All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
419 Zonation conservation prioritization framework and software Stream Session Workshop File 419_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 419_1_African Night.pdf
PDF icon 419_2_Johnson-The Global Emergence of Private Land Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 419_3_Land Use Planning and Spatial Conservation Prioritization Using Spatial Data and Zonation Software.pdf
299 Envisioning the future under climate change: what gives you hope? Stream Session Workshop File 299_wpcreport_MM.docx
884 Financial gap analysis in Mexico's protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion
483 Governance and procedural rights: securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 1 of a three hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 483_1_Empowering rights through governance of PAs.pdf
PDF icon 483_2_Koroglu-Communities, Conservation and the Courts,How Public Interest Legal Centres Assist Communities in Defending Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 483_3_Blicharska-Governance and procedural rights.pdf
PDF icon 483_Governance and procedural rights securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 1 of a three hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
387 Connecting Practice: linking cultural and natural heritage with World Heritage Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 387_1_Connecting Practice.pdf
PDF icon 387_2_Authenticity in World Heritage.pdf
PDF icon 387_3_Takeuchi-The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS).pdf
698 A Resource Fair- Capacity development tools and partners for Formal and Non-formal training (Part 2) Stream Session Workshop
843 WIN Dialogue: Outcomes from the Gathering in the Gully: Pre-conference workshop Stream Session Lecture
452 Achieving Aichi Target 11: governance diversity, coverage and conservation (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 452_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 452_Aichi Target 11-Governance diversity.pdf
PDF icon 452_Achieving Aichi Target 11, governance diversity, coverage and conservation (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
232 Innovative protected area management 2 Stream Session Lecture File 232_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 232_1_Wise-Pete-The Introduction of disease free Tasmanian Devils to Maria Island National Park.pdf
PDF icon 232_2_Galuvao-Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 2014-2020.pdf
PDF icon 232_3_Fleischer-Dogley-A conservation success story that inspires.pdf
PDF icon 232_4_Campello-Georgladis-Fcocus on Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 232_5_BrazillBoast-Saving our Species.pdf
354 Closing the loop - moving management effectiveness evaluations from reporting to adaptive management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 354_wpcreport_BW.docx
47 Opening Ceremony Stream Session Ceremony
965 Human Rights in Conservation: Progress since Durban Conservation Initiative on Human Rights Stream Session Panel Discussion
966 Community-based Social and Ecological Resilience: Toward an Operational Framework Stream Session Dialogue
421 Reconciling Development Challenges: collective voices on the Promise of Sydney Stream Session Workshop File 421_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 421_1_CI-PA Networks and Ecosystem Services.pdf
PDF icon 421_2_Burgess-How well to protected areas cover Ecosystem Assets.pdf
PDF icon 421_3-Pert-Mapping cultural ecosystem services in the Wet Tropics, Queensland, Australia.pdf
PDF icon 421_4_Grantham-Effectively achieving multiple types of conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 421_5_Stefan-WWF Ecosystem services in the Dinaric Arc parks.pdf
926 Creating an elephant economy - Resolving human-wildlife conflict and adapting to climate change using nature-based solutions and tools Stream Session Networking Event
524 Traditional management systems in achieving national and international policy goals Stream Session Workshop File 524_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 524_0_Policy Dialogue.pdf
PDF icon 524_1_Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 524_2_Stoianoff-Developing a Sustainable Future for Biocultural Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 524_3_Vasco-Challenges of Co-management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 524_4_Song-Lessons Learned from the Seed Park in Stone Village, Yunnan, China.pdf
PDF icon 524_5_Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
300 Adaptation Frameworks: key characteristics of climate-smart conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion File 300_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 300_1_Young-Adaptation as a threat to coastal park natural resources.pdf
PDF icon 300_2_Marshall-Climbing the Ladder of Adaptation Engagement -a framework for overcoming adaptation inertia.pdf
PDF icon 300_3_Boulter-The NRM Adaptation Checklist.pdf
PDF icon 300_4_Gross-Moving Forward. Frameworks for Effective Climate Adaptation.pdf
PDF icon 300_5_Rhodes-Climate Change Adaptation for Protected Areas in Mexico, From Theory to Practice.pdf
