All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
348 The nature experience: behaviour change, conservation and technology Stream Session Panel Discussion File 348_wpcreport_ES.docx
File 348_Final running sheet.docx
File 348_Speaker bios.docx
PDF icon 348_Intro 3-4.pdf
PDF icon 348_1-J K Africa-The nature experience.pdf
PDF icon 348_2-J McDermott-Mistakes in behavioural design.pdf
481 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 481_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 481_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
901 Capacity building: maritime territories in action for marine biodiversity Stream Session Launch Event
310 Social resilience and social cohesion: communities coping with climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 310_M Heath-Building climate resilient parks and people.pdf
716 Connectivity Conservation Areas and Biodiversity Conservation Stream Session Lecture File 716_wpcreport_ST.docx
866 WDPA clinic: Privately Protected Areas Stream Session Capacity Development
299 Envisioning the future under climate change: what gives you hope? Stream Session Workshop File 299_wpcreport_MM.docx
416 Protected areas and peace-building efforts Stream Session Panel Discussion File 416_wpcreport_MS.docx
821 IUCN Green List of Protected Areas â?? information session Stream Session Dialogue
1 254 Youth Are Moving Forward: Are You Keeping Up? Stream Session Panel Discussion
522 Oceania Dialogue Stream Session Dialogue File 522_wpcreport_GP.docx
942 Welcome Event Stream Session Welcome Ceremony
1 219 Best Practice exchange on World Heritage Sites Stream Session Lecture
233 Protected areas and human-wildlife conflict Stream Session Lecture File 233_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 233_1_Waithaka-Parks Canada's Protected Area Management Approaches that Prevent or Minimise Human Wildlife Conflicts.pdf
PDF icon 233_3_Rao-Making Voluntary Resettlement Work.pdf
PDF icon 233_5_Perez gil-Human-Wildlife Conflicts.pdf
349 The transformational power of nature-based experiences Stream Session Panel Discussion File 349_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 349_I Wolf et al-Transformational power.pdf
482 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 482_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
902 Big ocean challenges : first governance; then objectives. The involvement of stakeholders is the primary step and the keystone to handle marine issues. Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 902_1_Wagner-Guidelines on the Design and Management of Large-Scale MPAs.pdf
311 Freshwater systems and climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 311_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 311_1_Kumar-Connecting wetland conservation and livelihoods, the case of Lake Chilika.pdf
PDF icon 311_2_Pittock-Key messages, Why terrestrial protected area managers need to take freshwater conservation more seriously.pdf
PDF icon 311_3_Hermoso-Freshwater conservation planning a systematic view.pdf
PDF icon 311_4_Russ-Managing freshwater.pdf
PDF icon 311_5_Colloff-Freshwater ecosystems and adaptation to climate change.pdf
451 Achieving Aichi Target 11: governance diversity, coverage and conservation (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop
717 Reaching Conservation Goals: Opening Plenary Stream Session Panel Discussion File 717_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 717_2_Hutton-Protected Plante, tA Snapshot of where we are!.pdf
PDF icon 717_3_Hockings-A Vision of Hope.pdf
867 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
300 Adaptation Frameworks: key characteristics of climate-smart conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion File 300_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 300_1_Young-Adaptation as a threat to coastal park natural resources.pdf
PDF icon 300_2_Marshall-Climbing the Ladder of Adaptation Engagement -a framework for overcoming adaptation inertia.pdf
PDF icon 300_3_Boulter-The NRM Adaptation Checklist.pdf
PDF icon 300_4_Gross-Moving Forward. Frameworks for Effective Climate Adaptation.pdf
PDF icon 300_5_Rhodes-Climate Change Adaptation for Protected Areas in Mexico, From Theory to Practice.pdf
419 Zonation conservation prioritization framework and software Stream Session Workshop File 419_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 419_1_African Night.pdf
PDF icon 419_2_Johnson-The Global Emergence of Private Land Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 419_3_Land Use Planning and Spatial Conservation Prioritization Using Spatial Data and Zonation Software.pdf
682 Arctic Dialogue Stream Session Workshop File 682_wpcreport_ND.docx
822 A general model of whole ecosystems â?? a novel tool for conservation Stream Session Capacity Development
382 Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 382_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 382_1_Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas.pdf
944 Pacific Islands Talanoa Stream Session Dialogue
234 Global gap analysis of protected area coverage of biodiversity Stream Session Lecture File 234_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 234_1_Butchart-How well do protected areas cover biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 234_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 234_3_Venter-The future of protected areas and threatened species a cautionary tale.pdf
PDF icon 234_4_Di Minin-Global conservation prioritization for Aichi Target 11.pdf
350 Diverse parks, diverse communities â?? parks and protected areas for everyone Stream Session Panel Discussion File 350_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 350_GO with Community - Sam Cuff.pdf
PDF icon 350_Going to Wild Places I could only Dream About.pdf
PDF icon 350_session 22 - WPC Stream 3 intro and outro slides.pdf
PDF icon 350_WOW!-Aimee Freimanis pptx.pdf
PDF icon 350_WPC presentation_finial_Yoon.pdf
PDF icon 350_Balderstone-Sport, sustainability and people - Olympic Commitee.pdf
483 Governance and procedural rights: securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 1 of a three hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 483_1_Empowering rights through governance of PAs.pdf
