All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
558 The value of visitor monitoring systems at parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 558_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 558_1_Eagles-Administrative procedures for operation of a national visitor use monitoring program in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 558_2_Erkkonen-Operations of the Visitor Monitoring System in Finland.pdf
PDF icon 558_3_Sieler-Visitor Monitoring Data.pdf
PDF icon 558_4_U.S. State Parks Visitation Data from the NASPD Annual Information Exchange Project.pdf
358 Perspectives on health â?? current practices and future opportunities for protected area managers Stream Session Panel Discussion File 358_wpcreport_BW.docx
File 358_Notes_BW.docx
PDF icon 358_Session 2_Stream 3 Perspectives on health.pdf
PDF icon 358_Session 2-Intro slides.pdf
518 Respecting, relying on and advancing traditional knowledge, governance and management systems Stream Session Workshop File 518_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 518_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 518_2_Karibuhoye-Beyond the sacred.pdf
PDF icon 518_3_Nadeau-An aboriginal conservation strategy to maintain the Cree way of life in the Québec (Canada) boreal forest.pdf
PDF icon 518_4_Joint UTS and NWLLS Project.pdf
PDF icon 518_5_Carla-Banggur, the mountains call me home.pdf
PDF icon 518_6_Malmer-Connecting Diverse Knowledge Systems for Enhanced Protected Area Governance -The Multiple Evidence Base approach.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
324 Connecting to Australia: place-attachment bringing people closer to nature and culture and improving their well-being Stream Session Panel Discussion File 324_wpcreport_BW.docx
280 Guidelines for sustainability and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation in the coastal zone Stream Session Panel Discussion File 280_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 280_1_Vasseur and Tremblay-Protecting traditional plants in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada.pdf
PDF icon 280_2_Mark Ford-Sea Level Rise the USA.pdf
PDF icon 280_3_Waqalevu-Pacific Mangrove Initiative.pdf
PDF icon 280_4_Rober Mather- Key Learnings on Coastal Resilience in South-East Asia.pdf
PDF icon 280_5_Shane Orchard-Dune restoration for protection against coastal hazards.pdf
480 Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 480_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 380_1_Valuation of protected area systems.pdf
PDF icon 380_2_The role of TEEB in assessing the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_3_TESSAA Practical tool to assess the socio-economic benefits of protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 380_4_Protected Areas Benefit Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 480_Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
697 Peer Exchange across Indigenous Peoples and local Communities for Capacity Development Stream Session Workshop
839 From Global to Local: Linking Local Conservation Objectives and Local Business Potentials Through ABS Stream Session Workshop
461 Privately protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 461_Privately protected areas (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
245 Monitoring conservation outcomes inside and outside protected areas (Part 1) Stream Session Lecture File 245_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 245_1_Turak-A framework for monitoring biodiversity inside and outside protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 245-2_Boaille- Framework for monitoring biodiversity inside and outside protected areasaillie-.pdf
PDF icon 245_3_McGeochv-In situ data collection.pdf
PDF icon 245_4_Turner-Monitoring Conservation Outcomes Inside and Outside Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 245_5_Hobern-Organising Evidence for Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 245_6_Fishpool-DPSIR indicators at different scales.pdf
PDF icon 245_7_Ferrier-Linking monitoring inside and outside protected areas with whole-landscape modelling and scenario analysis.pdf
PDF icon 245_8_Keith-AdaptiveMonitoring.pdf
961 WIN Dialogue: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forests and Fisheries in the Context of National Food Security Stream Session Lecture
429 Good for business: solutions through sustainable sourcing and supply chains Stream Session Panel Discussion File 429_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 429_2-Petrus Gunarso.pdf
PDF icon 429_3-Kering.pdf
PDF icon 429_4-COMACO.pdf
PDF icon 429_5-Blue Ventures Aquaculture.pdf
PDF icon 429_6-Adriana-PAs and supply chains.pdf
46 Welcome Cocktail Reception Stream Session Ceremony PDF icon 143_0910-1010 Minister Donskoy.pdf
359 Volunteering in nature benefits humans and ecosystems Stream Session Panel Discussion File 359_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 359_L Riley-Park Champions.pdf
PDF icon 359_M Rodrigue_Sharing love for Victorias MPAs.pdf
PDF icon 359_M Townsend-Keynote-Engaging with nature.pdf
PDF icon 359_P Ingamells-NatureWatch.pdf
PDF icon 359_R Molsher-Improving wellbeing.pdf
File 359_Opening and closing slides.pptx
392 Climate change adaptation and mitigation actions to enhance food security and livelihoods Stream Session Lecture File 392_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 392_1_Climate change adaptation.pdf
881 Conservation with small grants - the view of the grantees Stream Session Panel Discussion
325 Sustaining parks and improving human health together 1 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 325_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 315_Stream 3-session 10-Sustaining parks and improving human health.pdf
326 Making Healthy Parks Healthy People real: a workshop on the draft IUCN WCPA Best Practice Guidelines Stream Session Workshop File 326_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 326_1-Best Practice Guidelines Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 326_2_PoWPA -NFP meeting.pdf
281 Perceptions and expectations for protected areas under climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 281_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 281_A Hobday-Expectations under climate change.pdf
481 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 481_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 481_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
698 A Resource Fair- Capacity development tools and partners for Formal and Non-formal training (Part 2) Stream Session Workshop
