All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
314 Healthy parks, healthy people: Stream outcomes Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 314_1_Presoeuroparc.pdf
PDF icon 314_2_Welling-Responding to climate change.pdf
PDF icon 314_3_Parks Victoria-Unlock the values of parks and protected areas for health and well-being, while conserving biodiversity..pdf
PDF icon 314_4_Supporting human life.pdf
PDF icon 314_5_Supporting human life-Water theme - key conclusions.pdf
PDF icon 314_6_Laffoley&Wenzel-The Promise of Sydney Marine.pdf
871 High level panel: Madagascar Biodiversity Fund Stream Session Panel Discussion
998 High-level Roundtable Congress Event Welcome Ceremony File 998_High Level Dialogue_MG.docx
1 009 Highlights of 100 years of National Parks Networks: genetic rescue and the challenge of climate change Congress Event Workshop
75 Hima: working on community conservation through sustainable rangeland management Other Lecture
924 Honu by the Sea' performance Congress Event Dialogue
906 How can we build ES (ecosystem services) into wider prioritisation for MPAs? Stream Session Dialogue
227 How different sectors use Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 227_wpcreport_HC.docx
587 How millennials are engaging children with the environment Stream Session Workshop File 587_wpcreport_AJ.docx
PDF icon 587_1_Malam&Nicholls-Scouts, connecting youth with nature for over a century.pdf
PDF icon 587_2_How Millennials Are Engaging Children with the Environment.pdf
PDF icon 587_3_Connecting young people.pdf
1 070 How Protected Areas Contribute to Human Life: The case of Ecotourism and Forest Landscape Restoration Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
823 How should 'other effective area-based conservation measures' be defined? Stream Session Dialogue
734 How to utilize the Outstanding Universal Value of your World Heritage Property to more effectively manage the property Congress Event Dialogue
788 How to: 360-degree imagery of your park Congress Event Capacity Development
965 Human Rights in Conservation: Progress since Durban Conservation Initiative on Human Rights Stream Session Panel Discussion
525 Human rights standards for conservation Stream Session Workshop File 525_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 525_1_Crippa-Guide on Conservation and Indigenous Peoples in Mesoamerica.pdf
1 250 Hustai National Park Trust Congress Event Lecture
1 138 IBAs in Danger Launch 2014 Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
224 Identifying and Conserving Important Freshwater Areas Stream Session Lecture File 224_wpcreport_HC.docx
PDF icon 224_1_Langhammer-Sites that contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 224_2_Linke-Protection of a moving target.pdf
PDF icon 224_3_Nel-Expanding protected areas beyond their terrestrial comfort zone.pdf
PDF icon 224_4_Harrison-Breakout Discussion Groups.pdf
PDF icon 224_5_Freyhof-Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas in the Mediterranean Basin Hotspot.pdf
PDF icon 224_6_Raghavan-Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in the Western Ghats, India.pdf
PDF icon 224_7_Finlayson-Identifying and conserving important freshwater areas - Australian Ramsar sites.pdf
PDF icon 224_8_Patricio-Environmental DNA for identifying areas of conservation importance.pdf
PDF icon 224_9_Turak-Combining citizen science with remote sensing to track changes in wetland extent.pdf
527 Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop File 527_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 527_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 527_2_Whakatane Pilot Assessment in Kahuzi-Biega DRC.pdf
PDF icon 527_3_Eghenter-The case of Kayan Mentarang National Park.pdf
PDF icon 527_4_Oviedo-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_5_The relationship between human rights of Indigenous peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_6_Tugendhat-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_7_Painter-Implementing UNDRIP in Bolivia.pdf
1 100 Implementing \â??conservation justice\â?? through intergenerational dialogue, collaboration and critical action Congress Event Workshop
750 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas: a global network of priority sites for conservation Congress Event Launch Event
1 084 Improving governance in protected areas Congress Event Workshop
528 Indigenous and community land-rights and conservation Stream Session Workshop File 528_wpcreport_PG.docx
341 Indigenous and local community perspectives on nature and well-being Stream Session Workshop File 341_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 341_Scherl et al-Natural resource management.pdf
PDF icon 341_1_Aili-Impacts and Effectiveness of Protected Areas in the Congo Basin, Preliminary findings.pdf
515 Indigenous Partnerships Workshop: New South Wales' experiences with joint management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 515_1_Deriah- Aboriginal Area.pdf
PDF icon 515_2_Worimi Conservation Lands.pdf
PDF icon 515_3_Gaagal Wanggaan, South Beach, National Park.pdf
PDF icon 515_4_ConnectingToCulture.pdf
PDF icon 515_5_Partnerships Cultural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 515_6_Firesticks Partnerships.pdf
PDF icon 515_7_Partnerships Aboriginal Joint Management Overview LF.pdf
532 Indigenous Peoples and invasive species Stream Session Panel Discussion File 532_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 532_0_Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 532_1_Jones and Lyver_Harvest and management of introduced species by New Zealand Maori.pdf
