All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 107 New Generation of World Heritage Arab experts Congress Event Other File 1107_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 106 Bright Spots and PA Solutions Innovation â?? creating new solutions from the building blocks of success in both marine and terrestrial protected areas Congress Event Workshop
1 105 The benefits of natural World Heritage sites: a new study on ecosystem services provided by the world\â??s iconic places Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1105_1_Osipova-The benefits of natural world heritage.pdf
1 104 Sustainable Financing of PA System Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 103 Achieving Biodiversity-positive gas production: lessons learned in reconciling industrial development in an ecologically-sensitive area Congress Event Lecture
1 102 Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional: The Future of World Heritage in Australia - the Cairns Communique Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1102_1_Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional.pdf
1 101 SeaStates: How Much of our Seas are Governments Really Protecting? Congress Event Other PDF icon 1101_3_CPAWS SeaStates.pdf
PDF icon 1101_4_GLORES for Ocean+ Pavillion.pdf
PDF icon 1101_5_SkyTruth-IUCN-MCI-18nov2014.pdf
1 100 Implementing \â??conservation justice\â?? through intergenerational dialogue, collaboration and critical action Congress Event Workshop
1 099 Values in marine park management Congress Event Workshop
1 098 A Structured Approach to Protected Area Compliance Management Congress Event Other
1 097 State of the Pan-Amazon and Sustainable Solutions Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1097_State of Pan-Amazon and sustainable solutions-WWF.pdf
1 096 NON-EXTRACTIVE WILDLIFE USE: RIGHTS & BENEFITS Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 095 Breathing life into the promise of Sydney: the promise of the philanthropy community Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1095_Breathing Life into Promise of Sydney.pdf
1 094 Rhino Conservation - Successes and Challenges: A South African Perspective Congress Event Other PDF icon 1094_1_Ndebele-Community white Rhino Conservation .pdf
1 093 Mua - Guided by Nature Congress Event Dialogue
1 092 Location, Location, Location: Are we putting MPAs in the right places? Congress Event Dialogue
1 091 Land/Sea Connections: Building a coalition for protection from ridges to reefs Congress Event Dialogue
1 090 Lessons Learned from Australia's MPA Experience Congress Event Dialogue
1 089 What\â??s happening in the Great Barrier Reef? Congress Event Dialogue
1 088 An evening with Bush Blitz Congress Event Dialogue
1 087 The Fight for the Reef Congress Event Workshop
1 085 New South Wales Aboriginal cultural experiences Congress Event Workshop
1 084 Improving governance in protected areas Congress Event Workshop
1 083 Sharing experience: biodiversity conservation & protected areas management in West Asia Congress Event Workshop
1 082 Participatory Creation of Municipal Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
1 081 Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Funds Network Kick-Off Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 080 Business and Biodiversity an opportunity for Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
1 079 Communicating Inspiration: Conservation Media Workshop Congress Event Workshop
1 078 New Social Compact Closing Celebration Congress Event Other
1 077 New Social Compact Congress Event Dialogue
1 076 New Social Compact Public Engagement Congress Event Dialogue
1 075 The Judiciary and Protected Areas Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1075_1_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_2_Lavrysen-Enforcing Biodiversity Law through Criminal Law with the involvement of Environmental NGOs.pdf
PDF icon 1075_3_Protected Areas in the Courts - An Overview.pdf
1 074 Saving our Species in NSW Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 072 Workshop on the Management of International Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
1 071 Mauritius, Seychelles and Comoros: making conservation work for development in the Indian Ocean Congress Event Other
1 070 How Protected Areas Contribute to Human Life: The case of Ecotourism and Forest Landscape Restoration Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 069 Protected Areas in South America: natural solutions for global change challenges Congress Event Dialogue File 1069_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 068 Global launch of the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 067 GEF's New Direction: Protected Areas and Beyond Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 066 Connectivity landscape conservation on a large scale for an environmentally and socially resilient Planet Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1066_1_ICCN.pdf
PDF icon 1066_2_Connectivity Conservation for Humankind.pdf
PDF icon 1066_5_ICCN Africa.pdf
PDF icon 1066_6_ICC_ICIMOD_Chettri.pdf
PDF icon 1066_7_WPC Connectivity Workshop.pdf
PDF icon 1066_8_Pulsford_Australia.pdf
PDF icon 1066_10_ICCN Mesoamerica.pdf
PDF icon 1066_11_Yerena-Garcia_Venezuela Corridors.pdf
PDF icon 1066_13_Pulsford_Global DB.pdf
1 065 Ocean conservation at scale: linking local to regional initiatives across the Indo-Pacific Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 064 Learning and Action: Enhancing Conservation Finance through Environmental Funds and South-South Collaboration Congress Event Other
1 063 FUNBIO: a strategic mechanism in pursuit of financial sustainability of Brazilian protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 1063_1_Medeiros-The Contribution of Brazilian Protected Areas for National Economy.pdf
PDF icon 1063_2_Protected areas as economic assets, The Brazilian scenario.pdf
PDF icon 1063_3_SADC TFCA NETWORK.pdf
1 062 Protected Areas Networks and Regional Integration in West and Central Africa Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 061 Extractives and safeguarding World Heritage Congress Event Dialogue
1 060 VIRUNGA: the movie Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 059 Protected Areas and Indigenous Territories in Mesoamerica: A close look at rights, collaboration and development challenges. Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 058 Environmental education program for marine protected area Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 057 Protected Areas as Economic Assets Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 056 Mock International Court Case on Marine Issues Congress Event Lecture


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