840 Traditional Voyaging Workshop Stream Session Launch Event
462 Protected areas under government governance (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 462_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 462_1_Zeballos-NATIONAL PARK KAA IYA (Isoseño Guarani, Chiquitano, Ayoreo)).pdf
246 Beyond Aichi 1: 'Space for Nature' Stream Session Panel Discussion File 246_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 246_1_Kumpel-Global public opinion survey on space for nature.pdf
PDF icon 246_2_Locke-Science review Nature Needs at least Half.pdf
PDF icon 246_3_Chauvenet-Space for biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 246_4_Spalding-Future scenarios, marine Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 246_5_Mackey-What would half deliver for carbon and water.pdf
PDF icon 246_6_Roe-Nature-Based Livelihoods.pdf
PDF icon 246_7_Figgis-The cultural, aesthetic and wellbeing benefits of nature PAs.pdf
PDF icon 246_8-Mulligan-A global analysis of biodiversity.pdf
430 Food for thought: minimizing impacts and maximizing benefits of sustainable agriculture Stream Session Panel Discussion File 430_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 430_1_Diment-The Ibis Rice project in Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 430_2_Zuluaga-Sustainable cattle ranching in Colombia.pdf
PDF icon 430_3_Joshi-Leveraging Sectoral Investments for Greening the Agriculture Production System.pdf
PDF icon 430_4_South-South Knowledge Exchange Colombia, Ethiopia, Burundi and Rwanda.pdf
47 Opening Ceremony Stream Session Ceremony
393 Stream Opening: food security, in-situ conservation/ sustainable use of genetic resources Stream Session Panel Discussion File 393_wpcreport_RM.docx
521 The recognition, relevance, role and reworking of Traditional and Cultural Systems to a Fast Changing and Developing Asia Stream Session Dialogue File 521_wpcreport_PG.docx
882 Small grants: effective financial mechanisms for protected areas Stream Session Networking Event
327 Inspiring young people in nature conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion File 327_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 327_Session 32 - Inspiring young people in nature conservation.pdf
282 Part 1: Adaptation measures from around the world Stream Session Panel Discussion File 282_wpcreport_MM.docx
482 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 482_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
699 Monitoring and mapping techniques peer-to-peer: Workshop by and for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Stream Session Workshop
842 WIN Dialogue: Through the Looking Glass? Presentation on Wearable Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights Stream Session Workshop
463 Protected areas under government governance (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 463_wpcreport_gm.docx
247 The IUCN World Heritage Outlook â?? setting a decade challenge for the World Heritage Convention Stream Session Workshop File 247_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 247_1_World heritage Outlook_launch.pdf
PDF icon 247_2_Osipova-The benefits of Natural World heritage.pdf
PDF icon 247_3_Cyril kormos-Key messages World Heritage.pdf
431 The urban jungle: protected areas and urban development Stream Session Panel Discussion File 431_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 431_1_Myrdal-Integrating Table Mountain National Park.pdf
PDF icon 431_2_Establishing the Table Mountain National Park Consolidation of Conservation Worthy Land.pdf
PDF icon 431_3_Conservation & development working together.pdf
PDF icon 431_4_Bajikar-Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.pdf
48 Way forward for conservation finance Stream Session Networking Event
522 Oceania Dialogue Stream Session Dialogue File 522_wpcreport_GP.docx
883 Shifting the way the world shops Stream Session Panel Discussion
884 Financial gap analysis in Mexico's protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion
328 Green Justice: the right to nature Stream Session Panel Discussion File 328_wpcreport_BW.docx
283 Planning and management of protected areas in the face of climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 283_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 283_1_Cadena_Martin-Resilience for Protected Areas in México.pdf
PDF icon 283_2_Cecilia Cabello-Management of protected natural areas in a heterogenous climate environment, the Peruvian experience.pdf
PDF icon 283_3_Vinod Mathur-Developing climate change adaptation plans for natural world heritage sites Indian.pdf
PDF icon 283_4_Elise Belle-Protected Area Resilient to Climate Change (PARCC) in West Africa.pdf
PDF icon 283_5_Inchausty Victor-Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change, Lessons Learned in the Amazon.pdf
PDF icon 283_6_Oscar Guevara-Mainstreaming Climate Change.pdf
PDF icon 283_7_Belle-Planning and management of protected areas in the face of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 283_8_Tarsicio Granizo-Resilience construction in the Amazon biome.pdf
483 Governance and procedural rights: securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 1 of a three hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 483_1_Empowering rights through governance of PAs.pdf
PDF icon 483_2_Koroglu-Communities, Conservation and the Courts,How Public Interest Legal Centres Assist Communities in Defending Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 483_3_Blicharska-Governance and procedural rights.pdf
PDF icon 483_Governance and procedural rights securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 1 of a three hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
700 Indigenous-led Philanthropy as a tool for Conservation and Capacity Development Stream Session Workshop
843 WIN Dialogue: Outcomes from the Gathering in the Gully: Pre-conference workshop Stream Session Lecture
248 Inspiring Hope: Protected areas restoration Stream Session Lecture File 248_wpcreport_NL.docx
965 Human Rights in Conservation: Progress since Durban Conservation Initiative on Human Rights Stream Session Panel Discussion
432 What's the catch? Common oceans and marine protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 432_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 432_1_Gleason-Incentivizing fishers and designing protected areas for fishery benefits.pdf
PDF icon 432_2_Hanich-Balancing Marine Conservation and Development.pdf
PDF icon 432_3_Seychelles EEZ.pdf


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