All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
986 Conservacion en tierras privadas Congress Event Workshop
987 Standing on Sacred Ground â?? Pilgrims and Tourists Congress Event Other
988 Criminalité faunique en Afrique centrale Congress Event Other PDF icon 988_1_Braconnage_RAPAC.pdf
PDF icon 988_2_C Mbina_Gabon.pdf
PDF icon 988_3_Lekealem_DFAP_Cameroun.pdf
PDF icon 988_4_Boubakari_Tchad.pdf
PDF icon 988_5_PACP_Braconnage.pdf
989 Tourism in Transfrontier Conservation Areas, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other
990 Managing freshwaters in protected areas Congress Event Other
991 Contemplation of Nature Congress Event Workshop
995 Asian Sacred Natural Sites: network and Book Launch Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
996 Protected areas development in island systems Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 996_1_Flyer_Protected Areas in Island Systems Congress Event.pdf
PDF icon 996_2_Skelton-Protected Area Management Pacific Island region perspective.pdf
PDF icon 996_3_PRosabal-Protected Areas Development in Islands Systems.pdf
PDF icon 996_4_LGardner-Mobilising for Action in the Caribbean.pdf
PDF icon 996_5_Nosawa-Conservation in Small Islands in Southeast Asia.pdf
998 High-level Roundtable Congress Event Welcome Ceremony File 998_High Level Dialogue_MG.docx
999 Building Nature's Safety Net report launch Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 000 Production landscapes and protected areas: approaches of the Satoyama Initiative Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1000_1_Takeuchi-The Satoyama Initiative and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 1000_2_Kawai-Introduction of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI).pdf
PDF icon 1000_3_Measuring Resilience in Production Landscapes and Seascapes, A tool for communities.pdf
PDF icon 1000_4_Salvemini-Knowledge, Learning and Adaptive Management, the COMDEKS Community-Based Landscape Approach.pdf
1 001 Philanthropy Dialogue Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 002 Steering conservation in the crowded tropics Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 003 Innovative Finance for Long Term Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 004 Africa Night Congress Event Dialogue
1 005 Inspiring tools for enhancing sustainability Congress Event Dialogue
1 006 Launch of the Asia Protected Areas Partnership Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 007 Mountain Protected Areas: a worldwide heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 008 Borders divide - nature unites! Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 009 Highlights of 100 years of National Parks Networks: genetic rescue and the challenge of climate change Congress Event Workshop
1 010 Marine protected areas and small-scale fisheries Congress Event Workshop
1 011 Treasures of Baikal and Kamchatka Congress Event Dialogue
1 012 Enhancing the Role of Universities in Protected Areas Management Congress Event Other
1 013 La guinée Bissau classe 26% de son territoire en aires protégées Congress Event Other
1 014 The Futures of Privately Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 015 Meet a park and protected area Ranger Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 017 Buy a Fish, Save a Tree Congress Event Other
1 018 Developing Best Practice Guidelines and a Network on Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Protected Areas. Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 019 Innovative approaches for landscape conservation programmes in the Himalayas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 020 Our Pacific Voyage: Natural Solutions for Island Resilience Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1020_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 021 Russia\â??s marine and coastal protected areas: on the way to the future Congress Event Dialogue
1 022 Landscape Level Approach to Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 023 Transboundary Protected Areas of North Eurasia Congress Event Other
1 024 Australian Land Conservation Alliance Cocktail Party Congress Event Networking Event
1 025 Conserving the Heart of Borneo through sustainable development Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 1025_1_The Heart of Borneo Initiative.pdf
PDF icon 1025_2_The Alliance of the Indigenous People of the Highlands of Borneo (FORMADAT).pdf
PDF icon 1025_3_Conserving The Heart of Borneo.pdf
1 026 Launch of the Protected Planet-Asia Report Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1026_notes_AJ.docx
1 027 Protected areas learning and research collaboration Congress Event Other
1 028 Mountains as Youth learning landscapes: Perceptions of sustainability in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, USA Congress Event Workshop
1 029 Leave No Trace Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1029_1_Leave No Trace Master.pdf
1 030 Poaching from parks: combating wildlife crime Congress Event Other
1 032 Aboriginal Joint Management Films and Forum Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 033 Celebrating Achievements in the Coral Triangle Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 034 IUCN Biodiversity Offset Policy Consultation Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1134_1_Zazueta-Impact Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas and Protected Area Systems.pdf
1 035 Myanmar: New Opportunities for Protected Areas and Natural World Heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1035_1_Thaw-Protected Areas Management in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_2_Win-Development of Marine Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_3_MPA development in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_4_MYANMAR Natural WHS TL.pdf
PDF icon 1035_5_Myanmar side event_backdrop.pdf
1 036 Business input into the Promise of Sydney Congress Event Workshop File 1036_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 1036_1_Business input into the Promise of Sydney.pdf
1 037 Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1037_0_Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia. Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 1037_1_Glemet-Beung Kiat Ngong Ramsar Site, Lao PDR Climate change vulnerability assessment and implication for management.pdf
PDF icon 1037_2_Kimsreng-Management Plan of Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary (PKWS), Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 1037_3_Brunner-Coastal resilience. What works.pdf
PDF icon 1037_4_Manopawitr-Building ecosystem resilience through transboundary Marine Protected Area - Myanmar.pdf
1 038 Ecological networks in Mediterranean countries Congress Event Workshop
1 039 Protected Areas Climate Adaptation Approach Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 040 Technology and public use as drivers to engage society in protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 041 Landmarks at Risk' launch and announcement of conference for a Call To Action to protect cultural resources in a changing climate Congress Event Networking Function - Catered


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