All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
73 Conservation through sustainable land use Other Panel Discussion
595 Stand Up for Your Rights - parks and social equity Other Dialogue File 595_wpcreport_CJ.docx
1 206 Governance (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
1 174 Reconciling Development Challenges (Marine) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster PDF icon 226_TARA School-Marine Protected Areas.pdf
118 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
74 The Green Quarter: celebrating 10 years of sustainable pastoralist development Other Launch Event
596 Ante Up - money matters and the value of parks Other Dialogue File 596_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 207 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 7) Other ePoster
1 175 New Generation (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
119 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
75 Hima: working on community conservation through sustainable rangeland management Other Lecture
970 A Balancing Act - how global appetite for mineral resources defines the fate of protected areas Other Dialogue
597 The Future Is Not What It Used To Be - how parks can help build a more resilient future Other Dialogue File 597_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 597_1_Introduction slide Inspiring Event side.pdf
PDF icon 597_1_Introduction slide Inspiring Event side.pdf
PDF icon 597_2_Rojas-Bahia de Cispata Cambio Climatico y la conservacion de el Caiman Aguja.pdf
PDF icon 597_3_Martinez-Areas protegidas de Cuba ante el Cambio Climatico.pdf
PDF icon 597_4_Conservación genética en la flora de los Parques nacionales de Canarias.pdf
PDF icon 597_5_Chavez-SIANP Bolivia.pdf
PDF icon 597_6_Nieto-Cambio Climatico Santuario de Machupicchu Peru.pdf
PDF icon 597_7_Proyecto GuateCarbon, Zona de Usos Múltiples de la Reserva de Biosfera Maya Guatemala, Guatemala.pdf
1 208 Climate Change (Capacity Development, World Heritage, Marine and New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 176 Governance (Marine) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
120 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
77 Learning naturally in nature - a children's event Other Workshop
1 209 Supporting Human Life rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
1 177 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
891 Congress Excursions Stream Session Ceremony
526 Cultural and spiritual significance of nature in protected area management and governance Stream Session Workshop File 526_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 526_1_Cultural and spiritual significance of nature.pdf
858 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
377 Guaranteeing high quality water Stream Session Panel Discussion File 377_wpcreport_MW.docx
486 Inspiring solutions â?? better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living. Stream Session Workshop File 486_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 486_Goven-Canals-Inspiring solutions-seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 486_Inspiring solutions- better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living Workshop Summary Report.pdf
703 Inspiring solutions for developing capacity for protected areas Stream Session Workshop
439 Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development File 439_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 439_1_Salazar-BIOPAMA Activities of the Joint Research Centre.pdf
PDF icon 439_2_Pasca-The EU BIODIVERSITY FOR LIFE (B4LIFE) flagship initiative and The EU support to African Parks.pdf
PDF icon 439_3_Termit - TinToumma Nature Reserve, a Noah's ark in the Sahara.pdf
PDF icon 439_4_Application for Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 439_5_Global Forest Watch, turning big data into big decisions on forests.pdf
PDF icon 439_6_Arenas-Diseño, Construcción e Implementación de Mecanismos de Financiamiento Sostenible en Áreas Naturales Protegidas con el Sector Privado.pdf
PDF icon 439_7_National Parks and wildlife reserves, Epicentres of Conservation, Security and Economic Development-Patner ship between EU and African Parks.pdf
PDF icon 439_8_Lapeyre-Research on iInnovative financial mechanisms, results from invaluable.pdf
282 Part 1: Adaptation measures from around the world Stream Session Panel Discussion File 282_wpcreport_MM.docx
345 Inspiring business solutions for Healthy Parks Healthy People Stream Session Panel Discussion File 345_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 345_Paul Smith-Inspiring business solutions.pdf
620 Reaching conservation goals by strengthening protected area systems across Latin America and Angola: Innovative case studies. Stream Session Workshop File 620_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 620_1_Re-establishing Conservation Areas in Angola.pdf
PDF icon 620_2_Kunen-Reaching Conservation Goals by Strengthening Protected Area Systems Across Latin America.pdf
810 Connecting people to nature and parks through technology: iNaturalist and Global National Parks Stream Session Capacity Development
402 Marine protected areas as a tool for food security Stream Session Debate File 402_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 402_1_Garcia-MPAs as a tool for food security.pdf
PDF icon 402_2_Marine Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 402_4_MPAs No Take Closures & Food Security.pdf
PDF icon 402_3_Marine managed areas in the Pacific - 2009.pdf
247 The IUCN World Heritage Outlook â?? setting a decade challenge for the World Heritage Convention Stream Session Workshop File 247_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 247_1_World heritage Outlook_launch.pdf
PDF icon 247_2_Osipova-The benefits of Natural World heritage.pdf
