All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
427 Extractives, energy and responsible investments (Part 2): Solutions Stream Session Panel Discussion File 427_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 427_1-Jon Ekstrom.pdf
PDF icon 427_2-Gerard Boss.pdf
PDF icon 427_3-Paola Pedroni.pdf
PDF icon 427_4-Steve Edwards.pdf
PDF icon 427_5-Pippa Howard.pdf
PDF icon 427_6-Willeen Olivier BSP&Offsets.pdf
PDF icon 427_7-George Ledec.pdf
957 WIN Dialogue: Report back and caucus on streams/plenary Stream Session Dialogue
332 Why urban parks matter in creating healthy and liveable cities 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 333 and 332_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 332_1-Bing Wen Low-Public parks in Singapore.pdf
PDF icon 332_2-Noel Corkery-Decade of human health benefits.pdf
PDF icon 332_3-Myron Floyd-Urban parks Cuyahoga.pdf
PDF icon 332_4-Richard Fuller-Healthy city parks.pdf
PDF icon 332_6-Vanessa Trowell-Creating living spaces.pdf
PDF icon 332_7_Munroe - Make a Place for People IUCN.pdf
PDF icon 332_8_Contemplation of nature and naturalness orientation.pdf
586 Schools, families and communities: it all comes together Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 586_1_Presentation session.pdf
PDF icon 586_2_Benavides-Children.pdf
PDF icon 586_3_Connecting Animals, People and the Environment.pdf
235 Innovative protected area management (Part 3) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 235_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 235_1_Lopoukhine-Innovation in park management.pdf
PDF icon 235_2_Gardner-Appropriate Approaches to Capacity Development for Protected Areas Management in Small Island Developing States.pdf
PDF icon 235_3_Lisboa-Megadiversity in Virua National Park.pdf
PDF icon 235_4_Hicks and Quincy-Resilience, risk and return on investment - Innovations from the Great Barrier Reef field management program.pdf
PDF icon 235_5_ Izurieta-Galalpagos Protected Areas Managment Plan.pdf
550 A new wave of nature stewards: rekindling our love affair with nature Stream Session Panel Discussion File 550_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 550_1_Mary Ford-Inspiring new generations.pdf
PDF icon 550_2_Mary Ford WPC- Citizen Science,Fostering Meaningful Connections with Nature.pdf
PDF icon 550_3_VBalaji-A Camera, a Bike, a Kayak and Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 550_4_AReid-Reintegrating into Sacred Reciprocal Relations SLF.pdf
PDF icon 550_5_Guilder-Gutter Rainbows.pdf
PDF icon 550_6_TSilverwood-What's your call to action.pdf
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
513 Nature-Culture Linkages: Stewardship of Biocultural Landscapes for Biodiversity and People Stream Session Workshop File 513_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 513_1_Faucon-Land Stewardship.pdf
459 Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 459_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 459_1_MEXICO-Indigenous and community land conservation efforts in Mexico.pdf
PDF icon 459_2_Canada-Threats faced by CCAs in India.pdf
PDF icon 459_3_Madagascar-Paradigm Shift from Consultation, Participation or Management Transfer to Community Governance.pdf
PDF icon 459_4_Indonesia-Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 459_5_Philippines-The recognition of ICCA.pdf
PDF icon 459_6_Masardule-Protección de Galu Maniyala.pdf
PDF icon 459_Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
835 Making it Right for Indigenous Peoples: Launch of the Whakatane Mechanism and Launch of the Publication \â??World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples' Rights\â?? Stream Session Launch Event
366 Marine protected areas as solutions for resilience Stream Session Lecture File 366_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 366_1_Are We Putting Marine Protected Areas in the Right Places.pdf
692 Competences for protected area personnel: A Global Register Stream Session Workshop
428 Extractives, energy and responsible investments (Part 1): Challenges Stream Session Panel Discussion File 428_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 428_1-Tom Okello.pdf
PDF icon 428_2-Warwick Mostert.pdf
PDF icon 428_3-Lisa Gaylord.pdf
PDF icon 428_4-Mahlette Betre.pdf
PDF icon 428_5-M Fuls.pdf
PDF icon 428_6-Saleem Ali.pdf
333 Why urban parks matter in creating healthy and liveable cities 1 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 333 and 332_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 333_1-Tobias Volbert IUCN_2014.pdf
PDF icon 333_2-Amber Bill WPC biophilic wellington.pdf
PDF icon 333_3-Lee Yi Ling Session 20, Presentation 3-The Role of Parks in Health.pdf
PDF icon 333_4-Vance Martin WILD Cities Presentation for WPC Final.pdf
PDF icon 333_6-Frances Horsley WPC Presentation2 - KT Edit.pdf
PDF icon 333_7-Optimising urban spaces.pdf
587 How millennials are engaging children with the environment Stream Session Workshop File 587_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 587_1_Malam&Nicholls-Scouts, connecting youth with nature for over a century.pdf
PDF icon 587_2_How Millennials Are Engaging Children with the Environment.pdf
PDF icon 587_3_Connecting young people.pdf
