All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
349 The transformational power of nature-based experiences Stream Session Panel Discussion File 349_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 349_I Wolf et al-Transformational power.pdf
484 Governance and procedural rights: securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 484_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 484_1_Participative solution to a land tenure conflict in Serra dos Orgaos National Park, Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 484_2_.NDEBELE-Building Capacity Amongst Stakeholders Outside the Park.pdf
PDF icon 484_Governance and procedural rights securing collective responsabilities and citizen oversight in conserving nature (Part 2 of a three hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
693 A Body of Knowledge for protected area management Stream Session Workshop
831 Community Management of Protected Areas Conservation (COMPACT): UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme and UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Book Launch and Reception Stream Session Networking Event
311 Freshwater systems and climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 311_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 311_1_Kumar-Connecting wetland conservation and livelihoods, the case of Lake Chilika.pdf
PDF icon 311_2_Pittock-Key messages, Why terrestrial protected area managers need to take freshwater conservation more seriously.pdf
PDF icon 311_3_Hermoso-Freshwater conservation planning a systematic view.pdf
PDF icon 311_4_Russ-Managing freshwater.pdf
PDF icon 311_5_Colloff-Freshwater ecosystems and adaptation to climate change.pdf
453 Governance and equity: how to achieve equitable management in Aichi 11 Stream Session Workshop File 453_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 453_1_Franks-Governance and equity Aichi 11.pdf
PDF icon 453_2_DuvalDiop-Equity in the governance of marine protected areas in West Africa.pdf
PDF icon 453_3_Winer-Ensuring Economic and Environmental Equity for the Indigenous Land Owners.pdf
PDF icon 453_4_Protected Area governance in Madagascar.pdf
PDF icon 453_5_Whakatane A rights-based tool to improve governance and equity in protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 453_6_Franks-Assessing equitable management.pdf
PDF icon 453_7_Bennett-Understanding Equity in Protected Areas Policy and Practice.pdf
PDF icon 453_Governance and equity, how to achieve equitable management in Aichi 11 Workshop Summary Report.pdf
589 Connecting families and their children to nature worldwide Stream Session Workshop File 589_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 589_1_Kids in Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_2_Investing in Children.pdf
PDF icon 589_3_GLongley-Nature Play.pdf
PDF icon 589_4_McClelland-Nature Play NSW.pdf
PDF icon 589_5_Charles-Children&Nature Network.pdf
PDF icon 589_6_Wenyang-Family eco-tourism.pdf
277 Transformational change: knowledge, values and rules Stream Session Panel Discussion File 277_wpcreport_RV.docx
422 Protected areas and development: toward reconciliation Stream Session Workshop File 422_wpcreport_MS.docx
242 Protected areas and invasive species 2: Engaging communities and civil society Stream Session Lecture File 242_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 242_Andrea Monaco_European Guidelines.pdf
PDF icon 242_Graeme Elliott_Birds in N Zealand.pdf
PDF icon 242_IAS in Oceania.pdf
PDF icon 242_Peter Jacobs_Wild horses in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 242_Rajiv Bhartari-Lantana in India.pdf
382 Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 382_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 382_1_Opportunities and challenges to produce food in protected areas.pdf
525 Human rights standards for conservation Stream Session Workshop File 525_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 525_1_Crippa-Guide on Conservation and Indigenous Peoples in Mesoamerica.pdf
878 An introduction to conservation finance studies: Emphasizing Environmental Funds\â?? roles Stream Session Networking Event
350 Diverse parks, diverse communities â?? parks and protected areas for everyone Stream Session Panel Discussion File 350_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 350_GO with Community - Sam Cuff.pdf
PDF icon 350_Going to Wild Places I could only Dream About.pdf
PDF icon 350_session 22 - WPC Stream 3 intro and outro slides.pdf
PDF icon 350_WOW!-Aimee Freimanis pptx.pdf
PDF icon 350_WPC presentation_finial_Yoon.pdf
PDF icon 350_Balderstone-Sport, sustainability and people - Olympic Commitee.pdf
694 Capacity development for marine protected areas â?? A planning guide series Stream Session Workshop
833 The Hadza: Last of the First', Film Screening, Discussion and Reception Stream Session Launch Event
