All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 154 Exploring and protecting the last wild places in the ocean with National Geographic's Pristine Seas Congress Event TBA
713 Evaluating conservation capacity development: Synthesizing ideas and best practices Stream Session Workshop
299 Envisioning the future under climate change: what gives you hope? Stream Session Workshop File 299_wpcreport_MM.docx
457 Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 457_Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation Workshop Summary Report.pdf
1 058 Environmental education program for marine protected area Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 012 Enhancing the Role of Universities in Protected Areas Management Congress Event Other
701 Enhancing large-scale marine management through Indigenous participation, knowledge and practice Stream Session Workshop
562 Enhance your social media skills and strategies Congress Event Workshop
113 Engaging the public through voyages of discovery of our maritime heritage Congress Event Dialogue
580 Empowering young professionals Stream Session Workshop File 580_wpcreport_RapporteursAJ.docx
577 Empowering young people to be agents of change Stream Session Workshop File 577_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 577_1_Lennox-OZGreen Learning and leadership.pdf
706 Empowering Inspired Young People Stream Session Workshop
125 Elevating cultural resources in our protected areas - International Year of Maritime Heritage and Toolkit on Marine Cultural Resources Management Congress Event Launch Event
1 225 Elephant Protection Initiative technical workshop Stream Session Workshop
477 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 477_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System1.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 477_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
476 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 476_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 476_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
475 Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 475_1_Workshop3.3 INTRO.pdf
PDF icon 475_2-Irving-MPAs in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 475_2nd session-Peart-Hauraki Gulf New Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 475_3-Hastings-Effective Governance Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 475_4-Ari Gorring-Governance of seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 475_5-Jones-Haida Gwaii marine planning.pdf
PDF icon 475_6-Dhimurru Australia.pdf
PDF icon 475_7-Francisco Viddi-Chilean Patagonian fjords.pdf
PDF icon 475_9-Savu Sea marine national park.pdf
PDF icon 475_10-Combest-Friedman-Central America and Ecuador.pdf
PDF icon 475_11-Govan-Fiji and Solomon Islands.pdf
PDF icon 475_Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
474 Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 474_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 474_Workshop3.3 INTRO.pdf
PDF icon 474_2-Irving-MPAs in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 474_3-Hastings-Effective Governance Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 474_4-Ari Gorring-Governance of seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 474_5-Jones-Haida Gwaii marine planning.pdf
PDF icon 474_6-Dhimurru Australia.pdf
PDF icon 474_7-Francisco Viddi-Chilean Patagonian fjords.pdf
PDF icon 474_9-Savu Sea marine national park.pdf
PDF icon 474_10-Combest-Friedman-Central America and Ecuador.pdf
PDF icon 474_11-Govan-Fiji and Solomon Islands.pdf
PDF icon 474_2nd session-Peart-Hauraki Gulf New Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 474_0_Building capacity for participatory, ecosystem-based marine.pdf
PDF icon 474_01_Haida Gwaii Marine Planning and Implementation.pdf
PDF icon 474_Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
473 Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 473_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 473_1_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape.pdf
PDF icon 473_3_Indigenous Protected Area Discussion.pdf
PDF icon 473_4_Mitchell-Privately Protected Areas Sterwardship.pdf
PDF icon 473_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
472 Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 472_1_Farvar-Effective and equitable governance of landscape, of country, territory, Mother Earth.pdf
PDF icon 472_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
331 Ecotourism and the health of parks, protected areas and communities Stream Session Panel Discussion File 331_wpcreport_ES.docx
1 044 Ecosystems across Borders: New approaches to transboundary management of Asia\â??s coastal and river systems Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
913 Ecosystem services and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 913_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 913_1_Valuing Nature,Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services.pdf
386 Ecosystem restoration and protected areas: delivering socio-economic and environmental benefits Stream Session Panel Discussion File 386_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 386_1_Utomo-Ecosystem Restoration, An experience from Flores, Indonesia.pdf