236 Freshwater Session 2 â?? Freshwater Biodiversity Outcomes from Protected Areas. Stream Session Lecture File 236_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 236_1_Berney-Achieving Conservation Outcomes in Temporary Wetlands in Eastern Australia.pdf
PDF icon 236_2_Singh-Setting up of Tri-state Coordination Mechanism for Conservation Riverine Protected Area in India.pdf
PDF icon 236_3_The past, present and future of freshwater conservation planning.pdf
PDF icon 236_4_Nel-National indicators for measuring levels of threat and protection of ecosystems.pdf
552 Strange bedfellows: novel alliances for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 552_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 552_1_MBorich-Commercialising conservation.pdf
PDF icon 552_2_FLlewellyn-Fish meets fashion.pdf
PDF icon 552_3_Simon-Sport and Nature, Strange bedfellows or estranged partners.pdf
Office presentation icon 452_Aichi Target 11-Governance diversity.ppt
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
460 Privately protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 460_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 460_1_Kouderin-Sitatunga Valley Benin CREDI.pdf
PDF icon 460_Privately protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
836 WIN Dialogue: Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Negotiation Practices Stream Session Panel Discussion
839 From Global to Local: Linking Local Conservation Objectives and Local Business Potentials Through ABS Stream Session Workshop
367 Developing guidelines on protected areas management for disaster-risk reduction Stream Session Workshop File 367_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 367_1_Yamamoto-Developing Guidelines on PAs Management for DRR.pdf
PDF icon 367_2_Dudley-Disaster Risk Reduction and protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 367_3_DevelopingGuidelines.pdf
693 A Body of Knowledge for protected area management Stream Session Workshop
429 Good for business: solutions through sustainable sourcing and supply chains Stream Session Panel Discussion File 429_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 429_2-Petrus Gunarso.pdf
PDF icon 429_3-Kering.pdf
PDF icon 429_4-COMACO.pdf
PDF icon 429_5-Blue Ventures Aquaculture.pdf
PDF icon 429_6-Adriana-PAs and supply chains.pdf
961 WIN Dialogue: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forests and Fisheries in the Context of National Food Security Stream Session Lecture
334 Great parks and green spaces: creating healthy and liveable cities Stream Session Dialogue File 334_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 334_Stream 3-session 8-Digby Whyte Presentation 3 Ifpra-WUP2.pdf
PDF icon 334_Stream 3-1-Gil_Penalosa 2014-.pdf
PDF icon 334_ Stream 3-session 8-3-HortPark_and_SouthernRidges_guide (1).pdf
PDF icon 334_Stream 3_ session 8-4-Singapour.pdf
588 Two New South Wales case studies: from pre-school to high school Stream Session Workshop File 588_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 588_1_Inspiring a New Generation-Investing in Children Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 588_2_Bush School presentation.pdf
PDF icon 588_3_WPC Fuse, A secondary schools education program.pdf
392 Climate change adaptation and mitigation actions to enhance food security and livelihoods Stream Session Lecture File 392_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 392_1_Climate change adaptation.pdf
237 Biodiversity outcomes 1: measuring success and failure of protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 237_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 237_1_Wang-Evaluating Conservation Effectiveness China.pdf
PDF icon 237_2_BarnesCraigie-Assessing Biodiversity Outcomes in Terrestrial Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 237_3_Geldmann-Correlating Management Effectiveness and Biodiversity Outcomes.pdf
PDF icon 237_4_Robinson-The importance of Protected Areas as refuges for large bodied mammalian species.pdf
PDF icon 237_5_Laurance-Averting Biodiversity Collapse in Tropical Protected Areas.pdf
554 Networking for nature: the future is cool Stream Session Panel Discussion File 554_wpcreport_NB.docx
881 Conservation with small grants - the view of the grantees Stream Session Panel Discussion
729 ZSL: An integrated response to the conservation of high-value threatened species Stream Session Capacity Development
461 Privately protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 461_Privately protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
840 Traditional Voyaging Workshop Stream Session Launch Event
368 Preparedness and recovery from disasters in protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 368_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 368-1_Lesley Gibson-EARTH OBSERVATION IN SUPPORT.pdf
PDF icon 368_2_Mulligan-Protected areas, natural capital and water security.pdf
PDF icon 368_3_Methods for integrating ecosystem services into policy, planning and practice.pdf
PDF icon 368_4_Natural Capital and Development.pdf
PDF icon 368_5_WWF-Redesigning the Approach towards Promoting Ulu Muda's Protection through Sustainable Financing Initiatives.pdf
694 Capacity development for marine protected areas â?? A planning guide series Stream Session Workshop