885 KfW, AFD, GEF supporting Conservation Trust Funds in Africa Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 885_1_GEF Sustainable Financing - Africa.pdf
PDF icon 885_2_Suppiah-Progress Towards Sustainable Financing of PA's in Malaysia.pdf
PDF icon 885_3_Gobin-GEF Investment on Conservation Trust Funds.pdf
PDF icon 885_4_Watanabe-GEF Sustainable Financing of Protected Area Systems.pdf
484 Governance and procedural rights: securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 484_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 484_1_Participative solution to a land tenure conflict in Serra dos Orgaos National Park, Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 484_2_.NDEBELE-Building Capacity Amongst Stakeholders Outside the Park.pdf
PDF icon 484_Governance and procedural rights securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 2 of a three hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
389 Protect what you eat; conserving our food\â??s genetic resources Stream Session Workshop File 389_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 389_1_Corrado-The role of PAs for the maintenance of our best food producers.pdf
PDF icon 389_2_Protect what you eat - conserving our food's genetic resources.pdf
PDF icon 389_3_Arriola-Programa de Conservación del Maíz Criollo (PROMAC).pdf
PDF icon 389_4_Dullo-Contribution of protected areas to food security through in situ conservation.pdf
PDF icon 389_5_Loo-Protecting genetic resources for nutrition from the forest.pdf
699 Monitoring and mapping techniques peer-to-peer: Workshop by and for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Stream Session Workshop
844 WIN Dialogue: Sharing Practice: I-tracking and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Stream Session Dialogue
453 Governance and equity: how to achieve equitable management in Aichi 11 Stream Session Workshop File 453_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 453_1_Franks-Governance and equity Aichi 11.pdf
PDF icon 453_2_DuvalDiop-Equity in the governance of marine protected areas in West Africa.pdf
PDF icon 453_3_Winer-Ensuring Economic and Environmental Equity for the Indigenous Land Owners.pdf
PDF icon 453_4_Protected Area governance in Madagascar.pdf
PDF icon 453_5_Whakatane A rights-based tool to improve governance and equity in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 453_6_Franks-Assessing equitable management.pdf
PDF icon 453_7_Bennett-Understanding Equity in Protected Areas Policy and Practice.pdf
PDF icon 453_Governance and equity, how to achieve equitable management in Aichi 11 Workshop Summary Report.pdf
233 Protected areas and human-wildlife conflict Stream Session Lecture File 233_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 233_1_Waithaka-Parks Canada's Protected Area Management Approaches that Prevent or Minimise Human Wildlife Conflicts.pdf
PDF icon 233_3_Rao-Making Voluntary Resettlement Work.pdf
PDF icon 233_5_Perez gil-Human-Wildlife Conflicts.pdf
355 Responding to the effects of climate change on communities, parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 355_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 355_2_Jeffrey A-Responding to the effects of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 355_ 1_Jonathan Papz-Climate & Health.pdf
PDF icon 355_David Welch-Sky Parks.pdf
48 Way forward for conservation finance Stream Session Networking Event
49 Madagascar Biodiversity Fund: financially sustaining protected areas in Madagascar Stream Session Panel Discussion
422 Protected areas and development: toward reconciliation Stream Session Workshop File 422_wpcreport_MS.docx
322 Sustainable livelihoods: balancing conservation and local community needs Stream Session Panel Discussion File 322_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 322_Speaker 2_Annet Balewa Ouganda.pdf
PDF icon 322_Speaker 3_Harmony Patricio Mekong.pdf
PDF icon 322_Speaker 4_Helen Schneider-Helen Anthem FFI.pdf
525 Human rights standards for conservation Stream Session Workshop File 525_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 525_1_Crippa-Guide on Conservation and Indigenous Peoples in Mesoamerica.pdf
886 Adaptation to climate change in coastal zones: linking coastal and marine conservation, development and risk reduction Stream Session Dialogue
390 Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 390_1_Murphfree-Bridging the Divide.pdf
PDF icon 390_2_Supporting the Management of Important Marine Habitats in Lebanon.pdf
PDF icon 390_3_Community white Rhino Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 390_4_Case Studies Discussed at Asia Parks Congress.pdf
700 Indigenous-led Philanthropy as a tool for Conservation and Capacity Development Stream Session Workshop
851 WIN Dialogue: Outcomes of UNSIDS (Small Island Developing States), the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on Biological Diversity CoP 12 Stream Session Dialogue
454 Achieving Aichi Target 11 - Governance and the law Stream Session Workshop File 454_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 454_1_Booderee-Service Contract Arrangements.pdf
