All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
229 National processes for identifying Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) Stream Session Lecture File 229_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 229_1_Langhammer-Identifying and Conserving KBAs, Experiences from Around the World.pdf
PDF icon 229_2_Vergara-KBA Identification Process - Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 229_3_Raghavan-Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation in the Western Ghats, The Key Biodiversity Area Approach.pdf
PDF icon 229_4_Vine-The State of Australia Bird and Biodiversity Areas.pdf
PDF icon 229_5_Obretenova-Identifying the Areas of Special Conservation Interest, forming the Emerald Network.pdf
PDF icon 229_6_Fishpool-Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas in the marine environment.pdf
PDF icon 229_7-Brazilian Alliance for Zero Extinction BAZE.pdf
PDF icon 229_8_Briggs-KBAs and Ramsar.pdf
PDF icon 229_9_How different sectors use Key Biodiversity Areas.pdf
PDF icon 229_10_Commenville-KBA.pdf
431 The urban jungle: protected areas and urban development Stream Session Panel Discussion File 431_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 431_1_Myrdal-Integrating Table Mountain National Park.pdf
PDF icon 431_2_Establishing the Table Mountain National Park Consolidation of Conservation Worthy Land.pdf
PDF icon 431_3_Conservation & development working together.pdf
PDF icon 431_4_Bajikar-Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.pdf
575 Young Peoples\â?? Pact Stream Session Workshop File 575_wpcreport_EL.docx
52 Conservation Trust Funds: leveraging funds for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion
384 Watershed management: a modern approach to protected area management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 384_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 384_1_Focus on the management approach of CENTRAL KARAKORAM NATIONAL PARK.pdf
535 Contributions of Indigenous and community conservation to global biodiversity targets Stream Session Workshop File 535_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 535_1_Kothari-Indigenous Peoples' and Local Community Contribution to Conservation in Asia.pdf
PDF icon 535_2_Usongo-Contributions to biodiversity conservation by the Indigenous peoples.pdf
PDF icon 535_3_Oviedo-Contributions of Indigenous and community conservation to global biodiversity targets in Latin America.pdf
PDF icon 535_4_Courtois-Indigenous Peoples of North America Leadership on Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 535_5_Malmer-Contributions to biodiversity conservation by the Indigenous peoples and local communities of Europe.pdf
PDF icon 535_6_Tawake-Contributions to biodiversity conservation by the Indigenous peoples and local communities of Oceania.pdf
PDF icon 535_7_Morrison-Contributions of Indigenous peoples and local communities to biodiversity conservation in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 535_8_Scott-Contributions of IPs and LCs and community conservation to.pdf
PDF icon 535_9_Kothari-Indigenous Peoples' and Local Community Contribution to Conservation in Asia.pdf
939 Pacific Initiatives - Celebrating Achievements Stream Session Launch Event
1 213 Respecting Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Culture: Opening Plenary Stream Session Ceremony File 1213_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 1213_1_Kothari-Better Governed Landscapes for Sustainable and Equitable Well-being.pdf
705 IUCN WCPA Capacity Development Programme: planning for the next decade Stream Session Workshop
296 Watertowers of the world: Climate change in mountain ecosystems Stream Session Panel Discussion File 296_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 296_1_Sinclair-Australia Conservation Foundation.pdf
351 Made for each other â?? connecting children with nature Stream Session Panel Discussion File 351_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 351_1_Biodiversity and Comm Health-session 11.pdf
PDF icon 351_2_ session 11_ Policy and Partnerships Making Natural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 3513_3_session 11_Global Enviromental and health policy.pdf
PDF icon 351_session 23 - Made for each other - connecting children with nature (2).pdf
496 Indigenous sustainable uses and rights in marine protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 496_wpcreport_ND.docx
897 Innovation in surveillance and measuring management effectiveness in Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Stream Session Dialogue
314 Healthy parks, healthy people: Stream outcomes Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 314_1_Presoeuroparc.pdf
PDF icon 314_2_Welling-Responding to climate change.pdf
PDF icon 314_3_Parks Victoria-Unlock the values of parks and protected areas for health and well-being, while conserving biodiversity..pdf
PDF icon 314_4_Supporting human life.pdf
PDF icon 314_5_Supporting human life-Water theme - key conclusions.pdf
PDF icon 314_6_Laffoley&Wenzel-The Promise of Sydney Marine.pdf