430 Food for thought: minimizing impacts and maximizing benefits of sustainable agriculture Stream Session Panel Discussion File 430_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 430_1_Diment-The Ibis Rice project in Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 430_2_Zuluaga-Sustainable cattle ranching in Colombia.pdf
PDF icon 430_3_Joshi-Leveraging Sectoral Investments for Greening the Agriculture Production System.pdf
PDF icon 430_4_South-South Knowledge Exchange Colombia, Ethiopia, Burundi and Rwanda.pdf
335 Working together is better: inspiring global park and health partnerships Stream Session Panel Discussion File 335_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 335_0_Flyer-Working toghether is better.pdf
PDF icon 335_1_Intro & Outro Slides.pdf
PDF icon 335_3_Stephan Bognar at World Parks Congress.pdf
PDF icon 335_4_Wheeler-Healthy Parks Healthy Bay Area.pdf
PDF icon 335_5_Brincat- boundaries Improving health and well being A new way to engage with our communities James Brincat.pdf
PDF icon 335_7_Tunnoch-Brains Across Borders.pdf
PDF icon 335_6_James Brincat-Shaping our Future - A new way to partner with our communities.pdf
PDF icon 335_8_Senior-International Best Practice Guidelines for 'Healthy Parks Healthy People'.pdf
PDF icon 335_9_WBB Melika & James Bios.pdf
589 Connecting families and their children to nature worldwide Stream Session Workshop File 589_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 589_1_Kids in Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_2_Investing in Children.pdf
PDF icon 589_3_GLongley-Nature Play.pdf
PDF icon 589_4_McClelland-Nature Play NSW.pdf
PDF icon 589_5_Charles-Children&Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_6_Wenyang-Family eco-tourism.pdf
393 Stream Opening: food security, in-situ conservation/ sustainable use of genetic resources Stream Session Panel Discussion File 393_wpcreport_RM.docx
238 Scenarios for ecological representativeness and adequacy of protected areas under global change Stream Session Lecture File 238_wpcreport_SS (1).docx
PDF icon 238_1_.Jamison-The global response of terrestrial protected area biodiversity to human impacts.pdf
PDF icon 238_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas and the future of global biodiversity under climate and land-use change.pdf
PDF icon 238_3_Butchart-Climate change impacts.pdf
PDF icon 238_4_An assessment of the ecological coherency of the global marine PA network under future climate change.pdf
PDF icon 238_5_Rondinini-A framework for predicting ecological and socio-economic impacts.pdf
556 Breaking down the walls: inspiring life-long connections to parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 556_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 556_1_Breaking Down the Walls, Inspiring life-long connections.pdf
PDF icon 556_2_Good stories, good news.pdf
PDF icon 556_3_You can't change my behaviour.pdf
882 Small grants: effective financial mechanisms for protected areas Stream Session Networking Event
516 Sustainable Harvests: Climate change and regulatory impacts Stream Session Workshop File 516_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 516_1_ Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 516_2_The role of traditional management systems.pdf
PDF icon 516_3_Stoianoff-Developing a Sustainable Future for Biocultural Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 516_4_Vasco-Respecting Indigenous & Tradicional Knowledge and Culture.pdf
PDF icon 516_5_Song-Lessons Learned from the Seed Park in Stone Village, Yunnan, China.pdf
462 Protected areas under government governance (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 462_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 462_1_Zeballos-NATIONAL PARK KAA IYA (Isoseño Guarani, Chiquitano, Ayoreo)).pdf
842 WIN Dialogue: Through the Looking Glass? Presentation on Wearable Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights Stream Session Workshop
369 Can protected areas reduce risks? Case studies from around the world Stream Session Launch Event File 369_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 369_2_Ford-Hurricane Katrina.pdf
PDF icon 369_3_Pert-CaseStudy Cyclones.pdf
PDF icon 369_Mantalingahan- Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 369_5_Murti-Safe Havens.pdf
695 Certification for protected area professionals Stream Session Workshop
431 The urban jungle: protected areas and urban development Stream Session Panel Discussion File 431_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 431_1_Myrdal-Integrating Table Mountain National Park.pdf
PDF icon 431_2_Establishing the Table Mountain National Park Consolidation of Conservation Worthy Land.pdf
PDF icon 431_3_Conservation & development working together.pdf
PDF icon 431_4_Bajikar-Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.pdf
590 Schools and programmes connecting children to nature Stream Session Workshop File 590_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 590_1_Forestiers juniors.pdf
PDF icon 590_2_Margaret-Engaging the youth in the conservation of key ecosystems in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 590_3_Syslak-Connecting Youth with Parks and Wilderness.pdf
PDF icon 590_4_Lloyd-Teaching outside the box.pdf


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