizar-Natural conservation, an economic challenge.pdf
PDF icon 444_4_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 444_5-Farrell-Sustaining the natural capital stocks and flows within Cambodia's protected areas to fuel economic development.pdf
956 Pacific Delegation debrief Stream Session Debate
218 The futures of privately protected areas: realising the opportunity. Stream Session Lecture File 218_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 218_1_The futures of privately protected areas realising the opportunity.pdf
387 Connecting Practice: linking cultural and natural heritage with World Heritage Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 387_1_Connecting Practice.pdf
PDF icon 387_2_Authenticity in World Heritage.pdf
PDF icon 387_3_Takeuchi-The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS).pdf
407 Reconciling development challenges: opening plenary Stream Session Workshop File 407_Summary_GD.docx
PDF icon 407_1_RECONCILING DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Objectives, Structure, Guide.pdf
354 Closing the loop - moving management effectiveness evaluations from reporting to adaptive management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 354_wpcreport_BW.docx
578 Pushing boundaries: young peoples' protected areas challenge Stream Session Workshop File 578_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 578_1_Monteferri-Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA).pdf
878 An introduction to conservation finance studies: Emphasizing Environmental Funds\â?? roles Stream Session Networking Event
285 REDD+: Global lessons learned Stream Session Panel Discussion File 285_wpcreport_JD.docx
538 Successful Indigenous strategies to protect sacred natural sites and territories 1 Stream Session Workshop File 538_wpcreport_ND.docx
476 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 476_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 476_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
833 The Hadza: Last of the First', Film Screening, Discussion and Reception Stream Session Launch Event
250 Monitoring conservation outcomes inside and outside protected areas - Session 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 250_1_Jones-Tasmania Monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 250_2_Peterson-Global Forest Watch, turning big data into big decisions on forest.pdf
PDF icon 250_3_Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool.pdf
PDF icon 250_4_Gillies-Citizen science and biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 250_5-Turak-Biodiversity observations inside and outside protected areas across the Jervis Bay region in South East Australia.pdf
PDF icon 250_6_Freyhof-The Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas - A Model for EBV dataset discovery.pdf
PDF icon 250_7_Hamilton-The Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard.pdf
PDF icon 250_8_Stathis-WildCount.pdf
PDF icon 250_9_Escalante-Manu National Park Integrated Monitoring System, A Low-Cost Tool to Measure the Conservation Objectives Success.pdf
PDF icon 250_10_Jefferies-Rapid Biodiversity Assessments (BIORAPs) Processes and potential biodiversity conservation benefits.pdf
PDF icon 250_11_Dubois-Web services for Assesing, Monitoring and Forecasting Biodiversity for Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 250_12_Curnick-Camara wildlife monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 250_13_The Aichi biodiversity targets Passport.pdf
PDF icon 250_14_WangHao-Monitoring, outcome assessment and adaptive management of protected areas, cases from China.pdf
PDF icon 250_15_Monitoring Session Wrap Up.pdf
500 Local to Global Leaders' Dialogue: What needs to happen in the next 10 years to support local efforts? Stream Session Dialogue File 500_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 500_1_Questions dialogue.pdf
717 Reaching Conservation Goals: Opening Plenary Stream Session Panel Discussion File 717_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 717_2_Hutton-Protected Plante, tA Snapshot of where we are!.pdf
PDF icon 717_3_Hockings-A Vision of Hope.pdf
445 Protected areas and Sustainable Development Goals (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 445_wpcreport_GD.docx
957 WIN Dialogue: Report back and caucus on streams/plenary Stream Session Dialogue
219 Sliding back or moving forward? Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression. Stream Session Panel Discussion File 219_wpcreport_JT.docx
PDF icon 219_1_Mascia-Sliding back or moving forward Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression..pdf
PDF icon 219_2_Lobo-Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing, and Degazettement (PADDD) in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 219_3_Taylor- PADDD in context windback.pdf
PDF icon 219_4_Craigie-PADDD a mechanism to improve the Comprehensiveness, Adequacy and Representativeness of protected areas.pdf
389 Protect what you eat; conserving our food\â??s genetic resources Stream Session Workshop File 389_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 389_1_Corrado-The role of PAs for the maintenance of our best food producers.pdf
PDF icon 389_2_Protect what you eat - conserving our food's genetic resources.pdf
PDF icon 389_3_Arriola-Programa de Conservación del Maíz Criollo (PROMAC).pdf
PDF icon 389_4_Dullo-Contribution of protected areas to food security through in situ conservation.pdf
PDF icon 389_5_Loo-Protecting genetic resources for nutrition from the forest.pdf
1 271 Stream 7 New Social Compact Dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion
682 Arctic Dialogue Stream Session Workshop File 682_wpcreport_ND.docx
409 Mainstreaming protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 409_1_Pullin-Human well-being effects of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 409_2_Redford-Why the practice of mainstreaming matters to the future of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 409_3_Huntley-Determinants of successful Biodiversity Mainstreaming.pdf
PDF icon 409_4_Diaz-Mainstreaming Protected Areas.pdf
355 Responding to the effects of climate change on communities, parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 355_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 355_2_Jeffrey A-Responding to the effects of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 355_ 1_Jonathan Papz-Climate & Health.pdf
PDF icon 355_David Welch-Sky Parks.pdf
1 231 WIN Dialogue: Sharing practice: Indigenous Peoples and World Heritage Sites Stream Session Panel Discussion
579 Intergenerational dialogues: inspiring a new generation for parks, people, and planet Stream Session Workshop File 579_wpcreport_NB.docx
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
286 Blue and green carbon: a new opportunity for protected areas? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 286_wpcreport_JD.docx


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