All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
527 Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop File 527_wpcreport_PG.docx
PDF icon 527_1_Autotrophic Indigenous Botanical Garden in Tao Community in Taiwan.pdf
PDF icon 527_2_Whakatane Pilot Assessment in Kahuzi-Biega DRC.pdf
PDF icon 527_3_Eghenter-The case of Kayan Mentarang National Park.pdf
PDF icon 527_4_Oviedo-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_5_The relationship between human rights of Indigenous peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_6_Tugendhat-Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 527_7_Painter-Implementing UNDRIP in Bolivia.pdf
387 Connecting Practice: linking cultural and natural heritage with World Heritage Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 387_1_Connecting Practice.pdf
PDF icon 387_2_Authenticity in World Heritage.pdf
PDF icon 387_3_Takeuchi-The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS).pdf
250 Monitoring conservation outcomes inside and outside protected areas - Session 2 Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 250_1_Jones-Tasmania Monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 250_2_Peterson-Global Forest Watch, turning big data into big decisions on forest.pdf
PDF icon 250_3_Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool.pdf
PDF icon 250_4_Gillies-Citizen science and biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 250_5-Turak-Biodiversity observations inside and outside protected areas across the Jervis Bay region in South East Australia.pdf
PDF icon 250_6_Freyhof-The Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas - A Model for EBV dataset discovery.pdf
PDF icon 250_7_Hamilton-The Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard.pdf
PDF icon 250_8_Stathis-WildCount.pdf
PDF icon 250_9_Escalante-Manu National Park Integrated Monitoring System, A Low-Cost Tool to Measure the Conservation Objectives Success.pdf
PDF icon 250_10_Jefferies-Rapid Biodiversity Assessments (BIORAPs) Processes and potential biodiversity conservation benefits.pdf
PDF icon 250_11_Dubois-Web services for Assesing, Monitoring and Forecasting Biodiversity for Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 250_12_Curnick-Camara wildlife monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 250_13_The Aichi biodiversity targets Passport.pdf
PDF icon 250_14_WangHao-Monitoring, outcome assessment and adaptive management of protected areas, cases from China.pdf
PDF icon 250_15_Monitoring Session Wrap Up.pdf
488 Adaptive governance for resilient protected areas â?? preparing for the challenges ahead Stream Session Workshop File 488_wpcreport_gm.docx
PDF icon 488_1_Hosnell-Governing for Resilient PAs.pdf
PDF icon 488_2_Jones-Resilience and Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 488_3_Adaptive Governance.pdf
PDF icon 488_Adaptive governance for resilient protected areas- preparing for the challenges ahead Workshop Summary Report.pdf
355 Responding to the effects of climate change on communities, parks and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 355_wpcreport_MC.docx
PDF icon 355_2_Jeffrey A-Responding to the effects of climate change.pdf
PDF icon 355_ 1_Jonathan Papz-Climate & Health.pdf
PDF icon 355_David Welch-Sky Parks.pdf
219 Sliding back or moving forward? Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression. Stream Session Panel Discussion File 219_wpcreport_JT.docx
PDF icon 219_1_Mascia-Sliding back or moving forward Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression..pdf
PDF icon 219_2_Lobo-Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing, and Degazettement (PADDD) in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 219_3_Taylor- PADDD in context windback.pdf
PDF icon 219_4_Craigie-PADDD a mechanism to improve the Comprehensiveness, Adequacy and Representativeness of protected areas.pdf
939 Pacific Initiatives - Celebrating Achievements Stream Session Launch Event
1 215 Farewell BBQ Stream Session Networking Event
897 Innovation in surveillance and measuring management effectiveness in Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Stream Session Dialogue
707 Strategic Environmental Assessments: concepts and applications for Marine Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop
425 Welcome visitors: Making tourism work for protected areas and sustainable development (Part 2). Protected area tourism concessions Stream Session Panel Discussion File 425_wpcreport_MS.docx
862 Meet the editors of PARKS Stream Session Dialogue
286 Blue and green carbon: a new opportunity for protected areas? Stream Session Panel Discussion File 286_wpcreport_JD.docx
528 Indigenous and community land-rights and conservation Stream Session Workshop File 528_wpcreport_PG.docx