463 Protected areas under government governance (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 463_wpcreport_gm.docx
862 Meet the editors of PARKS Stream Session Dialogue
863 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
230 Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation and protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 230_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 230_1_Rosenzweig-Financing beyonnd PAs.pdf
PDF icon 230_2_FUNBIO-A Strategy to Finance Protected Area Systems, the Experience of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 230_3_CFA-The role of Conservation Trust Fund, recent studies and tools.pdf
PDF icon 230_4_Landreau-Mathias-A new financial instrument to secure the long term financing of Protected Area networks.pdf
PDF icon 230_5_Huwyler-Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation and protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 230_6_Can biodiversity offsets help finance underfunded Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 230_7_Tizard-Taninthayi Nature Reserve Project.pdf
432 What's the catch? Common oceans and marine protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 432_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 432_1_Gleason-Incentivizing fishers and designing protected areas for fishery benefits.pdf
PDF icon 432_2_Hanich-Balancing Marine Conservation and Development.pdf
PDF icon 432_3_Seychelles EEZ.pdf
576 Young Conservation Catalyst: Voices of a new generation Stream Session Workshop File 576_wpcreport_NB.docx
53 Investor-driven support for large landscape conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion
385 Ecological and social approaches to food production in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 385_wpcreport_RM.docx
536 Assuring the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the World Heritage Convention Stream Session Workshop File 536_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 536_1_Assuring the Rights of IPs in the WHC.pdf
PDF icon 536_2_Porokwa-Assuring Rights of Indigenous.pdf
PDF icon 536_3_Kakadu National Park.pdf
1 214 Closing Ceremony Stream Session ClosingCeremony
706 Empowering Inspired Young People Stream Session Workshop
297 Ramping up Earth's heat engine: Earths systems in a warming world Stream Session Panel Discussion File 297_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 297_2-Hennessy-Climate projections and extreme weather 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 297_4-Fagre_Mountain Parks 15 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 297_5-Doherty-Montane Forests 14 Nov.pdf
PDF icon 297_6-Gonzalez World Parks vulnerability.jpg.pdf
352 One Health: Linking human, animal and ecosystem health 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 352_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 352_Speaker 1_Christopher Golden_Overview of HEAL Programme.pdf
PDF icon 352_Speaker 2_Shirley Atkinson_Disease related conflict.pdf
PDF icon 352_Speaker 3 _Stacy Jupiter_Fiji typhoid.pdf
898 Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Review â?? come meet the Chairs and hear about their work Stream Session Dialogue
315 Sustaining parks and improving human health together 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 315_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 315_Stream 3-session 10-Sustaining parks and improving human health.pdf
465 Protected areas under shared governanceâ??inspiring solutions for adaptive co-management (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 465_Protected areas under shared governance-inspiring solutions for adaptive co-management (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
864 WDPA clinic (English) Stream Session Capacity Development
231 Protected area management effectiveness 2: making assessments count Stream Session Lecture File 231_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 231_1_Growcock-Making assessments count Protected area management effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 231_2_Stishov-Assessment of Conservation Effectiveness of Protected Areas and their regional networks.pdf
PDF icon 231_3_Chrismitchell-From Durban to Sydney.pdf
PDF icon 231_4_Puhlmann-Interactive Evaluation of Germany's National Parks.pdf
PDF icon 231_5_Khumalo-Monitoring of the South Africa PA.pdf
PDF icon 231_6_Matar-A first regional assessment of their management effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 231_7_Principles.pdf
433 They're not making it any more: Integrating protected areas into spatial planning Stream Session Panel Discussion File 433_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 433_1_Agardy-Oceans Save Them to Use Them or Lose Them.pdf
PDF icon 433_2_Christopolou-Towards an inspiring future for the Mediterranean.pdf
PDF icon 433_3_Leiner-Natura 2000, the EU response to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 11.pdf
PDF icon 433_4_Millington-The East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership.pdf