PDF icon 483_2_Koroglu-Communities, Conservation and the Courts,How Public Interest Legal Centres Assist Communities in Defending Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 483_3_Blicharska-Governance and procedural rights.pdf
PDF icon 483_Governance and procedural rights securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 1 of a three hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
903 Connecting mammals : Marine mammals MPAs, a question of network and scale - some examples of concrete actions Stream Session Dialogue
312 Taking the climate change journey: reflections on learning, hope, and action Stream Session Dialogue File 312_wpcreport_MM.docx
452 Achieving Aichi Target 11: governance diversity, coverage and conservation (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 452_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 452_Aichi Target 11-Governance diversity.pdf
PDF icon 452_Achieving Aichi Target 11, governance diversity, coverage and conservation (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
868 WDPA clinic (French) Stream Session Capacity Development
684 Workshop on Best Practice Standards for field ranger training in anti-poaching Stream Session Workshop
823 How should 'other effective area-based conservation measures' be defined? Stream Session Dialogue
384 Watershed management: a modern approach to protected area management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 384_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 384_1_Focus on the management approach of CENTRAL KARAKORAM NATIONAL PARK.pdf
524 Traditional management systems in achieving national and international policy goals Stream Session Workshop File 524_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 524_0_Policy Dialogue.pdf
PDF icon 524_1_Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 524_2_Stoianoff-Developing a Sustainable Future for Biocultural Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 524_3_Vasco-Challenges of Co-management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 524_4_Song-Lessons Learned from the Seed Park in Stone Village, Yunnan, China.pdf
PDF icon 524_5_Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
580 Empowering young professionals Stream Session Workshop File 580_wpcreport_RapporteursAJ.docx
945 Bright Spots Workshop â?? Pacific Islands Gift to the World Stream Session Dialogue
235 Innovative protected area management (Part 3) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 235_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 235_1_Lopoukhine-Innovation in park management.pdf
PDF icon 235_2_Gardner-Appropriate Approaches to Capacity Development for Protected Areas Management in Small Island Developing States.pdf
PDF icon 235_3_Lisboa-Megadiversity in Virua National Park.pdf
PDF icon 235_4_Hicks and Quincy-Resilience, risk and return on investment - Innovations from the Great Barrier Reef field management program.pdf
PDF icon 235_5_ Izurieta-Galalpagos Protected Areas Managment Plan.pdf
351 Made for each other â?? connecting children with nature Stream Session Panel Discussion File 351_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 351_1_Biodiversity and Comm Health-session 11.pdf
PDF icon 351_2_ session 11_ Policy and Partnerships Making Natural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 3513_3_session 11_Global Enviromental and health policy.pdf
PDF icon 351_session 23 - Made for each other - connecting children with nature (2).pdf
484 Governance and procedural rights: securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 484_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 484_1_Participative solution to a land tenure conflict in Serra dos Orgaos National Park, Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 484_2_.NDEBELE-Building Capacity Amongst Stakeholders Outside the Park.pdf
PDF icon 484_Governance and procedural rights securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 2 of a three hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
905 â??The Prophecyâ?: combining art and ecology for a change of behavior towards nature Stream Session Dialogue
314 Healthy parks, healthy people: Stream outcomes Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 314_1_Presoeuroparc.pdf
PDF icon 314_2_Welling-Responding to climate change.pdf
PDF icon 314_3_Parks Victoria-Unlock the values of parks and protected areas for health and well-being, while conserving biodiversity..pdf
PDF icon 314_4_Supporting human life.pdf
PDF icon 314_5_Supporting human life-Water theme - key conclusions.pdf
PDF icon 314_6_Laffoley&Wenzel-The Promise of Sydney Marine.pdf
453 Governance and equity: how to achieve equitable management in Aichi 11 Stream Session Workshop File 453_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 453_1_Franks-Governance and equity Aichi 11.pdf
PDF icon 453_2_DuvalDiop-Equity in the governance of marine protected areas in West Africa.pdf
PDF icon 453_3_Winer-Ensuring Economic and Environmental Equity for the Indigenous Land Owners.pdf
PDF icon 453_4_Protected Area governance in Madagascar.pdf
PDF icon 453_5_Whakatane A rights-based tool to improve governance and equity in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 453_6_Franks-Assessing equitable management.pdf
PDF icon 453_7_Bennett-Understanding Equity in Protected Areas Policy and Practice.pdf
PDF icon 453_Governance and equity, how to achieve equitable management in Aichi 11 Workshop Summary Report.pdf
869 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
421 Reconciling Development Challenges: collective voices on the Promise of Sydney Stream Session Workshop File 421_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 421_1_CI-PA Networks and Ecosystem Services.pdf
PDF icon 421_2_Burgess-How well to protected areas cover Ecosystem Assets.pdf
PDF icon 421_3-Pert-Mapping cultural ecosystem services in the Wet Tropics, Queensland, Australia.pdf
PDF icon 421_4_Grantham-Effectively achieving multiple types of conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 421_5_Stefan-WWF Ecosystem services in the Dinaric Arc parks.pdf
685 Scenario planning tools for capacity development programmes Stream Session Workshop
824 Post conflict protected areas\â?? management Stream Session Dialogue


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