All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 199 Supporting Human Life (Marine and World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 194 Supporting Human Life (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
538 Successful Indigenous strategies to protect sacred natural sites and territories 1 Stream Session Workshop File 538_wpcreport_ND.docx
356 Stream Welcome Luncheon - Improving Health and Well-being: Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress Event Networking Event
393 Stream Opening: food security, in-situ conservation/ sustainable use of genetic resources Stream Session Panel Discussion File 393_wpcreport_RM.docx
357 Stream opening â?? human health and wellbeing depends on nature Stream Session Panel Discussion Image icon 357_JuliaMartonLefevre_ES.jpg
File 357_Notes_ESBWMC.docx
PDF icon 357_ Session 1 -1- Human healt and wellbeing depends on nature.pdf
PDF icon 357_Session1_0-Introduction Human healt BRANDED.pdf
1 271 Stream 7 New Social Compact Dialogue Stream Session Panel Discussion
319 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 3) Congress Event Workshop
320 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 2) Congress Event Workshop
321 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 1) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 321_0_workshopflyer-New Social Compact Dialogue.pdf
PDF icon 321_1_Implementing conservation justice.pdf
793 Strategic stakeholder and business alliance to protect the tri-national Wadden Sea World Heritage site Congress Event Dialogue
707 Strategic Environmental Assessments: concepts and applications for Marine Protected Areas Stream Session Workshop
552 Strange bedfellows: novel alliances for protected areas Stream Session Panel Discussion File 552_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 552_1_MBorich-Commercialising conservation.pdf
PDF icon 552_2_FLlewellyn-Fish meets fashion.pdf
PDF icon 552_3_Simon-Sport and Nature, Strange bedfellows or estranged partners.pdf
Office presentation icon 452_Aichi Target 11-Governance diversity.ppt
1 002 Steering conservation in the crowded tropics Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 097 State of the Pan-Amazon and Sustainable Solutions Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1097_State of Pan-Amazon and sustainable solutions-WWF.pdf
987 Standing on Sacred Ground â?? Pilgrims and Tourists Congress Event Other
504 Standing on Sacred Ground â?? Film Screening and Discussion Congress Event Dialogue
595 Stand Up for Your Rights - parks and social equity Other Dialogue File 595_wpcreport_CJ.docx
766 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
767 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
1 051 SOS - Saving Species in Protected Areas Congress Event Dialogue
894 SOI Action Plan: Implementing the Sustainable Ocean Initiative of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Stream Session Dialogue
437 Social safeguards for equitable and sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 2) Stream Session Capacity Development
438 Social safeguards for equitable and sustainable development and inclusive decisions (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 438_wpcreport_MS.docx
PDF icon 438_1_Tata Steel - The Netherlands.pdf
PDF icon 438_2_Martin-Water Matters Pacific and NZ orientations.pdf
PDF icon 438_3_Ranaivoson-When Protected Areas sustain life and support development, myth or reality.pdf
310 Social resilience and social cohesion: communities coping with climate change Stream Session Panel Discussion PDF icon 310_M Heath-Building climate resilient parks and people.pdf
492 Social Assessment of Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 492_1_Experience of SAPA in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 492_2_Social Assessment of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 492_3_Synergies between Protected Area Management Effectiveness and Social and Governance Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 492_Social Assessment of Protected Areas Workshop Summary Report.pdf
880 Small grants: High level panel of donor views Stream Session Panel Discussion
882 Small grants: effective financial mechanisms for protected areas Stream Session Networking Event
219 Sliding back or moving forward? Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression. Stream Session Panel Discussion File 219_wpcreport_JT.docx
PDF icon 219_1_Mascia-Sliding back or moving forward Protected area degazettement, representativeness, and non-regression..pdf