PDF icon 433_5_Suksawang-A System Plan for Thailand's PA.pdf
PDF icon 433_6_Marine Spatial Planning in Practice.pdf
577 Empowering young people to be agents of change Stream Session Workshop File 577_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 577_1_Lennox-OZGreen Learning and leadership.pdf
54 Celebrating the future of the Global Conservation Fund Stream Session Networking Event PDF icon 54_1_Enhancing Diversity Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 54_2_The purpose of the Promise of Sydney.pdf
396 PAs contributing to food security and nutrition: Examining innovative Institutional arrangements Stream Session Panel Discussion File 396_wpcreport_RM.docx
386 Ecosystem restoration and protected areas: delivering socio-economic and environmental benefits Stream Session Panel Discussion File 386_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 386_1_Utomo-Ecosystem Restoration, An experience from Flores, Indonesia.pdf
PDF icon 386_2_Kings parks and botanic garden.pdf
PDF icon 386_3_Hill-Building resilience through recovery, mangroves and MPAs in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 386_4-Walters-Forest Landscape Restoration, method and opportunities.pdf
537 Assessing and certifying Indigenous knowledge of tracking in African conservation and protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 537_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 537_1_OchiwasahowFisher Bay.pdf
PDF icon 537_2_Cosentino-Social Mitigation, Offsets & Tangible Benefits to Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 537_3_Snyman-The integration of culture and indigenous knowledge into tourism in protected areas.pdf
940 IUCN/Partners Session Stream Session Panel Discussion
1 215 Farewell BBQ Stream Session Networking Event
707 Strategic Environmental Assessments: concepts and applications for Marine Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop
298 The role of parks and protected areas in an era of change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 298_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 298_2_B Herrerra-Conservation -based evidence.pdf
PDF icon 298_3_R Murti-PAs for risk management.pdf
PDF icon 298_4_N Gilbert-Establishing PAs in Antarctica.pdf
PDF icon 298_5_N Burgess-PAs and REDD-plus.pdf
PDF icon 294_ and 298_Nov 14 1330 and 1530 Session Details Stream2_MembersBar.pdf
353 Managing biological pest invasions to keep people and protected areas healthy Stream Session Panel Discussion File 353_wpcreport_ES.docx
File 353_An Introduction to Session 26_Managing biological pest invasions.pptx
PDF icon 353_Speaker 1_Geoffrey Howard_Invasive Species and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 353_Speaker 3_Lolita Gibbons_Palau.pdf
PDF icon 353_Speaker 4_Raymond Nias_Norfolk.pdf
PDF icon 353_Speaker 5_Maria_Lionfish.pdf
899 Australia\â??s marine environment â?? exploring the South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network Stream Session Dialogue
466 Protected areas under shared governanceâ??inspiring solutions for adaptive co-management (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 466_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 466_Erika Stanciu-Intro Shared Governance.pdf
PDF icon 466_Protected areas under shared governance-inspiring solutions for adaptive co-management (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
866 WDPA clinic: Privately Protected Areas Stream Session Capacity Development
232 Innovative protected area management 2 Stream Session Lecture File 232_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 232_1_Wise-Pete-The Introduction of disease free Tasmanian Devils to Maria Island National Park.pdf
PDF icon 232_2_Galuvao-Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 2014-2020.pdf
PDF icon 232_3_Fleischer-Dogley-A conservation success story that inspires.pdf
PDF icon 232_4_Campello-Georgladis-Fcocus on Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 232_5_BrazillBoast-Saving our Species.pdf
434 Let\â??s connect! Protected areas and landscape trade-offs Stream Session Panel Discussion File 434_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 434_1_Barnes-Australia's National Landscapes Initiative.pdf
PDF icon 434_2_Belligham-Reconciling development ambitions and conservation goals in New Zealand's protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 434_3_Lehtomaki-Prioritising PA expation in Finland.pdf
PDF icon 434_4_Mentzel-Building Negotiation skills for sustainable PAs.pdf
PDF icon 434_5_Taylor-Kimberley to Cape.pdf
PDF icon 434_6_Warman-A fresh approach to tackling nature conservation and resource use conflicts - the Tasmanian forests 'peace deal.pdf
578 Pushing boundaries: young peoples' protected areas challenge Stream Session Workshop File 578_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 578_1_Monteferri-Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA).pdf
1 254 Youth Are Moving Forward: Are You Keeping Up? Stream Session Panel Discussion


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