PDF icon 386_2_Kings parks and botanic garden.pdf
PDF icon 386_3_Hill-Building resilience through recovery, mangroves and MPAs in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 386_4-Walters-Forest Landscape Restoration, method and opportunities.pdf
954 Economic Values of Pacific Marine Ecosystems (MACBIO) Stream Session Networking Event
435 Ecological safeguards for equitable, sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 435_wpcreport_DA.docx
436 Ecological safeguards for equitable, sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 1) Congress Event Panel Discussion File 436_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 436_1_Gulko-Using a Coral Reef Mitigation Bank and Innovative Coral Restoration Nursery for Off-Site Impacts to Restore Marine Managed Areas.pdf
PDF icon 436_2_Jones-Offsetting development for conservation connectivity.Going the extra mile.pdf
PDF icon 436_3_Millington-The East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership,Conserving Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats for Biodiversity and people.pdf
PDF icon 436_4_Savy-New opportunities for conservation the role of the IFC Performance Standards.pdf
PDF icon 436_5_Strategic Assessment in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 436_6_Environmental Safeguarding for Responsible Development.pdf
1 038 Ecological networks in Mediterranean countries Congress Event Workshop
385 Ecological and social approaches to food production in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 385_wpcreport_RM.docx
772 Eco-hack World 2014 Congress Event Networking Event
787 Earth's Protected Areas: in Timelapse Congress Event Capacity Development
1 224 Dunphy's Kowmung Adventure: Connecting with conservation pioneers to rediscover our natural heritage Congress Event Dialogue
78 Dumb Charade Theme Nature - a children's event Other Lecture
293 Dry Season: Managing climate change in arid and semi-arid lands Stream Session Panel Discussion File 293_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 293_1-Gonzalez World Parks arid.pdf
PDF icon 293_3-Dickman When booms go bust.pdf
PDF icon 293_4-Salehi.pdf
PDF icon 293_5-M Salmon Climate presentation.pdf
397 Do landscape approaches work? Stream Session Debate File 397_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 397_1_Jane Madgwick-Do Landscape approaches work.pdf
PDF icon 397_2_Shaer-Case Study Supporting the Management of Important Marine Habitats, Species and fisheries in Lebanon.pdf
350 Diverse parks, diverse communities â?? parks and protected areas for everyone Stream Session Panel Discussion File 350_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 350_GO with Community - Sam Cuff.pdf
PDF icon 350_Going to Wild Places I could only Dream About.pdf
PDF icon 350_session 22 - WPC Stream 3 intro and outro slides.pdf
PDF icon 350_WOW!-Aimee Freimanis pptx.pdf
PDF icon 350_WPC presentation_finial_Yoon.pdf
PDF icon 350_Balderstone-Sport, sustainability and people - Olympic Commitee.pdf
814 Disruptors and innovators Congress Event Dialogue
367 Developing guidelines on protected areas management for disaster-risk reduction Stream Session Workshop File 367_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 367_1_Yamamoto-Developing Guidelines on PAs Management for DRR.pdf
PDF icon 367_2_Dudley-Disaster Risk Reduction and protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 367_3_DevelopingGuidelines.pdf
1 018 Developing Best Practice Guidelines and a Network on Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Protected Areas. Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
714 Developing a road map for capacity development for effective management and governance of conservation areas Stream Session Workshop
724 Designing beautiful visualisations from the data of beautiful places Congress Event Capacity Development
730 Demonstration of ZSL's Instant Wild initiative and Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
727 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
739 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
1 235 Demonstration of GPPAM curricula for protected area system and site managers Congress Event Workshop
514 Customary and Indigenous Law and Governance Other Workshop PDF icon 514_0_Customary Law agenda.pdf
PDF icon 514_1_Aguilar-Respecting Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Cultures.pdf
PDF icon 514_2_Parkinson-Plural governance of marine and terrestrial protected areas under customary tenure in the Pacific Island Countries.pdf
PDF icon 514_3_Martinez-Customary law of indigenous communities in Colombia.pdf
PDF icon 514_4_Sau-Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area.pdf
511 Cultural Flows film screenings and panel discussion Congress Event Workshop
305 Cultural expressions for maintaining identity and heritage in the face of climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 305_wpcreport_RV.docx
526 Cultural and spiritual significance of nature in protected area management and governance Stream Session Workshop File 526_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 526_1_Cultural and spiritual significance of nature.pdf
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development


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