All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
693 A Body of Knowledge for protected area management Stream Session Workshop
831 Community Management of Protected Areas Conservation (COMPACT): UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme and UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Book Launch and Reception Stream Session Networking Event
227 How different sectors use Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 227_wpcreport_HC.docx
1 271 Stream 7 New Social Compact Dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion
475 Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 475_1_Workshop3.3 INTRO.pdf
PDF icon 475_2-Irving-MPAs in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 475_2nd session-Peart-Hauraki Gulf New Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 475_3-Hastings-Effective Governance Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 475_4-Ari Gorring-Governance of seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 475_5-Jones-Haida Gwaii marine planning.pdf
PDF icon 475_6-Dhimurru Australia.pdf
PDF icon 475_7-Francisco Viddi-Chilean Patagonian fjords.pdf
PDF icon 475_9-Savu Sea marine national park.pdf
PDF icon 475_10-Combest-Friedman-Central America and Ecuador.pdf
PDF icon 475_11-Govan-Fiji and Solomon Islands.pdf
PDF icon 475_Effective and equitable governance of the seascape (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
310 Social resilience and social cohesion: communities coping with climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 310_M Heath-Building climate resilient parks and people.pdf
589 Connecting families and their children to nature worldwide Stream Session Workshop File 589_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 589_1_Kids in Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_2_Investing in Children.pdf
PDF icon 589_3_GLongley-Nature Play.pdf
PDF icon 589_4_McClelland-Nature Play NSW.pdf
PDF icon 589_5_Charles-Children&Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_6_Wenyang-Family eco-tourism.pdf
956 Pacific Delegation debrief Stream Session Debate
444 Integrating protected areas into national plans and policies (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 444_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 444_1_Integrated Conservation of Kopet Dag Eco-region in Iran.pdf
PDF icon 444_2_Myanmar_NBSAP planning and implementation_WPC.pdf
PDF icon 444_3_Villamizar-Natural conservation, an economic challenge.pdf
PDF icon 444_4_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 444_5-Farrell-Sustaining the natural capital stocks and flows within Cambodia's protected areas to fuel economic development.pdf
295 Marine protected areas: their potential and their limits in addressing climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 295_wpcreport_RV.docx
407 Reconciling development challenges: opening plenary Stream Session Workshop File 407_Summary_GD.docx
PDF icon 407_1_RECONCILING DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Objectives, Structure, Guide.pdf
552 Strange bedfellows: novel alliances for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 552_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 552_1_MBorich-Commercialising conservation.pdf
PDF icon 552_2_FLlewellyn-Fish meets fashion.pdf
PDF icon 552_3_Simon-Sport and Nature, Strange bedfellows or estranged partners.pdf
Office presentation icon 452_Aichi Target 11-Governance diversity.ppt
380 Valuation of protected area systems Stream Session Workshop File 380_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 380_1_Valuation of protected area systems.pdf
PDF icon 380_2_The role of TEEB in assessing the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_3_TESSAA Practical tool to assess the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_4_Protected Areas Benefit Assessment.pdf
878 An introduction to conservation finance studies: Emphasizing Environmental Funds\â?? roles Stream Session Networking Event
348 The nature experience: behaviour change, conservation and technology Stream Session Panel Discussion File 348_wpcreport_ES.docx
File 348_Final running sheet.docx
File 348_Speaker bios.docx
PDF icon 348_Intro 3-4.pdf
PDF icon 348_1-J K Africa-The nature experience.pdf
PDF icon 348_2-J McDermott-Mistakes in behavioural design.pdf
694 Capacity development for marine protected areas â?? A planning guide series Stream Session Workshop
833 The Hadza: Last of the First', Film Screening, Discussion and Reception Stream Session Launch Event
228 Protected area management effectiveness 1: global progress and lessons learned Stream Session Lecture PDF icon 228_1_Hockings_Protected Area Management Effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 228_2_Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation IUCN-PAPACO.pdf
PDF icon 228_3_Liverington-GlobalstudyWPC.pdf
PDF icon 228_4_Riecken-Quality counts,Criteria and standards for large protected areas in Germany.pdf
PDF icon 228_5_Indonesia-Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_6_Burgess-The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool.pdf
PDF icon 228_7_Carbutt-The KwaZulu-Natal experience.pdf