PDF icon 532_2_Atchison-Indigenous Invasive Plant Management in Northern Australia.pdf
PDF icon 532_3_Rogers-Yugul Mangi Rangers Caring for Country in south east Arnhem Land, Australia.pdf
PDF icon 532_4_Witt-Impacts of IAS on livelihoods in Africa.pdf
PDF icon 532_5_Managing Weeds on Bunuba Country.pdf
PDF icon 532_6_Oades- Invasive Species on the Dampier Peninsula.pdf
PDF icon 532_7_Recovering Nyinnga, managing camel impacts on the Haasts Bluff Land Trust.pdf
704 Indigenous Peoples and Management of Marine and Terrestrial Areas Stream Session Workshop
499 Indigenous Peoples and protected areas: advances and challenges from around the world Stream Session Panel Discussion File 499_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 449_7_Casey-Co-existence of Yawuru cultural land management with commercial operations on Roebuck Plains Station.pdf
PDF icon 449_8_New Zeland Recreation Association.pdf
497 Indigenous Peoples' Meeting Space Congress Event Networking Event
1 257 Indigenous Protected Areas Australian Dialogue Congress Event Other
1 181 Indigenous rapid fire presentation Other ePoster
496 Indigenous sustainable uses and rights in marine protected areas Stream Session Workshop File 496_wpcreport_ND.docx
700 Indigenous-led Philanthropy as a tool for Conservation and Capacity Development Stream Session Workshop
1 239 Industrial Mining in a Biodiversity Hotspot: the Experience of Madagascar Congress Event Panel Discussion
897 Innovation in surveillance and measuring management effectiveness in Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Stream Session Dialogue
712 Innovations in capacity development tools and approaches Stream Session Workshop
1 019 Innovative approaches for landscape conservation programmes in the Himalayas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 003 Innovative Finance for Long Term Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
230 Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation and protected areas Stream Session Lecture File 230_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 230_1_Rosenzweig-Financing beyonnd PAs.pdf
PDF icon 230_2_FUNBIO-A Strategy to Finance Protected Area Systems, the Experience of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 230_3_CFA-The role of Conservation Trust Fund, recent studies and tools.pdf
PDF icon 230_4_Landreau-Mathias-A new financial instrument to secure the long term financing of Protected Area networks.pdf
PDF icon 230_5_Huwyler-Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation and protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 230_6_Can biodiversity offsets help finance underfunded Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 230_7_Tizard-Taninthayi Nature Reserve Project.pdf
220 Innovative protected area management Stream Session Lecture
235 Innovative protected area management (Part 3) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 235_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 235_1_Lopoukhine-Innovation in park management.pdf
PDF icon 235_2_Gardner-Appropriate Approaches to Capacity Development for Protected Areas Management in Small Island Developing States.pdf
PDF icon 235_3_Lisboa-Megadiversity in Virua National Park.pdf
PDF icon 235_4_Hicks and Quincy-Resilience, risk and return on investment - Innovations from the Great Barrier Reef field management program.pdf
PDF icon 235_5_ Izurieta-Galalpagos Protected Areas Managment Plan.pdf
232 Innovative protected area management 2 Stream Session Lecture File 232_wpcreport_LN.docx
PDF icon 232_1_Wise-Pete-The Introduction of disease free Tasmanian Devils to Maria Island National Park.pdf
PDF icon 232_2_Galuvao-Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 2014-2020.pdf
PDF icon 232_3_Fleischer-Dogley-A conservation success story that inspires.pdf
PDF icon 232_4_Campello-Georgladis-Fcocus on Biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 232_5_BrazillBoast-Saving our Species.pdf
345 Inspiring business solutions for Healthy Parks Healthy People Stream Session Panel Discussion File 345_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 345_Paul Smith-Inspiring business solutions.pdf
248 Inspiring Hope: Protected areas restoration Stream Session Lecture File 248_wpcreport_NL.docx
265 Inspiring leaders in climate change response Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 265_1_Inspiring Leadership in a Changing Climate.pdf
PDF icon 265_2_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon.pdf
481 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 481_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 481_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
482 Inspiring solutions : governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 482_Inspiring solutions governance, sustainable living and well-being (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
486 Inspiring solutions â?? better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living. Stream Session Workshop File 486_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 486_Goven-Canals-Inspiring solutions-seascapes.pdf
PDF icon 486_Inspiring solutions- better governed seascapes as models for sustainable living Workshop Summary Report.pdf
703 Inspiring solutions for developing capacity for protected areas Stream Session Workshop
70 Inspiring stories of protected areas: from the Amazon to the world! Congress Event Workshop


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