All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
542 From Durban to Sydney: Progress to date on the Durban Accord Stream Session Panel Discussion File 542_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 542_1_Borrini-From Durban to Sydney - towards a Copernican revolution for protected areas.pdf
406 Welcome luncheon for the Stream on Reconciling Development Challenges Stream Session Networking Event
955 Talanoa and Kava Session Stream Session Excursion
502 Sustainable partnerships: Indigenous Peoples, traditional knowledge and the private sector Stream Session Workshop File 502_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 502_1_Pearlman-The Fisher Bay Area.pdf
PDF icon 502_2_Cosentino-Social Mitigation, Offsets & Tangible Benefits to Indigenous Peoples in Resource Development.pdf
PDF icon 502_3_Snyman-The integration of culture and indigenous knowledge into tourism in protected areas.pdf
373 Water System Garage: how can we better maintain our wetland engines? Stream Session Workshop File 373_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 373_1_Water System Garage How can we better maintain our wetland engines.pdf
PDF icon 373_2_Linking Wetlands and Water Management The case of Lake Chilika, India.pdf
PDF icon 373_3_Mali's Inner Niger Delta.pdf
PDF icon 373_4_Water Restoration to the Basin Ndiael - Senegal.pdf
914 New social compact: Dialogue on a global compact for sustainable economics and environmental integrity Stream Session Dialogue
685 Scenario planning tools for capacity development programmes Stream Session Workshop
824 Post conflict protected areas\â?? management Stream Session Dialogue
686 Introduction to the Capacity Development Theme Stream Session Workshop File 686_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 686_1-Rosabal Introduction to CD Theme 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 686_2-Elenore 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 686_3-Mike Intro to Global Competences Register 2.pdf
PDF icon 686_4-Ed Muller PA Management.pdf
PDF icon 686_5_Akbari-Developing Capacity to Deliver Culturally Sensitive Tourism in a Penan.pdf
825 WDPA clinic (English) Stream Session Capacity Development
342 Contribution of protected areas to the achievement of health related Sustainable development goals Stream Session Panel Discussion File 342_1-Intro and outro slides.pptx
PDF icon 342_2-C Martinez-SDGs-PAs-Health 13Nov2014.pdf
PDF icon 342_3-C Romanelli-Biodiversity and health in SDGs.pdf
PDF icon 342_4-MOH-INSPIRE Indoor smoke reduction.pdf
PDF icon 323_5_ Session 11- Policy and Partnerships - Keith.pdf
PDF icon 342_6_ Suneetha MS-Session 11-Global enviromental and health policy.pdf
File 342_wpcreport_MC.docx
476 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 476_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 476_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
878 An introduction to conservation finance studies: Emphasizing Environmental Funds\â?? roles Stream Session Networking Event
581 The urban gateway: sparking an interest in nature among the world\â??s city-dwellers Stream Session Workshop File 581_wpcreport_AJ.docx
304 Restoring natural systems to provide resilience to climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 304_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 304_1-Restoring natural systems-Fernando Camacho.pdf
PDF icon 304_0-Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 304_2-Wetland restoration_KGBR.pdf
444 Integrating protected areas into national plans and policies (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 444_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 444_1_Integrated Conservation of Kopet Dag Eco-region in Iran.pdf
PDF icon 444_2_Myanmar_NBSAP planning and implementation_WPC.pdf
PDF icon 444_3_Villamizar-Natural conservation, an economic challenge.pdf
PDF icon 444_4_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 444_5-Farrell-Sustaining the natural capital stocks and flows within Cambodia's protected areas to fuel economic development.pdf
833 The Hadza: Last of the First', Film Screening, Discussion and Reception Stream Session Launch Event
240 Biodiversity outcomes 2: measuring success and failure of protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 240_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 240_1_Taylor-Protected areas as defences against deforestation.pdf
PDF icon 240_2_Aaron-Impact Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas and Protected Area Systems.pdf