PDF icon 228_8_Hamdan-Sarawak Towards Effective Management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_9_Mathur-Management Effectiveness Evaluation, Indian Experience.pdf
476 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 476_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 476_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
477 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 477_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System1.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 477_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
311 Freshwater systems and climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 311_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 311_1_Kumar-Connecting wetland conservation and livelihoods, the case of Lake Chilika.pdf
PDF icon 311_2_Pittock-Key messages, Why terrestrial protected area managers need to take freshwater conservation more seriously.pdf
PDF icon 311_3_Hermoso-Freshwater conservation planning a systematic view.pdf
PDF icon 311_4_Russ-Managing freshwater.pdf
PDF icon 311_5_Colloff-Freshwater ecosystems and adaptation to climate change.pdf
590 Schools and programmes connecting children to nature Stream Session Workshop File 590_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 590_1_Forestiers juniors.pdf
PDF icon 590_2_Margaret-Engaging the youth in the conservation of key ecosystems in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 590_3_Syslak-Connecting Youth with Parks and Wilderness.pdf
PDF icon 590_4_Lloyd-Teaching outside the box.pdf
957 WIN Dialogue: Report back and caucus on streams/plenary Stream Session Dialogue
445 Protected areas and Sustainable Development Goals (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 445_wpcreport_GD.docx
296 Watertowers of the world: Climate change in mountain ecosystems Stream Session Panel Discussion File 296_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 296_1_Sinclair-Australia Conservation Foundation.pdf
56 Meet the Conservation Finance Alliance Stream Session Networking Event
409 Mainstreaming protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 409_1_Pullin-Human well-being effects of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 409_2_Redford-Why the practice of mainstreaming matters to the future of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 409_3_Huntley-Determinants of successful Biodiversity Mainstreaming.pdf
PDF icon 409_4_Diaz-Mainstreaming Protected Areas.pdf
554 Networking for nature: the future is cool Stream Session Panel Discussion File 554_wpcreport_NB.docx
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
349 The transformational power of nature-based experiences Stream Session Panel Discussion File 349_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 349_I Wolf et al-Transformational power.pdf
695 Certification for protected area professionals Stream Session Workshop
835 Making it Right for Indigenous Peoples: Launch of the Whakatane Mechanism and Launch of the Publication \â??World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples' Rights\â?? Stream Session Launch Event
229 National processes for identifying Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) Stream Session Lecture File 229_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 229_1_Langhammer-Identifying and Conserving KBAs, Experiences from Around the World.pdf
PDF icon 229_2_Vergara-KBA Identification Process - Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 229_3_Raghavan-Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation in the Western Ghats, The Key Biodiversity Area Approach.pdf
PDF icon 229_4_Vine-The State of Australia Bird and Biodiversity Areas.pdf
PDF icon 229_5_Obretenova-Identifying the Areas of Special Conservation Interest, forming the Emerald Network.pdf
PDF icon 229_6_Fishpool-Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas in the marine environment.pdf
PDF icon 229_7-Brazilian Alliance for Zero Extinction BAZE.pdf
PDF icon 229_8_Briggs-KBAs and Ramsar.pdf
PDF icon 229_9_How different sectors use Key Biodiversity Areas.pdf
PDF icon 229_10_Commenville-KBA.pdf
312 Taking the climate change journey: reflections on learning, hope, and action Stream Session Dialogue File 312_wpcreport_MM.docx
446 Protected areas and Sustainable Development Goals (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 446_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 446_1_Nagu-The Role of Protected Areas in the context of the Malaysias Vision 2020.pdf
PDF icon 446_2_Aggrey Rwetswa-Protected Areas Uganda.pdf
PDF icon 446_3_Tarun Kathula-Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in EGREE AP.pdf
PDF icon 446_4_Ravaka Ranaivoson-When Protected Areas sustain life and support development, myth or reality.pdf
PDF icon 446_5_Nwangchuk-Protected Areas of Bhutan.pdf
PDF icon 446_6_Jamison Ervin-Nature - Why cares.pdf
PDF icon 446_7_Angelito Fontanilla-NATURE - The role of PA in Philippine.pdf
PDF icon 446_8_Krishna Prasad-Protected Areas Tourism for Nepal's Development.pdf
297 Ramping up Earth's heat engine: Earths systems in a warming world Stream Session Panel Discussion File 297_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 297_2-Hennessy-Climate projections and extreme weather 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 297_4-Fagre_Mountain Parks 15 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 297_5-Doherty-Montane Forests 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 297_6-Gonzalez World Parks vulnerability.jpg.pdf
