All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
490 Presenting IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines on transboundary conservation Congress Event Launch Event
1 012 Enhancing the Role of Universities in Protected Areas Management Congress Event Other
649 Championing the High Seas Congress Event Google+ Hangout
814 Disruptors and innovators Congress Event Dialogue
975 IUCN WCPA Urban Specialist Group reception and book launch Congress Event Other
1 112 SADC Transfrontier Conservation Area Networks, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other
1 126 Wetland restoration walking tour Congress Event Other
780 Nature, our future Congress Event Lecture
1 079 Communicating Inspiration: Conservation Media Workshop Congress Event Workshop
743 IUCN Protected Area Governance and Management Book launch; Protected Area Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) launch Congress Event Launch Event
1 045 Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1045_1_Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks, round-table.pdf
491 Gathering of governance ambassadors (by invitation only) Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 491_1_McIntyre-The Tension between Biodiversity Conservation and Traditional Hunting in Protected Areas.pdf
1 013 La guinée Bissau classe 26% de son territoire en aires protégées Congress Event Other
650 Locally-managed marine areas: Building blocks for resilient and empowered coastal communities Congress Event Google+ Hangout
815 Youth and entrepreneurship Congress Event Dialogue
976 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 114 Tourism and Protected Areas Congress Event Other
1 127 Wetland restoration walking tour Congress Event Other
781 Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for Business Congress Event Capacity Development
1 080 Business and Biodiversity an opportunity for Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
744 The importance of geoheritage conservation in protected areas and help available Congress Event Dialogue
1 046 Are protected areas in the Congo Basin failing both people and biodiversity? Congress Event Panel Discussion
492 Social Assessment of Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 492_1_Experience of SAPA in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 492_2_Social Assessment of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 492_3_Synergies between Protected Area Management Effectiveness and Social and Governance Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 492_Social Assessment of Protected Areas Workshop Summary Report.pdf
1 014 The Futures of Privately Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
816 Monitoring conservation outcomes inside and outside protected areas â?? speed presentations and technical demonstrations of relevant applications Congress Event Capacity Development
977 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 115 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
1 128 Wetland restoration walking tour Congress Event Other
1 269 Sydney Olympic Park Heritage Train tour Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
782 CBD COP12: Legacy and challenges Congress Event Dialogue
1 081 Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Funds Network Kick-Off Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
253 An exploration and explanation of the use of the IUCN protected area definition, management categories and governance types: the common language of the IUCN World Parks Congress and marine and terrestrial protected area work worldwide. Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 253_1_The use of the IUCN protected area definition WPC.pdf
746 WDPA clinic (French) Congress Event Capacity Development
1 047 USAID's Conservation Approach to Development Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1047_wpcreport_JT.docx
436 Ecological safeguards for equitable, sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 1) Congress Event Panel Discussion File 436_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 436_1_Gulko-Using a Coral Reef Mitigation Bank and Innovative Coral Restoration Nursery for Off-Site Impacts to Restore Marine Managed Areas.pdf
PDF icon 436_2_Jones-Offsetting development for conservation connectivity.Going the extra mile.pdf
PDF icon 436_3_Millington-The East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership,Conserving Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats for Biodiversity and people.pdf
PDF icon 436_4_Savy-New opportunities for conservation the role of the IFC Performance Standards.pdf
PDF icon 436_5_Strategic Assessment in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 436_6_Environmental Safeguarding for Responsible Development.pdf
1 015 Meet a park and protected area Ranger Congress Event Panel Discussion
652 \â??Going Big\â?? with Marine Protection â?? Leveraging the unique benefits of Large-scale MPAs to enhance ocean management and governance globally Congress Event Google+ Hangout
817 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
978 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 116 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
125 Elevating cultural resources in our protected areas - International Year of Maritime Heritage and Toolkit on Marine Cultural Resources Management Congress Event Launch Event
1 129 Sydney Olympic Park heritage train tour Congress Event Other
1 270 Sydney Olympic Park Heritage Train tour Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
783 Certifying best oil and gas practices near protected areas Congress Event Dialogue
1 082 Participatory Creation of Municipal Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
1 230 WIN dialogue: Sharing Practice: Community Perspectives on the Management of Protected Areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
254 Conservation planning to achieve conservation goals for individual protected areas Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 254_1_Planning to Achieve Conservation Goals in Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 254_2_Mills-Stakeholder analysis as a key component of a planning process.pdf
PDF icon 254_3_Game-The nature conservacy.pdf
PDF icon 254_4_Burgman-Risk, assumptions and uncertainty.pdf
747 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Launch Event
1 048 Aménagement et restauration Reserve Ndiaèl Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 017 Buy a Fish, Save a Tree Congress Event Other


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