IUCN World Parks Congress wins best brand

The IUCN World Parks Congress has won the 'Best of Oceania' prize at the BBE Best Brand Awards.

Created by Boxer & Co. on behalf of Congress hosts, Parks Australia and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the brand was selected from many outstanding international competitors to take home the coveted award which recognises and promotes the world's best brands, their design, originality and execution.

National Parks and Wildlife Service, Senior Manager, James Lotherington, said: "We're exceptionally proud to have won this award; it's a great start to the New Year, the year that Australia hosts the prestigious IUCN World Parks Congress."

"The logo consists of a series of brushstrokes designed to showcase aspects of Australia's landscape; earth, fauna, flora, water and sun. These are then used to loosely depict one of the host cities most famous landmarks, the Sydney Opera House."

"Inspired by nature, the design is modern, creative, expressive and energetic, intended to enthuse and engage".

"The vibrant logo, speaks to the energy and innovation we aim to achieve at the Congress as we work towards inspiring solutions for some of the planet's biggest challenges, like biodiversity and habitat loss," said James.

Mark Haygarth, Creative Director at Boxer & Co., said: "It's refreshing to see something abstract with an idea behind it being chosen for a high profile event such as the World Parks Congress. I think the logo does something very different to its predecessors and allows the viewer to interpret it in many different ways."

Full and comprehensive brand guidelines, including application for print, web and merchandise were created by Boxer & Co.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature's World Parks Congress will be held at Sydney Olympic Park from 12 – 19 November, 2014.

The Congress is a once in a decade event that sets the conservation direction for some of the most valuable places on the planet – world parks. The landmark event will attract over 3000 participants, from 150 countries, bringing hundreds of environmental leaders and experts to Australia.

"The Oceania best brand win is the start of a very exciting year as we work towards delivering an inspiring event for everyone who cares about the health of society and the planet," said James.

More information can be found at: www.worldparkscongress.org.au.

Media Contact:

Margot Marshall
Media & Public Affairs Director
Ph: 02-9995 6069
M: 0477 718 738,
E: margot.marshall@environment.gov.au

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