All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
539 Sacred Natural Sites and protected areas: No Go for mining Stream Session Workshop File 539_wpcreport_ND.docx
329 Sacred natural sites and human well-being Stream Session Panel Discussion File 329_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 329_A Hamzah_Keynote Taman negara-Asian philosophy of PAs.pdf
PDF icon 329_B Verschuuren-Asian sacred natural sites.pdf
PDF icon 329_L Zeng-Changing meanings of sacred nature.pdf
PDF icon 329_L Zogib-Sacred mandala Bhutan.pdf
PDF icon 329_M Gutman-Sanctity in Tansa Valley.pdf
PDF icon 329_R Kotru-Sacred natural sites in Kailash.pdf
1 021 Russia\â??s marine and coastal protected areas: on the way to the future Congress Event Dialogue
737 Russian cultural landscapes for community development Congress Event Lecture
404 Rising to the challenge: sustainable financing of protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 404_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 404_1_Muldoon-A role for financed Marine Managed Areas and Tenure Systems.pdf
PDF icon 404_2_Levetan-Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 404_3_Using innovative financing to safeguard the cornucopia.pdf
PDF icon 404_4_Garcia-Economic impacts of marine protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 404_5_Bellot-Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Mexican.pdf
807 Rio Tinto's experience and lessons from application of the mitigation hierarchy, including net positive impact, across its businesses Congress Event Dialogue
1 094 Rhino Conservation - Successes and Challenges: A South African Perspective Congress Event Other PDF icon 1094_1_Ndebele-Community white Rhino Conservation .pdf
304 Restoring natural systems to provide resilience to climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 304_wpcreport_JD.docx
PDF icon 304_1-Restoring natural systems-Fernando Camacho.pdf
PDF icon 304_0-Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 304_2-Wetland restoration_KGBR.pdf
1 120 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 121 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 122 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 123 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 124 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
355 Responding to the effects of climate change on communities, parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 355_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 355_2_Jeffrey A-Responding to the effects of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 355_ 1_Jonathan Papz-Climate & Health.pdf
PDF icon 355_David Welch-Sky Parks.pdf
275 Responding to climate change: Opening Plenary Congress Event Dialogue File 275_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 275_1_SessionEvent Descriptions and Speakers.pdf
PDF icon 275_2_DailySchedule.pdf
264 Responding to Climate Change Stream wrap-up Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 264_1_lesley Hughes-Climate stream wrap up.pdf
PDF icon 264_2_Mariana BellotParallel-Plenary closing_ClimateChange wrap-up.pdf
518 Respecting, relying on and advancing traditional knowledge, governance and management systems Stream Session Workshop File 518_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 518_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 518_2_Karibuhoye-Beyond the sacred.pdf
PDF icon 518_3_Nadeau-An aboriginal conservation strategy to maintain the Cree way of life in the Québec (Canada) boreal forest.pdf
PDF icon 518_4_Joint UTS and NWLLS Project.pdf
PDF icon 518_5_Carla-Banggur, the mountains call me home.pdf
PDF icon 518_6_Malmer-Connecting Diverse Knowledge Systems for Enhanced Protected Area Governance -The Multiple Evidence Base approach.pdf
983 Respecting Protected Area People Congress Event Launch Event
1 213 Respecting Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Culture: Opening Plenary Stream Session Ceremony File 1213_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 1213_1_Kothari-Better Governed Landscapes for Sustainable and Equitable Well-being.pdf
505 Resilient livelihoods 2 Stream Session Dialogue File 505_wpcreport_GP.docx
506 Resilient livelihoods 1 Stream Session Dialogue File 506_wpcreport_GP.docx
276 Resilience tools for climate change adaptation in and around protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
959 Resilience practice for parks, people and paradigms: theory, practice and anecdotes for applying resilience to the real world Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 045 Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1045_1_Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks, round-table.pdf
226 Regional marine protected area (MPA) networks, seascapes and ecologically important areas Stream Session Lecture File 226_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 226_TARA School-Marine Protected Areas.pdf
285 REDD+: Global lessons learned Stream Session Panel Discussion File 285_wpcreport_JD.docx
407 Reconciling development challenges: opening plenary Stream Session Workshop File 407_Summary_GD.docx
PDF icon 407_1_RECONCILING DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Objectives, Structure, Guide.pdf
421 Reconciling Development Challenges: collective voices on the Promise of Sydney Stream Session Workshop File 421_wpcreport_GD.docx
PDF icon 421_1_CI-PA Networks and Ecosystem Services.pdf
PDF icon 421_2_Burgess-How well to protected areas cover Ecosystem Assets.pdf
PDF icon 421_3-Pert-Mapping cultural ecosystem services in the Wet Tropics, Queensland, Australia.pdf
PDF icon 421_4_Grantham-Effectively achieving multiple types of conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 421_5_Stefan-WWF Ecosystem services in the Dinaric Arc parks.pdf
1 205 Reconciling Development Challenges rapid fire presentations (Part 4) Other ePoster
1 200 Reconciling Development Challenges rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
1 195 Reconciling Development Challenges rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
1 191 Reconciling Development Challenges rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
1 210 Reconciling Development Challenges (World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 186 Reconciling Development Challenges (New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
1 180 Reconciling Development Challenges (New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
1 174 Reconciling Development Challenges (Marine) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster PDF icon 226_TARA School-Marine Protected Areas.pdf
1 168 Reconciling Development Challenges (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
69 Recognizing the role of nature-based solutions : the French perspective for the next decade Congress Event Panel Discussion
544 Recognising Indigenous rights, leadership and traditional knowledge in protected areas and beyond Stream Session Lecture File 544_wpcreport_ND.docx
717 Reaching Conservation Goals: Opening Plenary Stream Session Panel Discussion File 717_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 717_2_Hutton-Protected Plante, tA Snapshot of where we are!.pdf
PDF icon 717_3_Hockings-A Vision of Hope.pdf
252 Reaching Conservation Goals: Closing Plenary Other Workshop File 252_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 252_1_Woodley-Reaching Conservation Goals plenary final.pdf
PDF icon 252_2_Woodley_Promise of Sydney parks closing plenary.pdf
1 198 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 4) Other ePoster
1 193 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
1 189 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
1 184 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other Poster
620 Reaching conservation goals by strengthening protected area systems across Latin America and Angola: Innovative case studies. Stream Session Workshop File 620_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 620_1_Re-establishing Conservation Areas in Angola.pdf
PDF icon 620_2_Kunen-Reaching Conservation Goals by Strengthening Protected Area Systems Across Latin America.pdf
1 203 Reaching Conservation Goals (World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 172 Reaching Conservation Goals (Marine) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 178 Reaching Conservation Goals (Marine and New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 166 Reaching Conservation Goals (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster


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