410 The contributions of the GEF and the UNDP, World Bank and Conservation International to protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 410_1_Hay-Edie-Experience from GEF SGP in support of PAs - ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_2_ICCAs and Aichi Targets.pdf
PDF icon 410_3_De Minicis-Inspiring solutions for PAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_4_Joshi-Shifting the Goal Post, The World Bank - GEF Journey in Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 410_5_Dinu-Protected Areas in the 21st Century, Meeting Development Challenges UNDP.pdf
556 Breaking down the walls: inspiring life-long connections to parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 556_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 556_1_Breaking Down the Walls, Inspiring life-long connections.pdf
PDF icon 556_2_Good stories, good news.pdf
PDF icon 556_3_You can't change my behaviour.pdf
382 Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 382_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 382_1_Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
516 Sustainable Harvests: Climate change and regulatory impacts Stream Session Workshop File 516_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 516_1_ Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 516_2_The role of traditional management systems.pdf
PDF icon 516_3_Stoianoff-Developing a Sustainable Future for Biocultural Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 516_4_Vasco-Respecting Indigenous & Tradicional Knowledge and Culture.pdf
PDF icon 516_5_Song-Lessons Learned from the Seed Park in Stone Village, Yunnan, China.pdf
350 Diverse parks, diverse communities â?? parks and protected areas for everyone Stream Session Panel Discussion File 350_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 350_GO with Community - Sam Cuff.pdf
PDF icon 350_Going to Wild Places I could only Dream About.pdf
PDF icon 350_session 22 - WPC Stream 3 intro and outro slides.pdf
PDF icon 350_WOW!-Aimee Freimanis pptx.pdf
PDF icon 350_WPC presentation_finial_Yoon.pdf
PDF icon 350_Balderstone-Sport, sustainability and people - Olympic Commitee.pdf
696 Capacity Development in Eastern European Protected Areas: An Action Plan Stream Session Workshop
836 WIN Dialogue: Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Negotiation Practices Stream Session Panel Discussion
230 Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation and protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 230_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 230_1_Rosenzweig-Financing beyonnd PAs.pdf
PDF icon 230_2_FUNBIO-A Strategy to Finance Protected Area Systems, the Experience of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 230_3_CFA-The role of Conservation Trust Fund, recent studies and tools.pdf
PDF icon 230_4_Landreau-Mathias-A new financial instrument to secure the long term financing of Protected Area networks.pdf
PDF icon 230_5_Huwyler-Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation and protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 230_6_Can biodiversity offsets help finance underfunded Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 230_7_Tizard-Taninthayi Nature Reserve Project.pdf
479 Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 479_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 479_1_Vasilijevic-Intrucuction Workshop.pdf
PDF icon 479_2_TransParcNet.pdf
PDF icon 479_3_Transboundary Marine Conservation in the Coral Triangle.pdf
PDF icon 479_4_Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent.pdf
PDF icon 479_5_Transboundary governance arrangements Africa mini-workshop.pdf
PDF icon 479_Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
314 Healthy parks, healthy people: Stream outcomes Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 314_1_Presoeuroparc.pdf
PDF icon 314_2_Welling-Responding to climate change.pdf
PDF icon 314_3_Parks Victoria-Unlock the values of parks and protected areas for health and well-being, while conserving biodiversity..pdf
PDF icon 314_4_Supporting human life.pdf
PDF icon 314_5_Supporting human life-Water theme - key conclusions.pdf
PDF icon 314_6_Laffoley&Wenzel-The Promise of Sydney Marine.pdf
961 WIN Dialogue: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forests and Fisheries in the Context of National Food Security Stream Session Lecture
447 Setting the stage for development challenges (Part 2): A political and business response Stream Session Panel Discussion File 447_wpcreport_GD.docx
298 The role of parks and protected areas in an era of change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 298_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 298_2_B Herrerra-Conservation -based evidence.pdf
PDF icon 298_3_R Murti-PAs for risk management.pdf
PDF icon 298_4_N Gilbert-Establishing PAs in Antarctica.pdf
PDF icon 298_5_N Burgess-PAs and REDD-plus.pdf
PDF icon 294_ and 298_Nov 14 1330 and 1530 Session Details Stream2_MembersBar.pdf


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