PDF icon 240_3_Edgar-Measuring and predicting success in marine reserves.pdf
PDF icon 240_4_Gill-Solving the mystery of Marine Protected Area performance.pdf
PDF icon 240_5_Whitmee-Population trends inside and outside protected areas, A matched pairs analysis.pdf
PDF icon 240_6_Burgess-Global models and their application for protected areas.pdf
543 Sharing international experiences in monitoring natural and cultural resources by Indigenous Peoples Stream Session Workshop File 543_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 243_1_Vision and characteristics for an IUCN Green List of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 243_2_Cairnes&Whiffen-Green List partnership.pdf
PDF icon 243_3_Experiences from three Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy).pdf
PDF icon 243_4_Conservation Assured Tiger Standards - CATS.pdf
PDF icon 243_5_Scaling Up Green List in China.pdf
407 Reconciling development challenges: opening plenary Stream Session Workshop File 407_Summary_GD.docx
PDF icon 407_1_RECONCILING DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Objectives, Structure, Guide.pdf
956 Pacific Delegation debrief Stream Session Debate
503 Knowledge management and technologies: Participatory 3D modelling in protected areas, landscapes and seascapes Stream Session Workshop File 503_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 503_1_Brahm-Les Aires Protégées au TChad.pdf
374 Managing protected areas to benefit water services Stream Session Networking Event File 374_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 374_2_Managing protected areas to benefit water services.pdf
687 Coral Triangle marine protected area system development and capacity needs Stream Session Workshop
826 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Stream Session Capacity Development
343 One Health: Linking human, animal and ecosystem health 1 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 343_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 343_Plowright and Eby-Reducing risk of bat-borne diseases.pdf
PDF icon 343_2_R Kock-Disease risk in parks one health perspective.pdf
477 Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 477_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 476_1_Koch-Efective and Equitable Systems of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 476_2_Lim-Improving and Diversifying the Philippines' National PA System1.pdf
PDF icon 476_3_Paniagua-Protected Areas as an asset for national development.pdf
PDF icon 476_4_Muruthi-Greater than the sum of their parts.pdf
PDF icon 476_5_Murray-Lessons learned from California.pdf
PDF icon 476_6-Bolivia, Improving Governance in PAs. SBS.pdf
PDF icon 477_Effective and equitable systems of protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
56 Meet the Conservation Finance Alliance Stream Session Networking Event
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
582 The tourism gateway - partnering to connect people with parks and protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 582_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 582_1_Ronda Green-Inspiring appreciation of parks.pdf
PDF icon 582_2_TAPAS New Generation.pdf
PDF icon 582_3_Robinson-Geotourism, Inspiring a New Generation.pdf
305 Cultural expressions for maintaining identity and heritage in the face of climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 305_wpcreport_RV.docx
445 Protected areas and Sustainable Development Goals (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 445_wpcreport_GD.docx
835 Making it Right for Indigenous Peoples: Launch of the Whakatane Mechanism and Launch of the Publication \â??World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples' Rights\â?? Stream Session Launch Event
241 National experiences with marine protected areas (MPA) network development Stream Session Lecture File 241_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 241_Blue Gabon - Stream 1 workshop.pdf
PDF icon 241_Juan Bezaury_Deep Sea MPA Mexico.pdf
PDF icon 241_Mediterranean countries.pdf
PDF icon 241_Melwert Kikuo_Palau finance mechanisms.pdf
PDF icon 241_PAN Office_Palau.pdf
PDF icon 241_Panel 1_Session 38_Mexico and Malaysia.pdf
PDF icon 241_Panel 3_Session 38_Palau and Spain.pdf
544 Recognising Indigenous rights, leadership and traditional knowledge in protected areas and beyond Stream Session Lecture File 544_wpcreport_ND.docx
409 Mainstreaming protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 409_1_Pullin-Human well-being effects of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 409_2_Redford-Why the practice of mainstreaming matters to the future of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 409_3_Huntley-Determinants of successful Biodiversity Mainstreaming.pdf