PDF icon 247_3_Cyril kormos-Key messages World Heritage.pdf
932 Pacific Islands Café Stream Session Lecture
307 Climate markets and protected areas: Ecological Economies or Business As Usual? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 307_wpcreport_RV.docx
894 SOI Action Plan: Implementing the Sustainable Ocean Initiative of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Stream Session Dialogue
527 Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop File 527_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 527_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 527_2_Whakatane Pilot Assessment in Kahuzi-Biega DRC.pdf
PDF icon 527_3_Eghenter-The case of Kayan Mentarang National Park.pdf
PDF icon 527_4_Oviedo-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_5_The relationship between human rights of Indigenous peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_6_Tugendhat-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_7_Painter-Implementing UNDRIP in Bolivia.pdf
472 Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 472_1_Farvar-Effective and equitable governance of landscape, of country, territory, Mother Earth.pdf
PDF icon 472_Effective and equitable governance of the landscape (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
859 Protected Area Resilience - value, risk, and investment Stream Session Dialogue
378 Freshwater ecosystems in protected areas: effective protection through conservation law Stream Session Workshop File 378_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 378_1_A -Convention Checkek-in a freshwater National Park, a bottom-up approach for better implementation of conservation-related MEAs.pdf
PDF icon 378_2_Mauerhofer-Freshwater ecosystems in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 378_3_Boer-Protecting Freshwater Ecosystems.pdf
PDF icon 378_4_Slobodian-Protected Areas and the UN Watercourses Convention.pdf
487 Overlapping governance types: dealing with complexity and diversity Stream Session Workshop File 487_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 487_1_Stevens-Overlapping governance types.pdf
PDF icon 487_2_Reyes-PAs & ICCAs Untangling Complexity.pdf
PDF icon 487_3_Eghenter-One and the same, or living separately.pdf
PDF icon 487_4_Overlapping Governance-CHN Council.pdf
PDF icon 487_Overlapping governance types- dealing with complexity and diversity Workshop Summary Report.pdf
704 Indigenous Peoples and Management of Marine and Terrestrial Areas Stream Session Workshop
440 Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 440_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 440_1_Mora-Private Sector Contribution to Protected Areas, Studies in Colombia and Peru.pdf
PDF icon 440_2_BIOFIN-Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 440_3_ICooperation-Mobilizing financial resources for protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 440_4_Zuñiga-Iniciativa Finanzas para la Biodiversidad - BIOFIN.pdf
PDF icon 440_5_Arenas-Diseño, Construcción e Implementación de Mecanismos de Financiamiento Sostenible en Áreas Naturales Protegidas con el Sector Privado.pdf
PDF icon 440_6_Protected Area Financing in India, Issues and Challengues.pdf
283 Planning and management of protected areas in the face of climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 283_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 283_1_Cadena_Martin-Resilience for Protected Areas in México.pdf
PDF icon 283_2_Cecilia Cabello-Management of protected natural areas in a heterogenous climate environment, the Peruvian experience.pdf
PDF icon 283_3_Vinod Mathur-Developing climate change adaptation plans for natural world heritage sites Indian.pdf
PDF icon 283_4_Elise Belle-Protected Area Resilient to Climate Change (PARCC) in West Africa.pdf
PDF icon 283_5_Inchausty Victor-Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change, Lessons Learned in the Amazon.pdf
PDF icon 283_6_Oscar Guevara-Mainstreaming Climate Change.pdf
PDF icon 283_7_Belle-Planning and management of protected areas in the face of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 283_8_Tarsicio Granizo-Resilience construction in the Amazon biome.pdf
346 Linking traditional medicine, good healthcare access and conservation Stream Session Panel Discussion File 346_wpcreport_ES.docx
File 346_Intro and outro slides.pptx
PDF icon 346_Leif Petersen-Herbanisation S Africa.pdf
PDF icon 346_M Matamaki-Cook Islands.pdf
PDF icon 346_Ruchi Pant-Strategic innovative partnerships.pdf
403 Financing protected areas through payments for environmental services (PES): A possibility? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 403_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 403_1_Rama-Financing protected areas through payments for environmental services.pdf
248 Inspiring Hope: Protected areas restoration Stream Session Lecture File 248_wpcreport_NL.docx
933 Climate Change Stream Session Welcome Ceremony
308 Climate stories of cultural World Heritage Stream Session Panel Discussion File 308_wpcreport_RV.docx
217 Protected Planet: status and trends of protected area coverage across countries Stream Session Lecture File 217_wpcreport_JT.docx
PDF icon 217_1_Diego-Assessing progress towards Aichi Target 11 where are we now.pdf
PDF icon 217_2_Johnston-Mainstreaming protected areas into business decision making.pdf
PDF icon 217_3_Yerena&Naveda-The real extension of Venezuelan Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 217_4_Dobois-Web based services for.pdf
PDF icon 217_5-Harris-Dynamics of the Conservation Estate.pdf
895 Working together â?? making friends in multiple use marine protected areas Stream Session Dialogue


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