312 Taking the climate change journey: reflections on learning, hope, and action Stream Session Dialogue File 312_wpcreport_MM.docx
454 Achieving Aichi Target 11 - Governance and the law Stream Session Workshop File 454_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 454_1_Booderee-Service Contract Arrangements.pdf
PDF icon 454_Achieving Aichi Target 11 - Governance and the law Workshop Summary Report.pdf
590 Schools and programmes connecting children to nature Stream Session Workshop File 590_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 590_1_Forestiers juniors.pdf
PDF icon 590_2_Margaret-Engaging the youth in the conservation of key ecosystems in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 590_3_Syslak-Connecting Youth with Parks and Wilderness.pdf
PDF icon 590_4_Lloyd-Teaching outside the box.pdf
278 Part 3: Connectivity and climate change examples Stream Session Panel Discussion File 278_wpcreport_MM.docx
PDF icon 278_1_Geidezis-Cross-border cooperation along the Central European Green Belt - some model projects.pdf
PDF icon 278_2_Green Belt of Fennoscandia.pdf
423 Good to the last drop: protected areas, forests and water Stream Session Panel Discussion File 423_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 423_1_Conner-Sustaining the Willandra.pdf
PDF icon 423_2_Grantham-Enviromental - Economic Accounting and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 423_3_Hein-Ecosystem Accounting in support of biodiversity management.pdf
PDF icon 423_4_McLellan-The significance of protecting Natural Capital in greening the world's economies.pdf
PDF icon 423_5_Wensing-TED Talk Natural Capital and National Parks a win-win.pdf
243 Vision and characteristics for an IUCN Green List of Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop File 243_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 243_1_Vision and characteristics for an IUCN Green List of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 243_2_Cairnes&Whiffen-Green List partnership.pdf
PDF icon 243_3_Experiences from three Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy).pdf
PDF icon 243_4_Conservation Assured Tiger Standards - CATS.pdf
PDF icon 243_5_Scaling Up Green List in China.pdf
384 Watershed management: a modern approach to protected area management Stream Session Panel Discussion File 384_wpcreport_MW.docx
PDF icon 384_1_Focus on the management approach of CENTRAL KARAKORAM NATIONAL PARK.pdf
526 Cultural and spiritual significance of nature in protected area management and governance Stream Session Workshop File 526_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 526_1_Cultural and spiritual significance of nature.pdf
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
351 Made for each other â?? connecting children with nature Stream Session Panel Discussion File 351_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 351_1_Biodiversity and Comm Health-session 11.pdf
PDF icon 351_2_ session 11_ Policy and Partnerships Making Natural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 3513_3_session 11_Global Enviromental and health policy.pdf
PDF icon 351_session 23 - Made for each other - connecting children with nature (2).pdf
486 Inspiring solutions â?? better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living. Stream Session Workshop File 486_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 486_Goven-Canals-Inspiring solutions-seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 486_Inspiring solutions- better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living Workshop Summary Report.pdf
695 Certification for protected area professionals Stream Session Workshop
835 Making it Right for Indigenous Peoples: Launch of the Whakatane Mechanism and Launch of the Publication \â??World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples' Rights\â?? Stream Session Launch Event
314 Healthy parks, healthy people: Stream outcomes Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 314_1_Presoeuroparc.pdf
PDF icon 314_2_Welling-Responding to climate change.pdf
PDF icon 314_3_Parks Victoria-Unlock the values of parks and protected areas for health and well-being, while conserving biodiversity..pdf
PDF icon 314_4_Supporting human life.pdf
PDF icon 314_5_Supporting human life-Water theme - key conclusions.pdf
PDF icon 314_6_Laffoley&Wenzel-The Promise of Sydney Marine.pdf
455 Community land tenure reform as a global conservation priority Stream Session Workshop File 455_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 455_1_Land rights as they relate to conservation and customary uses.pdf
PDF icon 455_2_Philippine-Tenure and Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 455_3_Kitelo-The Ogiek of Mt Elgon & the importance of land rights to conservation.pdf
PDF icon 455_4_Making Indigenous and Community Land Rights a Global Conservation Priority.pdf
