All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
922 Nature-based solutions and adaptation to a changing climate: linking coastal and marine conservation, development and risks reduction Congress Event Panel Discussion
546 Tech Zone marketplace Congress Event Workshop
1 123 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 258 Challenges and Innovative approaches in the management of Protected Areas in Brazil Congress Event Networking Event
1 037 Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1037_0_Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia. Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 1037_1_Glemet-Beung Kiat Ngong Ramsar Site, Lao PDR Climate change vulnerability assessment and implication for management.pdf
PDF icon 1037_2_Kimsreng-Management Plan of Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary (PKWS), Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 1037_3_Brunner-Coastal resilience. What works.pdf
PDF icon 1037_4_Manopawitr-Building ecosystem resilience through transboundary Marine Protected Area - Myanmar.pdf
511 Cultural Flows film screenings and panel discussion Congress Event Workshop
125 Elevating cultural resources in our protected areas - International Year of Maritime Heritage and Toolkit on Marine Cultural Resources Management Congress Event Launch Event
1 091 Land/Sea Connections: Building a coalition for protection from ridges to reefs Congress Event Dialogue
1 223 Forty years of community-generated Nature Conservation Reviews: a discussion of three models for achieving conservation success Congress Event Workshop
793 Strategic stakeholder and business alliance to protect the tri-national Wadden Sea World Heritage site Congress Event Dialogue
1 003 Innovative Finance for Long Term Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 057 Protected Areas as Economic Assets Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
757 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Congress Event Capacity Development
962 Co$ting nature: Ecosystem services in protected areas, a global analysis Congress Event Lecture
1 157 Health and Wellbeing networking lunch: Active in Parks activation kit launch Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
436 Ecological safeguards for equitable, sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 1) Congress Event Panel Discussion File 436_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 436_1_Gulko-Using a Coral Reef Mitigation Bank and Innovative Coral Restoration Nursery for Off-Site Impacts to Restore Marine Managed Areas.pdf
PDF icon 436_2_Jones-Offsetting development for conservation connectivity.Going the extra mile.pdf
PDF icon 436_3_Millington-The East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership,Conserving Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats for Biodiversity and people.pdf
PDF icon 436_4_Savy-New opportunities for conservation the role of the IFC Performance Standards.pdf
PDF icon 436_5_Strategic Assessment in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 436_6_Environmental Safeguarding for Responsible Development.pdf
721 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
923 Market-based mechanisms to ensure conservation of marine and coastal systems and services Congress Event Panel Discussion
257 The role of law enforcement monitoring in improving management effectiveness of protected areas: lessons learned from global case studies Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 228_1_Hockings_Protected Area Management Effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 228_2_Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation IUCN-PAPACO.pdf
PDF icon 228_3_Liverington-GlobalstudyWPC.pdf
PDF icon 228_4_Riecken-Quality counts,Criteria and standards for large protected areas in Germany.pdf
PDF icon 228_5_Indonesia-Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_6_Burgess-The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool.pdf
PDF icon 228_7_Carbutt-The KwaZulu-Natal experience.pdf
PDF icon 228_8_Hamdan-Sarawak Towards Effective Management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_9_Mathur-Management Effectiveness Evaluation, Indian Experience.pdf
1 124 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 260 Tarkine National Park Congress Event Launch Event
1 038 Ecological networks in Mediterranean countries Congress Event Workshop
1 092 Location, Location, Location: Are we putting MPAs in the right places? Congress Event Dialogue
1 224 Dunphy's Kowmung Adventure: Connecting with conservation pioneers to rediscover our natural heritage Congress Event Dialogue
794 Profit, people and planet: Harnessing industry know-how for conservation Congress Event Dialogue
1 004 Africa Night Congress Event Dialogue
83 Teaching session on protected areas law and governance Congress Event Workshop
1 058 Environmental education program for marine protected area Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
336 Creating and promoting accessible protected area experiences for visitors with disabilities Congress Event Workshop
758 WDPA clinic (French) Congress Event Capacity Development
964 Liberating knowledge from geospatial data â?? How CartoDB is making online map-making and storytelling easy Congress Event Capacity Development
1 158 AILA Industry Event Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
723 Advances in technology for monitoring and management of protected areas â?? Instant Wild demo Congress Event Capacity Development
924 Honu by the Sea' performance Congress Event Dialogue
1 125 Wetland restoration walking tour Congress Event Other
1 264 Joint Management in Commonwealth Reserves Congress Event Panel Discussion
259 Protected Areas Law and Achieving Aichi Target 11 Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 234_1_Butchart-How well do protected areas cover biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 234_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 234_3_Venter-The future of protected areas and threatened species a cautionary tale.pdf
PDF icon 234_4_Di Minin-Global conservation prioritization for Aichi Target 11.pdf
1 266 The Satoyama Concept: Theory and Practice Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1126_1_Mitomori-JICAs Nature Conservation Cooperation.pdf
PDF icon 1126_2_Ichikawa-Introduction of the Satoyama Initiative and IPSI.pdf
PDF icon 1126_3_Jurado-Participatory Protected Area Management.pdf
PDF icon 1126_4_CROCKER RANGE PARK Community Use Zone (CUZ).pdf
PDF icon 1126_5_Win-WinCrested ibis.pdf
PDF icon 1126_6_A farm of the future.pdf
1 093 Mua - Guided by Nature Congress Event Dialogue
370 Capacity needs for Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction: what\â??s available and what\â??s needed? Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 370_1_Capacity needs for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_2_Charles B-Natural hazards and disaster risk reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_3_Radhika-CapacityBuildingforDRR.pdf
PDF icon 370_4_Mitomori-Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_5_Hammill-Understanding the climate-related risks.pdf
795 Biofuels and the CEESP report Congress Event Dialogue
1 005 Inspiring tools for enhancing sustainability Congress Event Dialogue
84 Climate change strategy for protected areas in Mexico Congress Event Lecture
1 059 Protected Areas and Indigenous Territories in Mesoamerica: A close look at rights, collaboration and development challenges. Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
337 Health and nature regional e-learning network establishment workshop Congress Event Workshop
759 NatureWatch: Using mobile technology to engage and empower people for the conservation of key sites for biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
1 159 Pop Up Park Launch & Thank You to Stream Partners and Sponsors Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
724 Designing beautiful visualisations from the data of beautiful places Congress Event Capacity Development
925 What\â??s New in Google Ocean: our latest underwater Street View collects from around the world and a first look at global high seas fishing Congress Event Launch Event
1 126 Wetland restoration walking tour Congress Event Other


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