389 Protect what you eat; conserving our food\â??s genetic resources Stream Session Workshop File 389_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 389_1_Corrado-The role of PAs for the maintenance of our best food producers.pdf
PDF icon 389_2_Protect what you eat - conserving our food's genetic resources.pdf
PDF icon 389_3_Arriola-Programa de Conservación del Maíz Criollo (PROMAC).pdf
PDF icon 389_4_Dullo-Contribution of protected areas to food security through in situ conservation.pdf
PDF icon 389_5_Loo-Protecting genetic resources for nutrition from the forest.pdf
251 The challenges and opportunities of using a geoheritage approach to reaching conservation goals and achieving the Aichi Targets, specifically Target 11 Stream Session Lecture File 251_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 251_1_Brocx_Stemming the loss of biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 251_2_Enrique Diaz_Geodiversity Pyrenees.pdf
PDF icon 251_3_Semeniuk_Increasing species conservation and diversity.pdf
1 254 Youth Are Moving Forward: Are You Keeping Up? Stream Session Panel Discussion
489 Plenary and overall synthesis of recommendations for the Governance Stream Stream Session Workshop File 489_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 489_1_Innovative approaches and recommendations governance stream.pdf
220 Innovative protected area management Stream Session Lecture
1 217 WIN Dialogue: Closing Stream Session Dialogue
458 Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 458_1_Ethiopia-The Menz-Guassa Community Conservation Area.pdf
PDF icon 458_2_Canada-Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Park.pdf
PDF icon 458_3_Kenya-Ogiek at Chepkitale, Mt Elgon.pdf
PDF icon 458_4_Conservancy Achievements.pdf
PDF icon 458_5_India-Experiences ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 458_6_Karst Ecosystems in SW Guangxi.pdf
PDF icon 458_7_Spain-Experinces ICCAs.pdf
PDF icon 458_8_ICCAs in the World Database on Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 458_Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
322 Sustainable livelihoods: balancing conservation and local community needs Stream Session Panel Discussion File 322_wpcreport_ES.docx
PDF icon 322_Speaker 2_Annet Balewa Ouganda.pdf
PDF icon 322_Speaker 3_Harmony Patricio Mekong.pdf
PDF icon 322_Speaker 4_Helen Schneider-Helen Anthem FFI.pdf
898 Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Review â?? come meet the Chairs and hear about their work Stream Session Dialogue
708 Building Legal Capacity for Protected Areas Law and Governance Stream Session Workshop
426 Welcome Visitors: Making tourism work for protected areas and sustainable development (Part 1). Critical success factors Stream Session Panel Discussion File 426_wpcreport_MS.docx
863 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
287 Building resilience and adaptation in marine ecosystems: case studies Stream Session Panel Discussion File 287_wpcreport_JD_RV_MM.docx
PDF icon 287_1-T Yeemin-Coral reefs in Andaman Sea.pdf
PDF icon 287_2-E Darling-Climate refuges.pdf
PDF icon 287_3-M Welly-Nusa Penida Indonesia.pdf
PDF icon 287_4-N Khera-Urban MPA Mumbai.pdf
PDF icon 287_5-Roberto Perez-Impacts of climate change Cuba.pdf
PDF icon 287_6-H Rakotondrazafy-MPA Mgt in Madagascar.pdf
529 Traditional fire management and climate change mitigation Stream Session Workshop File 529_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 529_1_Lucas-Traditional Fire Management and Climate Mitigation.pdf
PDF icon 529_2_Filardi-Becoming the Forest.pdf
PDF icon 529_4_Kalamia-Southern Fijian Perspectives on Community-based Marine Resource Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 529_5_Tauetia-Linking Traditional Marine Management Systems, International Policies and Targets.pdf
390 Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 390_1_Murphfree-Bridging the Divide.pdf
PDF icon 390_2_Supporting the Management of Important Marine Habitats in Lebanon.pdf
PDF icon 390_3_Community white Rhino Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 390_4_Case Studies Discussed at Asia Parks Congress.pdf
391 Protected areas and sustainable hunting and fishing Stream Session Panel Discussion File 391_wpcreport_RM.docx
PDF icon 391_1_Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife.pdf
PDF icon 391_2_Madeleine N-Sustainable game management in finland.pdf
357 Stream opening â?? human health and wellbeing depends on nature Stream Session Panel Discussion Image icon 357_JuliaMartonLefevre_ES.jpg
File 357_Notes_ESBWMC.docx
PDF icon 357_ Session 1 -1- Human healt and wellbeing depends on nature.pdf
PDF icon 357_Session1_0-Introduction Human healt BRANDED.pdf
221 The value of IUCN\â??s Red Lists in protected area planning and monitoring. Stream Session Dialogue File 221_wpcreport_NL.docx