PDF icon 455_5_Duffy-Conservation Justice, Human Rights and the Poaching Wars.pdf
PDF icon 455_6_Jonas-Human Rights Standards for Conservation.pdf
279 Part 2: Connectivity initiatives analysed through the lens of climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 279_wpcreport_MM.docx
424 Mainstreaming protected areas into jobs and sustainable livelihoods Stream Session Panel Discussion File 424_wpcreport_MS.docx
244 Alliance for Zero Extinction: saving the most critical areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 244_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 244_1_Alliance for Zero Extintion.pdf
PDF icon 244_2_Glastra&Hoogeslag-Privately Protected Areas to save species.pdf
PDF icon 244_3-The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.pdf
PDF icon 244_4_Moore-Amphibians and AZE.pdf
PDF icon 244_5_Brazilian Alliance for Zero Extinction.pdf
PDF icon 244_6_Okena-Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program in YUS, Papua New Guinea.pdf
PDF icon 244_7_Whitten-Come on, it's not all about SIZE.pdf
385 Ecological and social approaches to food production in protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 385_wpcreport_RM.docx
965 Human Rights in Conservation: Progress since Durban Conservation Initiative on Human Rights Stream Session Panel Discussion
527 Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop File 527_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 527_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 527_2_Whakatane Pilot Assessment in Kahuzi-Biega DRC.pdf
PDF icon 527_3_Eghenter-The case of Kayan Mentarang National Park.pdf
PDF icon 527_4_Oviedo-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_5_The relationship between human rights of Indigenous peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_6_Tugendhat-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_7_Painter-Implementing UNDRIP in Bolivia.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
352 One Health: Linking human, animal and ecosystem health 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 352_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 352_Speaker 1_Christopher Golden_Overview of HEAL Programme.pdf
PDF icon 352_Speaker 2_Shirley Atkinson_Disease related conflict.pdf
PDF icon 352_Speaker 3 _Stacy Jupiter_Fiji typhoid.pdf
487 Overlapping governance types: dealing with complexity and diversity Stream Session Workshop File 487_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 487_1_Stevens-Overlapping governance types.pdf
PDF icon 487_2_Reyes-PAs & ICCAs Untangling Complexity.pdf
PDF icon 487_3_Eghenter-One and the same, or living separately.pdf
PDF icon 487_4_Overlapping Governance-CHN Council.pdf
PDF icon 487_Overlapping governance types- dealing with complexity and diversity Workshop Summary Report.pdf
696 Capacity Development in Eastern European Protected Areas: An Action Plan Stream Session Workshop
836 WIN Dialogue: Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Negotiation Practices Stream Session Panel Discussion
315 Sustaining parks and improving human health together 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 315_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 315_Stream 3-session 10-Sustaining parks and improving human health.pdf
456 Assessing, evaluating and improving governance of protected and conserved areas Stream Session Workshop File 456_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 456_1_Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure and Communities EPIC Chile case study.pdf
PDF icon 456_2_Botha & Carbutt-Financial Investments in South Africa's Watershed Infrastructure for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.pdf
PDF icon 456_3_Sustainable livelihood through innovative mangrove protection policy in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam.pdf
PDF icon 456_4_Vasseur-Combining ecosystem-based adaptation, disaster risk reduction and mitigation to food security.pdf
PDF icon 456_5_Vaghi-Community driven climate adaptation and mitigation actions that enhances food Security and livelihood.pdf
PDF icon 456_Assessing, evaluating and improving governance of protected and conserved areas Workshop Summary Report.pdf
593 Health, Naturally - Managing Healthy Parks for Healthy People Other Dialogue File 593_wpcreport_RD.docx
205 Opening Plenary - Morning Session (Part 2) Other Plenary File 205_wpcreport_MG.docx
1 204 Supporting Human Life (New Social Compact and World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 172 Reaching Conservation Goals (Marine) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 173 Health & Wellbeing rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
594 Food for Thought - feeding nine billion within our planetary boundaries Other Dialogue File 594_wpcreport_MG.docx


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