All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
552 Strange bedfellows: novel alliances for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 552_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 552_1_MBorich-Commercialising conservation.pdf
PDF icon 552_2_FLlewellyn-Fish meets fashion.pdf
PDF icon 552_3_Simon-Sport and Nature, Strange bedfellows or estranged partners.pdf
Office presentation icon 452_Aichi Target 11-Governance diversity.ppt
707 Strategic Environmental Assessments: concepts and applications for Marine Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop
793 Strategic stakeholder and business alliance to protect the tri-national Wadden Sea World Heritage site Congress Event Dialogue
321 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 1) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 321_0_workshopflyer-New Social Compact Dialogue.pdf
PDF icon 321_1_Implementing conservation justice.pdf
320 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 2) Congress Event Workshop
319 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 3) Congress Event Workshop
1 271 Stream 7 New Social Compact Dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion
357 Stream opening â?? human health and wellbeing depends on nature Stream Session Panel Discussion Image icon 357_JuliaMartonLefevre_ES.jpg
File 357_Notes_ESBWMC.docx
PDF icon 357_ Session 1 -1- Human healt and wellbeing depends on nature.pdf
PDF icon 357_Session1_0-Introduction Human healt BRANDED.pdf
393 Stream Opening: food security, in-situ conservation/ sustainable use of genetic resources Stream Session Panel Discussion File 393_wpcreport_RM.docx
356 Stream Welcome Luncheon - Improving Health and Well-being: Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress Event Networking Event
538 Successful Indigenous strategies to protect sacred natural sites and territories 1 Stream Session Workshop File 538_wpcreport_ND.docx
1 194 Supporting Human Life (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 199 Supporting Human Life (Marine and World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 204 Supporting Human Life (New Social Compact and World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 162 Supporting Human Life rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
1 209 Supporting Human Life rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
887 Surveillance and control in the Galapagos Marine Reserve: combining technology, techniques and legal action Stream Session Dialogue
1 104 Sustainable Financing of PA System Congress Event Panel Discussion
516 Sustainable Harvests: Climate change and regulatory impacts Stream Session Workshop File 516_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 516_1_ Argumedo-The Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 516_2_The role of traditional management systems.pdf
PDF icon 516_3_Stoianoff-Developing a Sustainable Future for Biocultural Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 516_4_Vasco-Respecting Indigenous & Tradicional Knowledge and Culture.pdf
PDF icon 516_5_Song-Lessons Learned from the Seed Park in Stone Village, Yunnan, China.pdf
791 Sustainable Landscape partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
322 Sustainable livelihoods: balancing conservation and local community needs Stream Session Panel Discussion File 322_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 322_Speaker 2_Annet Balewa Ouganda.pdf
PDF icon 322_Speaker 3_Harmony Patricio Mekong.pdf
PDF icon 322_Speaker 4_Helen Schneider-Helen Anthem FFI.pdf
502 Sustainable partnerships: Indigenous Peoples, traditional knowledge and the private sector Stream Session Workshop File 502_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 502_1_Pearlman-The Fisher Bay Area.pdf
PDF icon 502_2_Cosentino-Social Mitigation, Offsets & Tangible Benefits to Indigenous Peoples in Resource Development.pdf
PDF icon 502_3_Snyman-The integration of culture and indigenous knowledge into tourism in protected areas.pdf
325 Sustaining parks and improving human health together 1 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 325_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 315_Stream 3-session 10-Sustaining parks and improving human health.pdf
315 Sustaining parks and improving human health together 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion File 315_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 315_Stream 3-session 10-Sustaining parks and improving human health.pdf
890 Sustaining the high seas: paths to progress Stream Session Dialogue
1 129 Sydney Olympic Park heritage train tour Congress Event Other
1 269 Sydney Olympic Park Heritage Train tour Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 270 Sydney Olympic Park Heritage Train tour Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
312 Taking the climate change journey: reflections on learning, hope, and action Stream Session Dialogue File 312_wpcreport_MM.docx
955 Talanoa and Kava Session Stream Session Excursion
1 260 Tarkine National Park Congress Event Launch Event