PDF icon 221_1_Lacher-review of its role in aiding protected area network planning, management and monitoring.pdf
PDF icon 221_2_Oliviera-Red list, A New Tool to Inform Protected Area Management and Monitor Effectiveness..pdf
PDF icon 221_3_Hilton-Taylor-The integration of the IUCN Red List and its relevance to protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 221_4_Secoy-The importance of National Red Lists in catalysing biodiversity assessments.pdf
940 IUCN/Partners Session Stream Session Panel Discussion
1 219 Best Practice exchange on World Heritage Sites Stream Session Lecture
459 Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 459_wpcreport_SB.docx
PDF icon 459_1_MEXICO-Indigenous and community land conservation efforts in Mexico.pdf
PDF icon 459_2_Canada-Threats faced by CCAs in India.pdf
PDF icon 459_3_Madagascar-Paradigm Shift from Consultation, Participation or Management Transfer to Community Governance.pdf
PDF icon 459_4_Indonesia-Indigenous Peoples.pdf
PDF icon 459_5_Philippines-The recognition of ICCA.pdf
PDF icon 459_6_Masardule-Protección de Galu Maniyala.pdf
PDF icon 459_Territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCAs) (Part 2 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
323 Global environmental and health policy: a nexus for change Stream Session Panel Discussion File 323_wpcreport_BW.docx
PDF icon 323_1_ Suneetha MS-Session 11-Global enviromental and health policy.pdf
PDF icon 323_2_ Session 11- Policy and Partnerships - Keith.pdf
899 Australia\â??s marine environment â?? exploring the South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network Stream Session Dialogue
709 Communications for Capacity Development Programmes Stream Session Workshop
427 Extractives, energy and responsible investments (Part 2): Solutions Stream Session Panel Discussion File 427_wpcreport_DA.docx
PDF icon 427_1-Jon Ekstrom.pdf
PDF icon 427_2-Gerard Boss.pdf
PDF icon 427_3-Paola Pedroni.pdf
PDF icon 427_4-Steve Edwards.pdf
PDF icon 427_5-Pippa Howard.pdf
PDF icon 427_6-Willeen Olivier BSP&Offsets.pdf
PDF icon 427_7-George Ledec.pdf
571 Junior park rangers: case studies and examples of growing leadership Stream Session Workshop File 571_wpcreport_NB.docx
PDF icon 571_1_Introduction Junior Park Ranger.pdf
PDF icon 571_2_Florin-Ranger Junior Muntiitarcu.pdf
PDF icon 571_4_Ritchie-Junior rangers Europarc.pdf
File knpsJunior Ranger.pptx
864 WDPA clinic (English) Stream Session Capacity Development
288 A Polar Journey Part 2: The effectiveness of protected areas in the high north and the deep south Stream Session Workshop File 288_wpcreport_RV.docx
PDF icon 288_1-Wenzel-Pan-Arctic MPA Network PAME.pdf
PDF icon 288_2-Clive T-Last Ice Area.pdf
PDF icon 288_3-Joergen H-Hollesen et al Museum Denmark.pdf
PDF icon 288_4-Goldworthy-Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition.pdf
PDF icon 288_5-Shaw and Chown-Antarctic Specially PAs.pdf
651 Getting Started - and why it matters Stream Session Workshop File 651_wpcreport_EL.docx
530 Migratory Indigenous Peoples, livelihoods and marine protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 530_wpcreport_PG.docx
358 Perspectives on health â?? current practices and future opportunities for protected area managers Stream Session Panel Discussion File 358_wpcreport_BW.docx
File 358_Notes_BW.docx
PDF icon 358_Session 2_Stream 3 Perspectives on health.pdf
PDF icon 358_Session 2-Intro slides.pdf
222 Funding success in protected areas â?? how to assess financial needs, identify gaps, and develop the right strategies Stream Session Workshop File 222_wpcreport_ST.docx
PDF icon 222_1_Andrew Bovanick-Guide to increase the public budget for protected area systems.pdf
PDF icon 222_2_The financial costs of establishing and effectively managing a global protected area network.pdf
PDF icon 222_3_Taylor Fitzsimons-Reaching Aichi Target 11 in Australia.pdf
PDF icon 222_4_Lowell_CaseStudySMMA Sust Finance.pdf
PDF icon 222_5_Amazon Protected Areas Program.pdf
PDF icon 222_6_A Strategy to Finance Protected Area Systems Brazil.pdf
941 Wrap-up/Farewell Stream Session Networking Event
460 Privately protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Stream Session Workshop File 460_wpcreport_RD.docx
PDF icon 460_1_Kouderin-Sitatunga Valley Benin CREDI.pdf
PDF icon 460_Privately protected areas (Part 1 of a three-hour session) Workshop Summary Report.pdf
324 Connecting to Australia: place-attachment bringing people closer to nature and culture and improving their well-being Stream Session Panel Discussion File 324_wpcreport_BW.docx
901 Capacity building: maritime territories in action for marine biodiversity Stream Session Launch Event


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