All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
744 The importance of geoheritage conservation in protected areas and help available Congress Event Dialogue
1 046 Are protected areas in the Congo Basin failing both people and biodiversity? Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 013 La guinée Bissau classe 26% de son territoire en aires protégées Congress Event Other
1 147 Visualising climate change data: because nothing\â??s cooler than a colourful map Congress Event Workshop
650 Locally-managed marine areas: Building blocks for resilient and empowered coastal communities Congress Event Google+ Hangout
815 Youth and entrepreneurship Congress Event Dialogue
976 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 114 Tourism and Protected Areas Congress Event Other
1 248 African Wildlife and National Parks' Directors Dialogue Congress Event Other
259 Protected Areas Law and Achieving Aichi Target 11 Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 234_1_Butchart-How well do protected areas cover biodiversity.pdf
PDF icon 234_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas.pdf
PDF icon 234_3_Venter-The future of protected areas and threatened species a cautionary tale.pdf
PDF icon 234_4_Di Minin-Global conservation prioritization for Aichi Target 11.pdf
781 Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for Business Congress Event Capacity Development
1 080 Business and Biodiversity an opportunity for Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
746 WDPA clinic (French) Congress Event Capacity Development
1 047 USAID's Conservation Approach to Development Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1047_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 014 The Futures of Privately Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 148 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
59 A clinic on the WDPA regarding ICCAs (Indigenous and Community Conserved Territories and Areas) Congress Event Capacity Development
816 Monitoring conservation outcomes inside and outside protected areas â?? speed presentations and technical demonstrations of relevant applications Congress Event Capacity Development
977 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 115 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
1 249 New South Wales in flood and most recent bird breeding events - Macquarie Marshes Congress Event Lecture
261 Skills sharing for effective protected area management Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 261_1_Business Skills Sharing for Capacity Development.pdf
515 Indigenous Partnerships Workshop: New South Wales' experiences with joint management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 515_1_Deriah- Aboriginal Area.pdf
PDF icon 515_2_Worimi Conservation Lands.pdf
PDF icon 515_3_Gaagal Wanggaan, South Beach, National Park.pdf
PDF icon 515_4_ConnectingToCulture.pdf
PDF icon 515_5_Partnerships Cultural Connections.pdf
PDF icon 515_6_Firesticks Partnerships.pdf
PDF icon 515_7_Partnerships Aboriginal Joint Management Overview LF.pdf
782 CBD COP12: Legacy and challenges Congress Event Dialogue
1 081 Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Funds Network Kick-Off Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
478 Building a global No-Go Commitment: strengthening, expanding and enforcing no-go policies Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 478_2_Schofield-Protecting Marine Parks on a Grand Scale.pdf
PDF icon 478_3_No-Go Zones at Sea.pdf
PDF icon 478_4_Kothari-(ICCAs) as No Go sites.pdf
PDF icon 478_Building a global No-Go Commitment strengthening, expanding and enforcing no-go policies Workshop Summary Report.pdf
747 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Launch Event
1 048 Aménagement et restauration Reserve Ndiaèl Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 015 Meet a park and protected area Ranger Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 149 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
652 \â??Going Big\â?? with Marine Protection â?? Leveraging the unique benefits of Large-scale MPAs to enhance ocean management and governance globally Congress Event Google+ Hangout
817 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
978 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 116 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
1 250 Hustai National Park Trust Congress Event Lecture
262 The voice of Africa in reaching conservation goals in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 262_1_African PAs reaching conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 262_2_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 262_3_Odendaal-The NamibRand Nature Reserve.pdf
PDF icon 262_5_Mulama-Wildlife-Livestock Integration, an innovative approach to conservation.pdf
PDF icon 262_6_Goede-Best Guide Principals for Transboundary Conservation.pdf
783 Certifying best oil and gas practices near protected areas Congress Event Dialogue
1 082 Participatory Creation of Municipal Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
748 Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change in West Africa and beyond (English) Congress Event Capacity Development
1 049 Toward worldwide ecosystem risk assessment Congress Event Workshop
1 017 Buy a Fish, Save a Tree Congress Event Other
1 150 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
654 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
818 Altyn Dala - Integrating landscape scale ecosystem conservation of steppes, wetlands, semi-desert and desert with endangered species recovery in Kazakhstan Congress Event Capacity Development
979 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 117 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
1 251 IUCN\â??s nature based solution definition project: concepts, challenges and examples Congress Event Lecture
263 Next steps for delivering Best Practice Guidelines for Climate Change Congress Event Workshop
785 Integrating the value of natural capital into private and public investment and development practice Congress Event Dialogue
1 083 Sharing experience: biodiversity conservation & protected areas management in West Asia Congress Event Workshop


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