PDF icon 219_2_Lobo-Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing, and Degazettement (PADDD) in Brazil.pdf
PDF icon 219_3_Taylor- PADDD in context windback.pdf
PDF icon 219_4_Craigie-PADDD a mechanism to improve the Comprehensiveness, Adequacy and Representativeness of protected areas.pdf
261 Skills sharing for effective protected area management Congress Event Capacity Development PDF icon 261_1_Business Skills Sharing for Capacity Development.pdf
985 Showcase of Aboriginal NRM in Australia Congress Event Other
883 Shifting the way the world shops Stream Session Panel Discussion
543 Sharing international experiences in monitoring natural and cultural resources by Indigenous Peoples Stream Session Workshop File 543_wpcreport_GP.docx
PDF icon 243_1_Vision and characteristics for an IUCN Green List of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 243_2_Cairnes&Whiffen-Green List partnership.pdf
PDF icon 243_3_Experiences from three Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy).pdf
PDF icon 243_4_Conservation Assured Tiger Standards - CATS.pdf
PDF icon 243_5_Scaling Up Green List in China.pdf
1 083 Sharing experience: biodiversity conservation & protected areas management in West Asia Congress Event Workshop
447 Setting the stage for development challenges (Part 2): A political and business response Stream Session Panel Discussion File 447_wpcreport_GD.docx
448 Setting the stage for development challenges (Part 1) Stream Session Panel Discussion File 448_wpcreport_GD.docx
540 Securing positive results for Indigenous Peoples from World Heritage Stream Session Workshop File 540_wpcreport_ND.docx
PDF icon 540_1_Badman&Lilley-Securing positive results for Indigenous people from World.pdf
PDF icon 540_2_World Heritage and Rights-based approaches 2014 Oslo report.pdf
1 101 SeaStates: How Much of our Seas are Governments Really Protecting? Congress Event Other PDF icon 1101_3_CPAWS SeaStates.pdf
PDF icon 1101_4_GLORES for Ocean+ Pavillion.pdf
PDF icon 1101_5_SkyTruth-IUCN-MCI-18nov2014.pdf
736 Screening of two short films: Project Ocean and Net-Works Congress Event Capacity Development
751 Screening for biodiversity risk â?? making an informed decision Congress Event Capacity Development
909 Screening for biodiversity risk â?? making an informed decision Congress Event Capacity Development
585 Science without walls- inspiring stewardship through citizen engagement Stream Session Workshop File 585_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 585_Citizen Science-Questa game.pdf
PDF icon 585_Earthwatch-TeachWild.pdf
PDF icon 585_iNaturalist-Behavioral-change.pdf
PDF icon 585_N Longnecker-Citizen science for behavior change.pdf
PDF icon 585_Nature Conservancy-Citizen science.pdf
PDF icon 585_P Roetman-Creating biophilic cities.pdf
586 Schools, families and communities: it all comes together Stream Session Workshop PDF icon 586_1_Presentation session.pdf
PDF icon 586_2_Benavides-Children.pdf
PDF icon 586_3_Connecting Animals, People and the Environment.pdf
590 Schools and programmes connecting children to nature Stream Session Workshop File 590_wpcreport_EL.docx
PDF icon 590_1_Forestiers juniors.pdf
PDF icon 590_2_Margaret-Engaging the youth in the conservation of key ecosystems in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 590_3_Syslak-Connecting Youth with Parks and Wilderness.pdf
PDF icon 590_4_Lloyd-Teaching outside the box.pdf
238 Scenarios for ecological representativeness and adequacy of protected areas under global change Stream Session Lecture File 238_wpcreport_SS (1).docx
PDF icon 238_1_.Jamison-The global response of terrestrial protected area biodiversity to human impacts.pdf
PDF icon 238_2_Ferrier-Ecological representativeness of terrestrial protected areas and the future of global biodiversity under climate and land-use change.pdf
PDF icon 238_3_Butchart-Climate change impacts.pdf
PDF icon 238_4_An assessment of the ecological coherency of the global marine PA network under future climate change.pdf
PDF icon 238_5_Rondinini-A framework for predicting ecological and socio-economic impacts.pdf
685 Scenario planning tools for capacity development programmes Stream Session Workshop
292 Scenario planning approaches for managing the uncertainties of climate change Stream Session Workshop File 292_wpcreport_RV.docx
90 Scaling up a New Market for Verified Conservation - VCA Platform Congress Event Debate
1 074 Saving our Species in NSW Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 112 SADC Transfrontier Conservation Area Networks, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other


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