Caribbean Protected Areas Website Launched

Ecotech Inc. Limited today demonstrated its commitment to support sustainable development initiatives in the Caribbean by launching Parks Caribbean.

Parks Caribbean is a website that is designed to highlight the multiple social and economic benefits derived from protected areas development. The website provides general information for a wide audience, as well as information and publications that can be utilised by decision makers and protected areas professionals for policy formulation and programme development.

Parks Caribbean is intended to function as a key information resource, allowing interested persons to obtain a complete picture of protected areas development in the Caribbean by routinely providing information and updates on protected areas programmes and projects. In furtherance of this key objective, Parks Caribbean invites protected areas professionals to submit materials (e.g. publications and site profiles) for posting on the website.

In addition to its function as an information resource, Parks Caribbean is meant to support Caribbean development priorities by establishing mechanisms for capacity strengthening, sustainable financing, and enhancement of community livelihoods associated with protected areas management.

For further information:

Visit Parks Caribbean at:


Lloyd Gardner
Gardner, Director, Ecotech Inc. Limited
Ph: (1) 340-513-3562

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