All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 008 Borders divide - nature unites! Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 141 Film: Years of Living Dangerously Congress Event Other
263 Next steps for delivering Best Practice Guidelines for Climate Change Congress Event Workshop
1 108 Marine World Heritage in Arab States Congress Event Other
796 Tourism Conservation Partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
1 235 Demonstration of GPPAM curricula for protected area system and site managers Congress Event Workshop
928 â??Communities of the Paramosâ?: conserving a fragile ecosystem for water in the Andes region Congress Event Lecture
1 075 The Judiciary and Protected Areas Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1075_1_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_2_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_3_Protected Areas in the Courts - An Overview.pdf
87 Pacific: challenge for a giant Congress Event Launch Event
546 Tech Zone marketplace Congress Event Workshop
760 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
1 041 Landmarks at Risk' launch and announcement of conference for a Call To Action to protect cultural resources in a changing climate Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
725 NatureWatch: Using mobile technology to engage and empower people for the conservation of key sites for biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
726 \â??Space for Nature\â?? short film screening Congress Event Capacity Development
1 009 Highlights of 100 years of National Parks Networks: genetic rescue and the challenge of climate change Congress Event Workshop
1 142 Film: Once Upon a Forest (Australian Premiere) Congress Event Other
264 Responding to Climate Change Stream wrap-up Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 264_1_lesley Hughes-Climate stream wrap up.pdf
PDF icon 264_2_Mariana BellotParallel-Plenary closing_ClimateChange wrap-up.pdf
1 109 Fostering Coastal Fisheries Congress Event Panel Discussion
797 Planetary-scale biodiversity analysis with Google Earth Engine Congress Event Dialogue
1 236 Financing the transition to sustainable commodities Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 076 New Social Compact Public Engagement Congress Event Dialogue
761 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Congress Event Capacity Development
1 042 Nature Needs Half TM -- Embracing big solutions for nature and people Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
511 Cultural Flows film screenings and panel discussion Congress Event Workshop
727 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
1 010 Marine protected areas and small-scale fisheries Congress Event Workshop
1 143 Project Wild Thing Congress Event Other
265 Inspiring leaders in climate change response Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 265_1_Inspiring Leadership in a Changing Climate.pdf
PDF icon 265_2_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon.pdf
1 110 Towards Ecological Civilization Build a National Park System for Nature Conservation in China Congress Event Networking Event
798 Extractive sector: case studies on biodiversity and ecosystem services management approaches and conservation actions in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue
1 237 Bellagio meeting and commodities (invitation only) Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 077 New Social Compact Congress Event Dialogue
90 Scaling up a New Market for Verified Conservation - VCA Platform Congress Event Debate
762 A Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard: Addressing challenges to monitoring biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
1 043 Third sector protecting Brazilian nature Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement PDF icon 1043_1_Leide-Third Sector Protecting Brazilian Nature.pdf
PDF icon 1043_2_WikiParques Brazil.pdf
728 Advances in technology for monitoring and management of protected areas â?? Instant Wild demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 011 Treasures of Baikal and Kamchatka Congress Event Dialogue
1 145 Changing land use to save Australian wildlife Congress Event Dialogue
266 Tools marketplace for responding to climate change Congress Event Dialogue
1 111 The B4Life flagship and the EU support to Protected Areas in Africa Congress Event Panel Discussion File 1111_wpcreport_JT.docx
799 Protected areas and the extractive industry sector in Africa - Good decisions for better impacts Congress Event Dialogue
1 238 Protected Areas and biodiversity offsets Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 078 New Social Compact Closing Celebration Congress Event Other
763 Book launch of Conservation Catalysts: Academies as Nature\â??s Agent Congress Event Launch Event
436 Ecological safeguards for equitable, sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 1) Congress Event Panel Discussion File 436_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 436_1_Gulko-Using a Coral Reef Mitigation Bank and Innovative Coral Restoration Nursery for Off-Site Impacts to Restore Marine Managed Areas.pdf
PDF icon 436_2_Jones-Offsetting development for conservation connectivity.Going the extra mile.pdf
PDF icon 436_3_Millington-The East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership,Conserving Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats for Biodiversity and people.pdf
PDF icon 436_4_Savy-New opportunities for conservation the role of the IFC Performance Standards.pdf
PDF icon 436_5_Strategic Assessment in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 436_6_Environmental Safeguarding for Responsible Development.pdf
1 044 Ecosystems across Borders: New approaches to transboundary management of Asia\â??s coastal and river systems Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 178 Reaching Conservation Goals (Marine and New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
134 PlanetFest Other Planetfest
1 210 Reconciling Development Challenges (World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
93 Tourism as a Nature-Based Solution Other Panel Discussion


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