PDF icon 409_4_Diaz-Mainstreaming Protected Areas.pdf
957 WIN Dialogue: Report back and caucus on streams/plenary Stream Session Dialogue
375 Water for Life Stream Session Panel Discussion File 375_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 375_1_Berney-Protecting Flows to Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 375_2_Nel-Identifying and protecting Strategic Water Source Areas for water security.pdf
PDF icon 375_3_Smith-Water Policy Dialogue Can We Strengthen the Role of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 375_4_Farrell-Protecting Biodiversity and Fisheries from Development Threat.pdf
PDF icon 375_5_Mendoza-A flagship species for freshwater conservation in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 375_7_Leonard-Protected Areas and Hydroelectricity Development.pdf
PDF icon 375_6_Aisha-Jebel El Dair as biosphere reserve.pdf
PDF icon 375_8_Harrison-Breakout Discussion Groups.pdf
688 Towards a Strategic Framework for Comprehensive Conservation Capacity Stream Session Workshop
827 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Stream Session Capacity Development
344 Valuing and accounting - the importance of protected areas for the community Stream Session Lecture File 344_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 344-Fauteux-Value of communities.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
277 Transformational change: knowledge, values and rules Stream Session Panel Discussion File 277_wpcreport_RV.docx
583 Lessons from those reaching out to reconnect Stream Session Workshop File 583_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 583_1_Reaching Out - Lessons from those reaching out to reconnect.pdf
306 Transforming conservation objectives under a changing climate Stream Session Panel Discussion File 306_wpcreport_RapporteursInitials.docx
446 Protected areas and Sustainable Development Goals (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 446_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 446_1_Nagu-The Role of Protected Areas in the context of the Malaysias Vision 2020.pdf
PDF icon 446_2_Aggrey Rwetswa-Protected Areas Uganda.pdf
PDF icon 446_3_Tarun Kathula-Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in EGREE AP.pdf
PDF icon 446_4_Ravaka Ranaivoson-When Protected Areas sustain life and support development, myth or reality.pdf
PDF icon 446_5_Nwangchuk-Protected Areas of Bhutan.pdf
PDF icon 446_6_Jamison Ervin-Nature - Why cares.pdf
PDF icon 446_7_Angelito Fontanilla-NATURE - The role of PA in Philippine.pdf
PDF icon 446_8_Krishna Prasad-Protected Areas Tourism for Nepal's Development.pdf
836 WIN Dialogue: Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Negotiation Practices Stream Session Panel Discussion
242 Protected areas and invasive species 2: Engaging communities and civil society Stream Session Lecture File 242_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 242_Andrea Monaco_European Guidelines.pdf
PDF icon 242_Graeme Elliott_Birds in N Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 242_IAS in Oceania.pdf
PDF icon 242_Peter Jacobs_Wild horses in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 242_Rajiv Bhartari-Lantana in India.pdf
545 Traditional marine management systems and international policies and targets Stream Session Workshop File 545_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 545_1_Kunen-Traditional Fire Management and Climate Mitigation.pdf
PDF icon 545_2_Filardi-Becoming the Forest.pdf
PDF icon 545_4_Kalamia-Southern Fijian Perspectives on Community-based Marine Resource Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 545_5_Tauetia-Traditional Marine Management Systems - International Policies and Targets.pdf
410 The contributions of the GEF and the UNDP, World Bank and Conservation International to protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 410_1_Hay-Edie-Experience from GEF SGP in support of PAs - ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_2_ICCAs and Aichi Targets.pdf
PDF icon 410_3_De Minicis-Inspiring solutions for PAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_4_Joshi-Shifting the Goal Post, The World Bank - GEF Journey in Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 410_5_Dinu-Protected Areas in the 21st Century, Meeting Development Challenges UNDP.pdf


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