All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 211 Governance (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 4) Other ePoster
1 192 New Generation rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
130 Putting Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) on the global map Other Dialogue
1 160 Reaching Conservation Goals (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
1 212 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 8) Other ePoster
1 193 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
131 The status and problems of Japanese oceans (from icebergs to coral reefs) Other Dialogue
1 161 Climate Change rapid fire presentation (Part 1) Other ePoster
646 World Heritage Theme - Opening Plenary Other Welcome Ceremony File 646_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 646_1- Intro World Heritage CCT.pdf
PDF icon 646_2-Kormos Opening-Importance of WH Convention.pdf
PDF icon 646_3-F Jing-WH over the next decade.pdf
PDF icon 646_4-Debonnet Feng-WHsinceDurban.pdf
89 Territorial approaches to biodiversity: National Adaptation Strategy for Biodiversity to Climate Change for Costa Rica & ?Launching of PACIFICO INITIATIVE, a Platform of Conservation Trusts of the Central Eastern Tropical Pacific Other Lecture
1 194 Supporting Human Life (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
132 Introducing the Global Ocean Refuge System Other Dialogue
1 162 Supporting Human Life rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
91 Conservation on the Edge Other Dialogue
1 195 Reconciling Development Challenges rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
133 Inspiring solutions from marine regions: stepping up the dialogue between marine regions to achieve Aichi target 11 faster (A joint workshop by HELCOM, SPREP, and The Cartagena Convention) Other Dialogue
1 163 New Generation (Marine, New Social Compact and World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
93 Tourism as a Nature-Based Solution Other Panel Discussion
1 196 Governance (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
134 PlanetFest Other Planetfest
211 Opening Plenary - Morning Session (Part 1) Other Plenary File 211_wpcreport_CJ.docx
File Complementary notes.docx
1 164 Governance (New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
1 197 Governance (World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
140 Closing Plenary (Part 3) Other Plenary
215 Marine Opening Plenary. All streams lead to the ocean: the Marine Journey at the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 Other Welcome Ceremony File 215_wpcreport_CJ.docx
PDF icon 215_1_Marine plenary script.pdf
1 165 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
95 Area coastal protection and floodplain restoration in the Mekong Delta Other Lecture
1 198 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 4) Other ePoster
143 Closing Plenary (Part 2) Other Plenary File 143_Notes_CJ.docx
PDF icon 143_0910-1010 Minister Donskoy.pdf
PDF icon 143_1015-1045 Penelope Figgis.pdf
PDF icon 143_1140-1200 Trevor Sandwith WPC Promise of Sydney.pdf
PDF icon 143_1301-1306 Jeffrey Lee.pdf
PDF icon 143_IRF Awards.pdf
PDF icon 143_Rolling Promises.pdf
1 166 Reaching Conservation Goals (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
1 167 Clime Change rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
96 Traditional conservation management in Tuvalu Other Dialogue
1 199 Supporting Human Life (Marine and World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
146 Closing Plenary (Part 1) Other Plenary
1 168 Reconciling Development Challenges (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
101 Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas: roadmap to achieve the Aïchi targets Other Launch Event
1 200 Reconciling Development Challenges rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
155 Closing Parallel Plenary 1 Other Plenary File 155_notes_SB.docx
File 155_stream1_NL.docx
1 169 New Generation (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
102 Presentation of book on â??Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: interactions and co-evolutionâ? Other Launch Event
57 Intrusion: a 30-minute dance / science presentation with a marine and invasive species theme by Dean Walsh and Dancers Other Dialogue
252 Reaching Conservation Goals: Closing Plenary Other Workshop File 252_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 252_1_Woodley-Reaching Conservation Goals plenary final.pdf
PDF icon 252_2_Woodley_Promise of Sydney parks closing plenary.pdf
1 201 Governance (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
164 Closing Parallel Plenary 3 Other Plenary File 164_wpcreport_CJKR.docx
File 164_Notes_AJ.docx
1 170 Governance (New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
103 Presentation of a book on MPAS and Fisheries: impacts and governance used in fisheries by Serge Garcia (IUCN/CEM/FEG) And MPAs and fisheries: bridging the divide WWF Other Launch Event
1 202 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 6) Other ePoster
172 Closing Parallel Plenary 2 Other Plenary File 172_Notes_ES.docx
File 172_notes_LN.docx
1 171 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
104 From promise to actions : The IMPAN Agenda (International Marine Protected Areas Network) Other Dialogue


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