All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
863 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
864 WDPA clinic (English) Stream Session Capacity Development
866 WDPA clinic: Privately Protected Areas Stream Session Capacity Development
867 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
868 WDPA clinic (French) Stream Session Capacity Development
869 Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment training Stream Session Capacity Development
870 WDPA clinic (English) Stream Session Capacity Development
871 High level panel: Madagascar Biodiversity Fund Stream Session Panel Discussion
872 Quadcopters, stromatolites and sea snakes: habitat characterization in a World Heritage marine park Stream Session Dialogue
873 Mining and the financing of protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion
874 ARPA for Life: Commitment to the Amazon Stream Session Panel Discussion
875 Knowledge for action: Promoting innovation among Environmental Funds project Stream Session Panel Discussion
876 Comparative Advantages study launching event Stream Session Panel Discussion
877 Launch of the 7th edition of the Conservation Trust Funds Investment Survey (CTIS) Stream Session Panel Discussion
878 An introduction to conservation finance studies: Emphasizing Environmental Funds\â?? roles Stream Session Networking Event
879 Crowdfunding for conservation: reaching out to the general public Stream Session Capacity Development
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
881 Conservation with small grants - the view of the grantees Stream Session Panel Discussion
882 Small grants: effective financial mechanisms for protected areas Stream Session Networking Event
883 Shifting the way the world shops Stream Session Panel Discussion
884 Financial gap analysis in Mexico's protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion
885 KfW, AFD, GEF supporting Conservation Trust Funds in Africa Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 885_1_GEF Sustainable Financing - Africa.pdf
PDF icon 885_2_Suppiah-Progress Towards Sustainable Financing of PA's in Malaysia.pdf
PDF icon 885_3_Gobin-GEF Investment on Conservation Trust Funds.pdf
PDF icon 885_4_Watanabe-GEF Sustainable Financing of Protected Area Systems.pdf
886 Adaptation to climate change in coastal zones: linking coastal and marine conservation, development and risk reduction Stream Session Dialogue
887 Surveillance and control in the Galapagos Marine Reserve: combining technology, techniques and legal action Stream Session Dialogue
888 World Heritage opportunities for marine biodiversity conservation in the Red Sea Stream Session Dialogue
889 The Reactive Reefs Exhibition â?? Telling the story of how the world\â??s reefs are changing and adapting using UAV Fluid Lensing and underwater giga-pixel imagery Stream Session Dialogue
890 Sustaining the high seas: paths to progress Stream Session Dialogue
891 Congress Excursions Stream Session Ceremony
894 SOI Action Plan: Implementing the Sustainable Ocean Initiative of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Stream Session Dialogue
895 Working together â?? making friends in multiple use marine protected areas Stream Session Dialogue
896 The Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve Stream Session Lecture
897 Innovation in surveillance and measuring management effectiveness in Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Stream Session Dialogue
898 Australia\â??s Commonwealth Marine Reserves Review â?? come meet the Chairs and hear about their work Stream Session Dialogue
899 Australia\â??s marine environment â?? exploring the South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network Stream Session Dialogue
901 Capacity building: maritime territories in action for marine biodiversity Stream Session Launch Event
902 Big ocean challenges : first governance; then objectives. The involvement of stakeholders is the primary step and the keystone to handle marine issues. Stream Session Dialogue PDF icon 902_1_Wagner-Guidelines on the Design and Management of Large-Scale MPAs.pdf
903 Connecting mammals : Marine mammals MPAs, a question of network and scale - some examples of concrete actions Stream Session Dialogue
905 â??The Prophecyâ?: combining art and ecology for a change of behavior towards nature Stream Session Dialogue
906 How can we build ES (ecosystem services) into wider prioritisation for MPAs? Stream Session Dialogue
907 A New Social Compact for Effective and Just Conservation: Opening Plenary Stream Session Ceremony File 907_wpcreport_JT.docx
909 Screening for biodiversity risk â?? making an informed decision Congress Event Capacity Development
910 Towards a Protected Areas Global Connectivity Initiative Congress Event Dialogue
911 A partnership for the Mozambique Channel Congress Event Dialogue
912 The extractive industry, protected areas and competing claims: enhancing the dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion File 912_wpcreport_DA.docx
913 Ecosystem services and protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 913_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 913_1_Valuing Nature,Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services.pdf
914 New social compact: Dialogue on a global compact for sustainable economics and environmental integrity Stream Session Dialogue
915 Publication launch: Remembering Elinor Ostrom Congress Event Launch Event
916 Local solutions to environmental challenges Congress Event Debate
920 The Commission on Environmental Management's Young Professional Awards Congress Event Networking Event
922 Nature-based solutions and adaptation to a changing climate: linking coastal and marine conservation, development and risks reduction Congress Event Panel Discussion


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