All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
796 Tourism Conservation Partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
1 066 Connectivity landscape conservation on a large scale for an environmentally and socially resilient Planet Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1066_1_ICCN.pdf
PDF icon 1066_2_Connectivity Conservation for Humankind.pdf
PDF icon 1066_5_ICCN Africa.pdf
PDF icon 1066_6_ICC_ICIMOD_Chettri.pdf
PDF icon 1066_7_WPC Connectivity Workshop.pdf
PDF icon 1066_8_Pulsford_Australia.pdf
PDF icon 1066_10_ICCN Mesoamerica.pdf
PDF icon 1066_11_Yerena-Garcia_Venezuela Corridors.pdf
PDF icon 1066_13_Pulsford_Global DB.pdf
760 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
910 Towards a Protected Areas Global Connectivity Initiative Congress Event Dialogue
1 034 IUCN Biodiversity Offset Policy Consultation Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1134_1_Zazueta-Impact Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas and Protected Area Systems.pdf
394 Marine protected areas and community livelihood: sharing experiences on participatory management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 394_1_Ramirez-Restoration of Biodiversity in a World Heritage Protected Area.pdf
PDF icon 394_2_Morais-Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a tool for restoring biodiversity West African experience.pdf
PDF icon 394_3_Springer-Eradication of Vertebrate Pests from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.pdf
PDF icon 394_4_Latreille-Restoration and Ecological Reconstruction of the Semi-Dry Forest of La Grande Chaloupe.pdf
1 000 Production landscapes and protected areas: approaches of the Satoyama Initiative Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1000_1_Takeuchi-The Satoyama Initiative and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 1000_2_Kawai-Introduction of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI).pdf
PDF icon 1000_3_Measuring Resilience in Production Landscapes and Seascapes, A tool for communities.pdf
PDF icon 1000_4_Salvemini-Knowledge, Learning and Adaptive Management, the COMDEKS Community-Based Landscape Approach.pdf
1 132 Building a sustainable peace Congress Event Workshop
515 Indigenous Partnerships Workshop: New South Wales' experiences with joint management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 515_1_Deriah- Aboriginal Area.pdf
PDF icon 515_2_Worimi Conservation Lands.pdf
PDF icon 515_3_Gaagal Wanggaan, South Beach, National Park.pdf
PDF icon 515_4_ConnectingToCulture.pdf
PDF icon 515_5_Partnerships Cultural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 515_6_Firesticks Partnerships.pdf
PDF icon 515_7_Partnerships Aboriginal Joint Management Overview LF.pdf
1 100 Implementing \â??conservation justice\â?? through intergenerational dialogue, collaboration and critical action Congress Event Workshop
1 233 Protected Areas, equity and poverty reduction - a brainstorm on concepts, linkages and priorities Congress Event Panel Discussion
797 Planetary-scale biodiversity analysis with Google Earth Engine Congress Event Dialogue
1 067 GEF's New Direction: Protected Areas and Beyond Congress Event Panel Discussion
761 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Congress Event Capacity Development
911 A partnership for the Mozambique Channel Congress Event Dialogue
1 035 Myanmar: New Opportunities for Protected Areas and Natural World Heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1035_1_Thaw-Protected Areas Management in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_2_Win-Development of Marine Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_3_MPA development in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_4_MYANMAR Natural WHS TL.pdf
PDF icon 1035_5_Myanmar side event_backdrop.pdf
395 Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to sustain forests and people's livelihoods in protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 395_1_Matta-Main outcomes of the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests.pdf
PDF icon 395_2_Nukui-Efforts of the city of Yokohama.pdf
PDF icon 395_3_Levetan_Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 395_4_Opportunities and Challenges for Payment in PES.pdf
1 001 Philanthropy Dialogue Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 133 Cats of Russia Congress Event Lecture
730 Demonstration of ZSL's Instant Wild initiative and Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
959 Resilience practice for parks, people and paradigms: theory, practice and anecdotes for applying resilience to the real world Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 101 SeaStates: How Much of our Seas are Governments Really Protecting? Congress Event Other PDF icon 1101_3_CPAWS SeaStates.pdf
PDF icon 1101_4_GLORES for Ocean+ Pavillion.pdf
PDF icon 1101_5_SkyTruth-IUCN-MCI-18nov2014.pdf
1 234 Brazil for a Protected Planet Congress Event Lecture
464 A Call for Limits: the need for ""no-go"areas for industrial activities Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 464_1_Cyril Kormos NO-GO.pdf
PDF icon 464_2_The State of Legislation of No-Go Zones in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 464_3_Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia.pdf
379 Meeting: Latin American Technical Cooperation Network on Protected Areas (REDPARQUES) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 379_1_Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Técnica en Parques Nacionales, otras Áreas Protegidas, Flora y Fauna Silvestres.pdf
PDF icon 379_2_Peru Map protected areas.pdf
798 Extractive sector: case studies on biodiversity and ecosystem services management approaches and conservation actions in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue
1 068 Global launch of the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
762 A Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard: Addressing challenges to monitoring biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
1 036 Business input into the Promise of Sydney Congress Event Workshop File 1036_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 1036_1_Business input into the Promise of Sydney.pdf
1 002 Steering conservation in the crowded tropics Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 134 Global evaluation of the impact of GEF support to protected areas management: Challenges and Opportunities Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1134_1_Zazueta-Impact Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas and Protected Area Systems.pdf
731 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Launch Event
1 102 Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional: The Future of World Heritage in Australia - the Cairns Communique Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1102_1_Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional.pdf
1 235 Demonstration of GPPAM curricula for protected area system and site managers Congress Event Workshop
799 Protected areas and the extractive industry sector in Africa - Good decisions for better impacts Congress Event Dialogue
1 069 Protected Areas in South America: natural solutions for global change challenges Congress Event Dialogue File 1069_wpcreport_JT.docx
763 Book launch of Conservation Catalysts: Academies as Nature\â??s Agent Congress Event Launch Event
1 037 Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1037_0_Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia. Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 1037_1_Glemet-Beung Kiat Ngong Ramsar Site, Lao PDR Climate change vulnerability assessment and implication for management.pdf
PDF icon 1037_2_Kimsreng-Management Plan of Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary (PKWS), Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 1037_3_Brunner-Coastal resilience. What works.pdf
PDF icon 1037_4_Manopawitr-Building ecosystem resilience through transboundary Marine Protected Area - Myanmar.pdf
1 003 Innovative Finance for Long Term Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 136 Bimblebox-The Movie Congress Event Other
732 Boost your impact: how to use the IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Capacity Development
962 Co$ting nature: Ecosystem services in protected areas, a global analysis Congress Event Lecture
1 103 Achieving Biodiversity-positive gas production: lessons learned in reconciling industrial development in an ecologically-sensitive area Congress Event Lecture
1 236 Financing the transition to sustainable commodities Congress Event Panel Discussion
381 Launching of sustainable wildlife management fact sheets Congress Event Launch Event
800 Is no-go the best approach? Congress Event Dialogue
1 070 How Protected Areas Contribute to Human Life: The case of Ecotourism and Forest Landscape Restoration Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
764 Launch of the 2014 Protected Planet Report Congress Event Launch Event
1 038 Ecological networks in Mediterranean countries Congress Event Workshop
559 Legacy lounge Congress Event Workshop


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