83 Teaching session on protected areas law and governance Congress Event Workshop
546 Tech Zone marketplace Congress Event Workshop
1 040 Technology and public use as drivers to engage society in protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
584 Technology without walls: drawcards to nature Stream Session Workshop File 584_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 584_0_J Beillie-TechNature.pdf
PDF icon 584_1_A Smith-Google Street View Trekker.pdf
PDF icon 584_4_Vecotourism.pdf
PDF icon 584_5_R Golden-PADDDtracker.pdf
PDF icon 584_6_I Craigie-Parks of Australia App.pdf
PDF icon 584_7_D Catt-Catt Trax Challenges.pdf
PDF icon 584_8_D Thomas-NatureWatch.pdf
PDF icon 584_9_J Forbes-Opening and closing slides.pdf
PDF icon 584_10_D Millar-Wild about Whales.pdf
PDF icon 584_13_Byeong-Hyeok Yu-GIS and park management.pdf
PDF icon 584_14_Behavioral-change.pdf
399 Tenure, food security and conservation: advancing the agenda in protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 399_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 399_3_Vietnam-Impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services.pdf
PDF icon 399_4_Megawanto-Institutional Framework of Sustainable Financing.pdf
PDF icon 399_5_The LIFE MGN project Making Good Natura.pdf
PDF icon 399_6_Lisboa-Local Development in Virua.pdf
PDF icon 399_7_MIdeiros-Bolsa Verde.pdf
PDF icon 399_1_Islam-Conservation of the Sundarbans through Ecotourism.pdf
PDF icon 399_8_A ridge to reef approach to conservation in southern Belize.pdf
89 Territorial approaches to biodiversity: National Adaptation Strategy for Biodiversity to Climate Change for Costa Rica & ?Launching of PACIFICO INITIATIVE, a Platform of Conservation Trusts of the Central Eastern Tropical Pacific Other Lecture
458 Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 458_1_Ethiopia-The Menz-Guassa Community Conservation Area.pdf
PDF icon 458_2_Canada-Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Park.pdf
PDF icon 458_3_Kenya-Ogiek at Chepkitale, Mt Elgon.pdf
PDF icon 458_4_Conservancy Achievements.pdf
PDF icon 458_5_India-Experiences ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 458_6_Karst Ecosystems in SW Guangxi.pdf
PDF icon 458_7_Spain-Experinces ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 458_8_ICCAs in the World Database on Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 458_Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
459 Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 459_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 459_1_MEXICO-Indigenous and community land conservation efforts in Mexico.pdf
PDF icon 459_2_Canada-Threats faced by CCAs in India.pdf
PDF icon 459_3_Madagascar-Paradigm Shift from Consultation, Participation or Management Transfer to Community Governance.pdf
PDF icon 459_4_Indonesia-Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 459_5_Philippines-The recognition of ICCA.pdf
PDF icon 459_6_Masardule-Protección de Galu Maniyala.pdf
PDF icon 459_Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
1 111 The B4Life flagship and the EU support to Protected Areas in Africa Congress Event Panel Discussion File 1111_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 105 The benefits of natural World Heritage sites: a new study on ecosystem services provided by the world\â??s iconic places Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1105_1_Osipova-The benefits of natural world heritage.pdf
773 The business journey Congress Event Dialogue
937 The Call Stream Session Lecture
930 The Call/People Stream Session Lecture
251 The challenges and opportunities of using a geoheritage approach to reaching conservation goals and achieving the Aichi Targets, specifically Target 11 Stream Session Lecture File 251_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 251_1_Brocx_Stemming the loss of biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 251_2_Enrique Diaz_Geodiversity Pyrenees.pdf
PDF icon 251_3_Semeniuk_Increasing species conservation and diversity.pdf
920 The Commission on Environmental Management's Young Professional Awards Congress Event Networking Event
410 The contributions of the GEF and the UNDP, World Bank and Conservation International to protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 410_1_Hay-Edie-Experience from GEF SGP in support of PAs - ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_2_ICCAs and Aichi Targets.pdf
PDF icon 410_3_De Minicis-Inspiring solutions for PAs.pdf
PDF icon 410_4_Joshi-Shifting the Goal Post, The World Bank - GEF Journey in Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 410_5_Dinu-Protected Areas in the 21st Century, Meeting Development Challenges UNDP.pdf
896 The Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve Stream Session Lecture
912 The extractive industry, protected areas and competing claims: enhancing the dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion File 912_wpcreport_DA.docx
1 087 The Fight for the Reef Congress Event Workshop


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