All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 032 Aboriginal Joint Management Films and Forum Congress Event Panel Discussion
321 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 1) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 321_0_workshopflyer-New Social Compact Dialogue.pdf
PDF icon 321_1_Implementing conservation justice.pdf
998 High-level Roundtable Congress Event Welcome Ceremony File 998_High Level Dialogue_MG.docx
800 Is no-go the best approach? Congress Event Dialogue
1 098 A Structured Approach to Protected Area Compliance Management Congress Event Other
395 Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to sustain forests and people's livelihoods in protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 395_1_Matta-Main outcomes of the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests.pdf
PDF icon 395_2_Nukui-Efforts of the city of Yokohama.pdf
PDF icon 395_3_Levetan_Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 395_4_Opportunities and Challenges for Payment in PES.pdf
1 133 Cats of Russia Congress Event Lecture
765 Protected Planet Mega Launch Congress Event Launch Event
915 Publication launch: Remembering Elinor Ostrom Congress Event Launch Event
1 065 Ocean conservation at scale: linking local to regional initiatives across the Indo-Pacific Congress Event Panel Discussion
254 Conservation planning to achieve conservation goals for individual protected areas Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 254_1_Planning to Achieve Conservation Goals in Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 254_2_Mills-Stakeholder analysis as a key component of a planning process.pdf
PDF icon 254_3_Game-The nature conservacy.pdf
PDF icon 254_4_Burgman-Risk, assumptions and uncertainty.pdf
356 Stream Welcome Luncheon - Improving Health and Well-being: Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress Event Networking Event
497 Indigenous Peoples' Meeting Space Congress Event Networking Event
1 234 Brazil for a Protected Planet Congress Event Lecture
730 Demonstration of ZSL's Instant Wild initiative and Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
1 033 Celebrating Achievements in the Coral Triangle Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
464 A Call for Limits: the need for ""no-go"areas for industrial activities Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 464_1_Cyril Kormos NO-GO.pdf
PDF icon 464_2_The State of Legislation of No-Go Zones in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 464_3_Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia.pdf
999 Building Nature's Safety Net report launch Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
125 Elevating cultural resources in our protected areas - International Year of Maritime Heritage and Toolkit on Marine Cultural Resources Management Congress Event Launch Event
801 Agro-commodities Congress Event Dialogue
1 099 Values in marine park management Congress Event Workshop
83 Teaching session on protected areas law and governance Congress Event Workshop
1 134 Global evaluation of the impact of GEF support to protected areas management: Challenges and Opportunities Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1134_1_Zazueta-Impact Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas and Protected Area Systems.pdf
766 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
916 Local solutions to environmental challenges Congress Event Debate
1 066 Connectivity landscape conservation on a large scale for an environmentally and socially resilient Planet Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1066_1_ICCN.pdf
PDF icon 1066_2_Connectivity Conservation for Humankind.pdf
PDF icon 1066_5_ICCN Africa.pdf
PDF icon 1066_6_ICC_ICIMOD_Chettri.pdf
PDF icon 1066_7_WPC Connectivity Workshop.pdf
PDF icon 1066_8_Pulsford_Australia.pdf
PDF icon 1066_10_ICCN Mesoamerica.pdf
PDF icon 1066_11_Yerena-Garcia_Venezuela Corridors.pdf
PDF icon 1066_13_Pulsford_Global DB.pdf
498 Global Environmental Facility opportunities to support conservation of Indigenous Peoples' lands, territories and resources Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 498_1_Watanabe-Engagement with Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 498_2_Mulenkey-GEF Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group IPAG.pdf
PDF icon 498_3_UNDP-Implemented GEF Small Grants Programme.pdf
1 235 Demonstration of GPPAM curricula for protected area system and site managers Congress Event Workshop
731 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Launch Event
1 034 IUCN Biodiversity Offset Policy Consultation Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1134_1_Zazueta-Impact Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas and Protected Area Systems.pdf
1 000 Production landscapes and protected areas: approaches of the Satoyama Initiative Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1000_1_Takeuchi-The Satoyama Initiative and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 1000_2_Kawai-Introduction of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI).pdf
PDF icon 1000_3_Measuring Resilience in Production Landscapes and Seascapes, A tool for communities.pdf
PDF icon 1000_4_Salvemini-Knowledge, Learning and Adaptive Management, the COMDEKS Community-Based Landscape Approach.pdf
802 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 100 Implementing \â??conservation justice\â?? through intergenerational dialogue, collaboration and critical action Congress Event Workshop
803 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
959 Resilience practice for parks, people and paradigms: theory, practice and anecdotes for applying resilience to the real world Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 101 SeaStates: How Much of our Seas are Governments Really Protecting? Congress Event Other PDF icon 1101_3_CPAWS SeaStates.pdf
PDF icon 1101_4_GLORES for Ocean+ Pavillion.pdf
PDF icon 1101_5_SkyTruth-IUCN-MCI-18nov2014.pdf
84 Climate change strategy for protected areas in Mexico Congress Event Lecture
1 136 Bimblebox-The Movie Congress Event Other
767 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
920 The Commission on Environmental Management's Young Professional Awards Congress Event Networking Event
1 067 GEF's New Direction: Protected Areas and Beyond Congress Event Panel Discussion
257 The role of law enforcement monitoring in improving management effectiveness of protected areas: lessons learned from global case studies Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 228_1_Hockings_Protected Area Management Effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 228_2_Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation IUCN-PAPACO.pdf
PDF icon 228_3_Liverington-GlobalstudyWPC.pdf
PDF icon 228_4_Riecken-Quality counts,Criteria and standards for large protected areas in Germany.pdf
PDF icon 228_5_Indonesia-Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_6_Burgess-The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool.pdf
PDF icon 228_7_Carbutt-The KwaZulu-Natal experience.pdf
PDF icon 228_8_Hamdan-Sarawak Towards Effective Management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_9_Mathur-Management Effectiveness Evaluation, Indian Experience.pdf
1 236 Financing the transition to sustainable commodities Congress Event Panel Discussion
732 Boost your impact: how to use the IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Capacity Development
1 035 Myanmar: New Opportunities for Protected Areas and Natural World Heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1035_1_Thaw-Protected Areas Management in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_2_Win-Development of Marine Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_3_MPA development in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_4_MYANMAR Natural WHS TL.pdf
PDF icon 1035_5_Myanmar side event_backdrop.pdf
1 001 Philanthropy Dialogue Congress Event Panel Discussion
804 Achieving biodiversity-positive gas production: Lessons learned in reconciling industrial development in an ecologically-sensitive area Congress Event Dialogue
1 102 Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional: The Future of World Heritage in Australia - the Cairns Communique Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1102_1_Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional.pdf
1 137 Areas of the Future - where business and nature go hand in hand Congress Event Dialogue
769 The Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness: linking protected area management effectiveness to the WDPA Congress Event Capacity Development


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