All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
773 The business journey Congress Event Dialogue
1 092 Location, Location, Location: Are we putting MPAs in the right places? Congress Event Dialogue
261 Skills sharing for effective protected area management Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 261_1_Business Skills Sharing for Capacity Development.pdf
1 059 Protected Areas and Indigenous Territories in Mesoamerica: A close look at rights, collaboration and development challenges. Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 026 Launch of the Protected Planet-Asia Report Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1026_notes_AJ.docx
718 Global launch of new flagship publications - our state of knowledge on the links between biodiversity and human health Congress Event Launch Event
1 145 Changing land use to save Australian wildlife Congress Event Dialogue
809 Managing impacts on biodiversity at a site-level: challenges and opportunities for the extractives industry Congress Event Dialogue
989 Tourism in Transfrontier Conservation Areas, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other
1 244 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
774 The IUCN Red List: 50 years of Conservation Congress Event Launch Event File 774_wpcreport_AJ.docx
927 Cook Island MPA: creating the largest protected area ever. By Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands. Congress Event Launch Event
1 093 Mua - Guided by Nature Congress Event Dialogue
262 The voice of Africa in reaching conservation goals in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 262_1_African PAs reaching conservation goals.pdf
PDF icon 262_2_Marnewick-Protecting Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using Biodiversity Stewardship.pdf
PDF icon 262_3_Odendaal-The NamibRand Nature Reserve.pdf
PDF icon 262_5_Mulama-Wildlife-Livestock Integration, an innovative approach to conservation.pdf
PDF icon 262_6_Goede-Best Guide Principals for Transboundary Conservation.pdf
1 060 VIRUNGA: the movie Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
90 Scaling up a New Market for Verified Conservation - VCA Platform Congress Event Debate
504 Standing on Sacred Ground â?? Film Screening and Discussion Congress Event Dialogue
1 027 Protected areas learning and research collaboration Congress Event Other
720 Boost your impact: how to use the IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Capacity Development
1 146 Georgia\â??s Protected Areas ? A Glimpse Behind the Caucasus Veil Congress Event Lecture
990 Managing freshwaters in protected areas Congress Event Other
1 245 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
775 Business as unusual Congress Event Dialogue
928 â??Communities of the Paramosâ?: conserving a fragile ecosystem for water in the Andes region Congress Event Lecture
1 094 Rhino Conservation - Successes and Challenges: A South African Perspective Congress Event Other PDF icon 1094_1_Ndebele-Community white Rhino Conservation .pdf
263 Next steps for delivering Best Practice Guidelines for Climate Change Congress Event Workshop
264 Responding to Climate Change Stream wrap-up Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 264_1_lesley Hughes-Climate stream wrap up.pdf
PDF icon 264_2_Mariana BellotParallel-Plenary closing_ClimateChange wrap-up.pdf
1 061 Extractives and safeguarding World Heritage Congress Event Dialogue
1 028 Mountains as Youth learning landscapes: Perceptions of sustainability in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, USA Congress Event Workshop
721 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
1 147 Visualising climate change data: because nothing\â??s cooler than a colourful map Congress Event Workshop
811 Key Biodiversity Areas: celebration and thanks Congress Event Networking Event
991 Contemplation of Nature Congress Event Workshop
1 248 African Wildlife and National Parks' Directors Dialogue Congress Event Other
776 IUCN Protected Area Management Categories: Past, present and future. Speaking a Common Language. Congress Event Dialogue
1 095 Breathing life into the promise of Sydney: the promise of the philanthropy community Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1095_Breathing Life into Promise of Sydney.pdf
265 Inspiring leaders in climate change response Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 265_1_Inspiring Leadership in a Changing Climate.pdf
PDF icon 265_2_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon.pdf
740 IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Launch Event
546 Tech Zone marketplace Congress Event Workshop
1 062 Protected Areas Networks and Regional Integration in West and Central Africa Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 029 Leave No Trace Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1029_1_Leave No Trace Master.pdf
723 Advances in technology for monitoring and management of protected areas â?? Instant Wild demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 148 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
812 Going beyond: Diamonds and biodiversity Congress Event Dialogue
457 Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 457_Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation Workshop Summary Report.pdf
995 Asian Sacred Natural Sites: network and Book Launch Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 249 New South Wales in flood and most recent bird breeding events - Macquarie Marshes Congress Event Lecture
777 Monitoring biodiversity outcomes to improve protected area effectiveness and management via data driven insights Congress Event Capacity Development
379 Meeting: Latin American Technical Cooperation Network on Protected Areas (REDPARQUES) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 379_1_Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Técnica en Parques Nacionales, otras Áreas Protegidas, Flora y Fauna Silvestres.pdf
PDF icon 379_2_Peru Map protected areas.pdf
1 096 NON-EXTRACTIVE WILDLIFE USE: RIGHTS & BENEFITS Congress Event Networking Function - Catered


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