All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
565 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
1 004 Africa Night Congress Event Dialogue
1 137 Areas of the Future - where business and nature go hand in hand Congress Event Dialogue
113 Engaging the public through voyages of discovery of our maritime heritage Congress Event Dialogue
739 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
964 Liberating knowledge from geospatial data â?? How CartoDB is making online map-making and storytelling easy Congress Event Capacity Development
1 104 Sustainable Financing of PA System Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 237 Bellagio meeting and commodities (invitation only) Congress Event Panel Discussion
787 Earth's Protected Areas: in Timelapse Congress Event Capacity Development
69 Recognizing the role of nature-based solutions : the French perspective for the next decade Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 070 How Protected Areas Contribute to Human Life: The case of Ecotourism and Forest Landscape Restoration Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
750 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas: a global network of priority sites for conservation Congress Event Launch Event
1 038 Ecological networks in Mediterranean countries Congress Event Workshop
566 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
1 005 Inspiring tools for enhancing sustainability Congress Event Dialogue
1 138 IBAs in Danger Launch 2014 Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
114 Last Exit to Aïchi: Towards IMPAC 4 (International Marine Protected Areas Congress) and 2020 Congress Event Launch Event
1 105 The benefits of natural World Heritage sites: a new study on ecosystem services provided by the world\â??s iconic places Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1105_1_Osipova-The benefits of natural world heritage.pdf
1 238 Protected Areas and biodiversity offsets Congress Event Panel Discussion
788 How to: 360-degree imagery of your park Congress Event Capacity Development
70 Inspiring stories of protected areas: from the Amazon to the world! Congress Event Workshop
1 071 Mauritius, Seychelles and Comoros: making conservation work for development in the Indian Ocean Congress Event Other
751 Screening for biodiversity risk â?? making an informed decision Congress Event Capacity Development
567 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
1 006 Launch of the Asia Protected Areas Partnership Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 139 Monitoring Aichi target 11 implementation with the Powpa ? Lessons learned from France. Congress Event Other
394 Marine protected areas and community livelihood: sharing experiences on participatory management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 394_1_Ramirez-Restoration of Biodiversity in a World Heritage Protected Area.pdf
PDF icon 394_2_Morais-Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a tool for restoring biodiversity West African experience.pdf
PDF icon 394_3_Springer-Eradication of Vertebrate Pests from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.pdf
PDF icon 394_4_Latreille-Restoration and Ecological Reconstruction of the Semi-Dry Forest of La Grande Chaloupe.pdf
1 106 Bright Spots and PA Solutions Innovation â?? creating new solutions from the building blocks of success in both marine and terrestrial protected areas Congress Event Workshop
1 239 Industrial Mining in a Biodiversity Hotspot: the Experience of Madagascar Congress Event Panel Discussion
789 Tools for the mapping & visualization of protected areas Congress Event Capacity Development
1 072 Workshop on the Management of International Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
752 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Capacity Development
647 The Great Barrier Reef: what works! Congress Event Google+ Hangout
1 039 Protected Areas Climate Adaptation Approach Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
568 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
1 007 Mountain Protected Areas: a worldwide heritage Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 140 The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program for the Great Barrier Reef Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
395 Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to sustain forests and people's livelihoods in protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 395_1_Matta-Main outcomes of the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests.pdf
PDF icon 395_2_Nukui-Efforts of the city of Yokohama.pdf
PDF icon 395_3_Levetan_Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 395_4_Opportunities and Challenges for Payment in PES.pdf
967 The Launch of Measuring Ecosystem Services: Guidance on Developing Ecosystem Service Indicators Congress Event Launch Event
1 107 New Generation of World Heritage Arab experts Congress Event Other File 1107_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 240 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
790 Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist group: Strategy development and networking meeting Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 790_1_Lanier-Positive Impacts of Ecotourism in Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 790_2_Mearns-Use of sustainability indicators in community-based ecotourism in Southern Africa.pdf
PDF icon 790_3_Rylance-Living Outside the Fence.pdf
PDF icon 790_4_Ritchie-Europarc, People, Passion, Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 790_5_Prokosch-Linking Tourism & Conservation.pdf
1 074 Saving our Species in NSW Congress Event Panel Discussion
464 A Call for Limits: the need for ""no-go"areas for industrial activities Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 464_1_Cyril Kormos NO-GO.pdf
PDF icon 464_2_The State of Legislation of No-Go Zones in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 464_3_Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia.pdf
754 ZSL: \â??Virunga\â?? film trailer screening Congress Event Capacity Development
648 Live Sydney Seahorse Hunt with the Catlin Seaview Survey Congress Event Google+ Hangout
1 040 Technology and public use as drivers to engage society in protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 008 Borders divide - nature unites! Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 141 Film: Years of Living Dangerously Congress Event Other
1 108 Marine World Heritage in Arab States Congress Event Other


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