All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 039 Protected Areas Climate Adaptation Approach Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 235 Demonstration of GPPAM curricula for protected area system and site managers Congress Event Workshop
791 Sustainable Landscape partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
1 007 Mountain Protected Areas: a worldwide heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion
262 The voice of Africa in reaching conservation goals in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 262_1_African PAs reaching conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 262_2_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 262_3_Odendaal-The NamibRand Nature Reserve.pdf
PDF icon 262_5_Mulama-Wildlife-Livestock Integration, an innovative approach to conservation.pdf
PDF icon 262_6_Goede-Best Guide Principals for Transboundary Conservation.pdf
757 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Congress Event Capacity Development
967 The Launch of Measuring Ecosystem Services: Guidance on Developing Ecosystem Service Indicators Congress Event Launch Event
1 107 New Generation of World Heritage Arab experts Congress Event Other File 1107_wpcreport_LN.docx
86 Meet and Greet the IUCN SSC Chair and SSC Members Congress Event Panel Discussion
497 Indigenous Peoples' Meeting Space Congress Event Networking Event
1 074 Saving our Species in NSW Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 136 Bimblebox-The Movie Congress Event Other
1 040 Technology and public use as drivers to engage society in protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 236 Financing the transition to sustainable commodities Congress Event Panel Discussion
356 Stream Welcome Luncheon - Improving Health and Well-being: Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress Event Networking Event
793 Strategic stakeholder and business alliance to protect the tri-national Wadden Sea World Heritage site Congress Event Dialogue
1 008 Borders divide - nature unites! Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
263 Next steps for delivering Best Practice Guidelines for Climate Change Congress Event Workshop
758 WDPA clinic (French) Congress Event Capacity Development
1 108 Marine World Heritage in Arab States Congress Event Other
87 Pacific: challenge for a giant Congress Event Launch Event
498 Global Environmental Facility opportunities to support conservation of Indigenous Peoples' lands, territories and resources Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 498_1_Watanabe-Engagement with Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 498_2_Mulenkey-GEF Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group IPAG.pdf
PDF icon 498_3_UNDP-Implemented GEF Small Grants Programme.pdf
1 075 The Judiciary and Protected Areas Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1075_1_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_2_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_3_Protected Areas in the Courts - An Overview.pdf
1 137 Areas of the Future - where business and nature go hand in hand Congress Event Dialogue
1 041 Landmarks at Risk' launch and announcement of conference for a Call To Action to protect cultural resources in a changing climate Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 237 Bellagio meeting and commodities (invitation only) Congress Event Panel Discussion
794 Profit, people and planet: Harnessing industry know-how for conservation Congress Event Dialogue
1 009 Highlights of 100 years of National Parks Networks: genetic rescue and the challenge of climate change Congress Event Workshop
264 Responding to Climate Change Stream wrap-up Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 264_1_lesley Hughes-Climate stream wrap up.pdf
PDF icon 264_2_Mariana BellotParallel-Plenary closing_ClimateChange wrap-up.pdf
759 NatureWatch: Using mobile technology to engage and empower people for the conservation of key sites for biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
909 Screening for biodiversity risk â?? making an informed decision Congress Event Capacity Development
1 109 Fostering Coastal Fisheries Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 076 New Social Compact Public Engagement Congress Event Dialogue
1 138 IBAs in Danger Launch 2014 Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
681 Aloha \â??Aina Momona: Collaborative Approaches for the Stewardship of Hawai\â??i's Natural Resources Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 681_1_Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 681_2_Kekuewa-Community Perspective on the Haleakala National Park.pdf
PDF icon 681_4_Kittinger-coral reefs, culture, and food security.pdf
PDF icon 681_3_Aloha Ko Hawai'i Pae'aina.pdf
1 042 Nature Needs Half TM -- Embracing big solutions for nature and people Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 238 Protected Areas and biodiversity offsets Congress Event Panel Discussion
795 Biofuels and the CEESP report Congress Event Dialogue
796 Tourism Conservation Partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
1 010 Marine protected areas and small-scale fisheries Congress Event Workshop
265 Inspiring leaders in climate change response Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 265_1_Inspiring Leadership in a Changing Climate.pdf
PDF icon 265_2_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon.pdf
760 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
910 Towards a Protected Areas Global Connectivity Initiative Congress Event Dialogue
1 110 Towards Ecological Civilization Build a National Park System for Nature Conservation in China Congress Event Networking Event
90 Scaling up a New Market for Verified Conservation - VCA Platform Congress Event Debate
1 077 New Social Compact Congress Event Dialogue
1 139 Monitoring Aichi target 11 implementation with the Powpa ? Lessons learned from France. Congress Event Other
1 043 Third sector protecting Brazilian nature Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement PDF icon 1043_1_Leide-Third Sector Protecting Brazilian Nature.pdf
PDF icon 1043_2_WikiParques Brazil.pdf
1 239 Industrial Mining in a Biodiversity Hotspot: the Experience of Madagascar Congress Event Panel Discussion
360 Water Funds and social impacts Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 360_1_Earth Observation in Support of payment for water ecosystem services.pdf
PDF icon 360_2_Water funds.pdf


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