All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
925 What\â??s New in Google Ocean: our latest underwater Street View collects from around the world and a first look at global high seas fishing Congress Event Launch Event
1 071 Mauritius, Seychelles and Comoros: making conservation work for development in the Indian Ocean Congress Event Other
736 Screening of two short films: Project Ocean and Net-Works Congress Event Capacity Development
1 005 Inspiring tools for enhancing sustainability Congress Event Dialogue
1 138 IBAs in Danger Launch 2014 Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
807 Rio Tinto's experience and lessons from application of the mitigation hierarchy, including net positive impact, across its businesses Congress Event Dialogue
1 105 The benefits of natural World Heritage sites: a new study on ecosystem services provided by the world\â??s iconic places Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1105_1_Osipova-The benefits of natural world heritage.pdf
1 238 Protected Areas and biodiversity offsets Congress Event Panel Discussion
773 The business journey Congress Event Dialogue
1 072 Workshop on the Management of International Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
515 Indigenous Partnerships Workshop: New South Wales' experiences with joint management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 515_1_Deriah- Aboriginal Area.pdf
PDF icon 515_2_Worimi Conservation Lands.pdf
PDF icon 515_3_Gaagal Wanggaan, South Beach, National Park.pdf
PDF icon 515_4_ConnectingToCulture.pdf
PDF icon 515_5_Partnerships Cultural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 515_6_Firesticks Partnerships.pdf
PDF icon 515_7_Partnerships Aboriginal Joint Management Overview LF.pdf
737 Russian cultural landscapes for community development Congress Event Lecture
1 039 Protected Areas Climate Adaptation Approach Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
253 An exploration and explanation of the use of the IUCN protected area definition, management categories and governance types: the common language of the IUCN World Parks Congress and marine and terrestrial protected area work worldwide. Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 253_1_The use of the IUCN protected area definition WPC.pdf
1 006 Launch of the Asia Protected Areas Partnership Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 139 Monitoring Aichi target 11 implementation with the Powpa ? Lessons learned from France. Congress Event Other
59 A clinic on the WDPA regarding ICCAs (Indigenous and Community Conserved Territories and Areas) Congress Event Capacity Development
808 Joint ICMM-IUCN panel discussion on biodiversity performance measurement Congress Event Dialogue
1 106 Bright Spots and PA Solutions Innovation â?? creating new solutions from the building blocks of success in both marine and terrestrial protected areas Congress Event Workshop
1 239 Industrial Mining in a Biodiversity Hotspot: the Experience of Madagascar Congress Event Panel Discussion
774 The IUCN Red List: 50 years of Conservation Congress Event Launch Event File 774_wpcreport_AJ.docx
927 Cook Island MPA: creating the largest protected area ever. By Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands. Congress Event Launch Event
1 074 Saving our Species in NSW Congress Event Panel Discussion
738 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
1 040 Technology and public use as drivers to engage society in protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
478 Building a global No-Go Commitment: strengthening, expanding and enforcing no-go policies Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 478_2_Schofield-Protecting Marine Parks on a Grand Scale.pdf
PDF icon 478_3_No-Go Zones at Sea.pdf
PDF icon 478_4_Kothari-(ICCAs) as No Go sites.pdf
PDF icon 478_Building a global No-Go Commitment strengthening, expanding and enforcing no-go policies Workshop Summary Report.pdf
254 Conservation planning to achieve conservation goals for individual protected areas Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 254_1_Planning to Achieve Conservation Goals in Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 254_2_Mills-Stakeholder analysis as a key component of a planning process.pdf
PDF icon 254_3_Game-The nature conservacy.pdf
PDF icon 254_4_Burgman-Risk, assumptions and uncertainty.pdf
1 007 Mountain Protected Areas: a worldwide heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 140 The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program for the Great Barrier Reef Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
809 Managing impacts on biodiversity at a site-level: challenges and opportunities for the extractives industry Congress Event Dialogue
967 The Launch of Measuring Ecosystem Services: Guidance on Developing Ecosystem Service Indicators Congress Event Launch Event
1 107 New Generation of World Heritage Arab experts Congress Event Other File 1107_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 240 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
775 Business as unusual Congress Event Dialogue
928 â??Communities of the Paramosâ?: conserving a fragile ecosystem for water in the Andes region Congress Event Lecture
1 075 The Judiciary and Protected Areas Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1075_1_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_2_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_3_Protected Areas in the Courts - An Overview.pdf
739 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
1 041 Landmarks at Risk' launch and announcement of conference for a Call To Action to protect cultural resources in a changing climate Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 008 Borders divide - nature unites! Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 141 Film: Years of Living Dangerously Congress Event Other
1 108 Marine World Heritage in Arab States Congress Event Other
1 241 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
776 IUCN Protected Area Management Categories: Past, present and future. Speaking a Common Language. Congress Event Dialogue
1 076 New Social Compact Public Engagement Congress Event Dialogue
1 042 Nature Needs Half TM -- Embracing big solutions for nature and people Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
257 The role of law enforcement monitoring in improving management effectiveness of protected areas: lessons learned from global case studies Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 228_1_Hockings_Protected Area Management Effectiveness.pdf
PDF icon 228_2_Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation IUCN-PAPACO.pdf
PDF icon 228_3_Liverington-GlobalstudyWPC.pdf
PDF icon 228_4_Riecken-Quality counts,Criteria and standards for large protected areas in Germany.pdf
PDF icon 228_5_Indonesia-Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_6_Burgess-The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool.pdf
PDF icon 228_7_Carbutt-The KwaZulu-Natal experience.pdf
PDF icon 228_8_Hamdan-Sarawak Towards Effective Management of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 228_9_Mathur-Management Effectiveness Evaluation, Indian Experience.pdf
1 009 Highlights of 100 years of National Parks Networks: genetic rescue and the challenge of climate change Congress Event Workshop
1 142 Film: Once Upon a Forest (Australian Premiere) Congress Event Other
65 Bright Spots and Protected Area Solutions Innovation â?? creating new solutions from the building blocks of success in both marine and terrestrial protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
811 Key Biodiversity Areas: celebration and thanks Congress Event Networking Event


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