PDF icon 454_Achieving Aichi Target 11 - Governance and the law Workshop Summary Report.pdf
234 Global gap analysis of protected area coverage of biodiversity Stream Session Lecture File 234_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 234_1_Butchart-How well do protected areas cover biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 234_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 234_3_Venter-The future of protected areas and threatened species a cautionary tale.pdf
PDF icon 234_4_Di Minin-Global conservation prioritization for Aichi Target 11.pdf
50 Mediterranean landscape: financing approaches for marine conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 50_1_Guilbeaux-LMMAs and Coastal Fisheries Management GEF.pdf
PDF icon 50_2_GEF-FEM-The involvement of fisherman Imraguen of Banc d'Arguin National Park (PNBA).pdf
PDF icon 50_3_Gobin-Coastal Fisheries Management.pdf
968 Aligning Economy with Ecology: leveraging investment for biodiversity conservation and sustainable landscapes Stream Session Panel Discussion
423 Good to the last drop: protected areas, forests and water Stream Session Panel Discussion File 423_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 423_1_Conner-Sustaining the Willandra.pdf
PDF icon 423_2_Grantham-Enviromental - Economic Accounting and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 423_3_Hein-Ecosystem Accounting in support of biodiversity management.pdf
PDF icon 423_4_McLellan-The significance of protecting Natural Capital in greening the world's economies.pdf
PDF icon 423_5_Wensing-TED Talk Natural Capital and National Parks a win-win.pdf
323 Global environmental and health policy: a nexus for change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 323_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 323_1_ Suneetha MS-Session 11-Global enviromental and health policy.pdf
PDF icon 323_2_ Session 11- Policy and Partnerships - Keith.pdf
526 Cultural and spiritual significance of nature in protected area management and governance Stream Session Workshop File 526_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 526_1_Cultural and spiritual significance of nature.pdf
887 Surveillance and control in the Galapagos Marine Reserve: combining technology, techniques and legal action Stream Session Dialogue
486 Inspiring solutions â?? better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living. Stream Session Workshop File 486_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 486_Goven-Canals-Inspiring solutions-seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 486_Inspiring solutions- better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living Workshop Summary Report.pdf
391 Protected areas and sustainable hunting and fishing Stream Session Panel Discussion File 391_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 391_1_Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife.pdf
PDF icon 391_2_Madeleine N-Sustainable game management in finland.pdf
701 Enhancing large-scale marine management through Indigenous participation, knowledge and practice Stream Session Workshop
853 Voices and Choices: The Risks and Values of Geo-referencing Traditional and Local Knowledge Stream Session Workshop
455 Community land tenure reform as a global conservation priority Stream Session Workshop File 455_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 455_1_Land rights as they relate to conservation and customary uses.pdf
PDF icon 455_2_Philippine-Tenure and Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 455_3_Kitelo-The Ogiek of Mt Elgon & the importance of land rights to conservation.pdf
PDF icon 455_4_Making Indigenous and Community Land Rights a Global Conservation Priority.pdf
PDF icon 455_5_Duffy-Conservation Justice, Human Rights and the Poaching Wars.pdf
PDF icon 455_6_Jonas-Human Rights Standards for Conservation.pdf
235 Innovative protected area management (Part 3) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 235_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 235_1_Lopoukhine-Innovation in park management.pdf
PDF icon 235_2_Gardner-Appropriate Approaches to Capacity Development for Protected Areas Management in Small Island Developing States.pdf
PDF icon 235_3_Lisboa-Megadiversity in Virua National Park.pdf
PDF icon 235_4_Hicks and Quincy-Resilience, risk and return on investment - Innovations from the Great Barrier Reef field management program.pdf
PDF icon 235_5_ Izurieta-Galalpagos Protected Areas Managment Plan.pdf
357 Stream opening â?? human health and wellbeing depends on nature Stream Session Panel Discussion Image icon 357_JuliaMartonLefevre_ES.jpg
File 357_Notes_ESBWMC.docx
PDF icon 357_ Session 1 -1- Human healt and wellbeing depends on nature.pdf
PDF icon 357_Session1_0-Introduction Human healt BRANDED.pdf
358 Perspectives on health â?? current practices and future opportunities for protected area managers Stream Session Panel Discussion File 358_wpcreport_BW.docx
File 358_Notes_BW.docx
PDF icon 358_Session 2_Stream 3 Perspectives on health.pdf
PDF icon 358_Session 2-Intro slides.pdf


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