All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 152 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
504 Standing on Sacred Ground â?? Film Screening and Discussion Congress Event Dialogue
723 Advances in technology for monitoring and management of protected areas â?? Instant Wild demo Congress Event Capacity Development
767 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
920 The Commission on Environmental Management's Young Professional Awards Congress Event Networking Event
1 067 GEF's New Direction: Protected Areas and Beyond Congress Event Panel Discussion
337 Health and nature regional e-learning network establishment workshop Congress Event Workshop
1 035 Myanmar: New Opportunities for Protected Areas and Natural World Heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1035_1_Thaw-Protected Areas Management in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_2_Win-Development of Marine Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_3_MPA development in Myanmar.pdf
PDF icon 1035_4_MYANMAR Natural WHS TL.pdf
PDF icon 1035_5_Myanmar side event_backdrop.pdf
1 001 Philanthropy Dialogue Congress Event Panel Discussion
264 Responding to Climate Change Stream wrap-up Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 264_1_lesley Hughes-Climate stream wrap up.pdf
PDF icon 264_2_Mariana BellotParallel-Plenary closing_ClimateChange wrap-up.pdf
803 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
959 Resilience practice for parks, people and paradigms: theory, practice and anecdotes for applying resilience to the real world Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 101 SeaStates: How Much of our Seas are Governments Really Protecting? Congress Event Other PDF icon 1101_3_CPAWS SeaStates.pdf
PDF icon 1101_4_GLORES for Ocean+ Pavillion.pdf
PDF icon 1101_5_SkyTruth-IUCN-MCI-18nov2014.pdf
1 153 Global Forest Watch: technology and transparency to monitor protected areas in near-real-time Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
370 Capacity needs for Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction: what\â??s available and what\â??s needed? Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 370_1_Capacity needs for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_2_Charles B-Natural hazards and disaster risk reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_3_Radhika-CapacityBuildingforDRR.pdf
PDF icon 370_4_Mitomori-Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction.pdf
PDF icon 370_5_Hammill-Understanding the climate-related risks.pdf
724 Designing beautiful visualisations from the data of beautiful places Congress Event Capacity Development
769 The Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness: linking protected area management effectiveness to the WDPA Congress Event Capacity Development
922 Nature-based solutions and adaptation to a changing climate: linking coastal and marine conservation, development and risks reduction Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 068 Global launch of the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 255 Building an enhanced understanding of governance options for marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction: definitions, challenges and recent scientific, technological and legal advances Congress Event Other
1 036 Business input into the Promise of Sydney Congress Event Workshop File 1036_wpcreport_AS.docx
PDF icon 1036_1_Business input into the Promise of Sydney.pdf
1 002 Steering conservation in the crowded tropics Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
546 Tech Zone marketplace Congress Event Workshop
265 Inspiring leaders in climate change response Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 265_1_Inspiring Leadership in a Changing Climate.pdf
PDF icon 265_2_Boumba Bek Nki National Parks in Cameroon.pdf
804 Achieving biodiversity-positive gas production: Lessons learned in reconciling industrial development in an ecologically-sensitive area Congress Event Dialogue
1 102 Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional: The Future of World Heritage in Australia - the Cairns Communique Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1102_1_Keeping the Outstanding Exceptional.pdf
1 154 Exploring and protecting the last wild places in the ocean with National Geographic's Pristine Seas Congress Event TBA
725 NatureWatch: Using mobile technology to engage and empower people for the conservation of key sites for biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
770 The Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness: linking protected area management effectiveness to the WDPA Congress Event Capacity Development
923 Market-based mechanisms to ensure conservation of marine and coastal systems and services Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 069 Protected Areas in South America: natural solutions for global change challenges Congress Event Dialogue File 1069_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 257 Indigenous Protected Areas Australian Dialogue Congress Event Other
1 037 Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 1037_0_Building Socio-Ecological Resilience in Southeast Asia. Introduction.pdf
PDF icon 1037_1_Glemet-Beung Kiat Ngong Ramsar Site, Lao PDR Climate change vulnerability assessment and implication for management.pdf
PDF icon 1037_2_Kimsreng-Management Plan of Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary (PKWS), Cambodia.pdf
PDF icon 1037_3_Brunner-Coastal resilience. What works.pdf
PDF icon 1037_4_Manopawitr-Building ecosystem resilience through transboundary Marine Protected Area - Myanmar.pdf
1 221 Biodiversity is Us - Zoos and Aquariums supporting the parks mission Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 1221_1_Dick-Biodiversity is us.pdf
1 003 Innovative Finance for Long Term Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
266 Tools marketplace for responding to climate change Congress Event Dialogue
805 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
962 Co$ting nature: Ecosystem services in protected areas, a global analysis Congress Event Lecture
1 103 Achieving Biodiversity-positive gas production: lessons learned in reconciling industrial development in an ecologically-sensitive area Congress Event Lecture
1 155 Alii - Protected Areas: People and communities Congress Event Networking Event
372 Achieving connectivity conservation goals in Mesoamerica: lessons learned and future perspectives Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 372_1_Carolina-LANDSCAPE CONNECTIVITY.pdf
PDF icon 372_2_Costa Rica por siempre.pdf
PDF icon 372_3_Scaling Up Costa Rica.pdf
PDF icon 372_4_Understanding Connectivity Conservation in the Context of Social-Ecological Systems.pdf
511 Cultural Flows film screenings and panel discussion Congress Event Workshop
726 \â??Space for Nature\â?? short film screening Congress Event Capacity Development
727 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
771 Analyzing the Earth with Google Earth Engine Congress Event Capacity Development
924 Honu by the Sea' performance Congress Event Dialogue
1 070 How Protected Areas Contribute to Human Life: The case of Ecotourism and Forest Landscape Restoration Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 258 Challenges and Innovative approaches in the management of Protected Areas in Brazil Congress Event Networking Event
1 038 Ecological networks in Mediterranean countries Congress Event Workshop
1 222 IUCN World Heritage Outlook- Capacity building workshop for Site Managers Congress Event Capacity Development


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