All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 253 New Social Compact Public Engagement Congress Event Dialogue
1 049 Toward worldwide ecosystem risk assessment Congress Event Workshop
561 Craft your protected areas story Congress Event Workshop
800 Is no-go the best approach? Congress Event Dialogue
1 017 Buy a Fish, Save a Tree Congress Event Other
1 150 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
83 Teaching session on protected areas law and governance Congress Event Workshop
765 Protected Planet Mega Launch Congress Event Launch Event
980 Healthy Parks Health People â?? EXPLORE Sydney Olympic Park - Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 118 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
730 Demonstration of ZSL's Instant Wild initiative and Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
1 084 Improving governance in protected areas Congress Event Workshop
1 050 Protected Area decision support tools Congress Event Workshop
420 Networking reception for Protected Areas and Reconciling Development Congress Event Networking Event
562 Enhance your social media skills and strategies Congress Event Workshop
801 Agro-commodities Congress Event Dialogue
1 018 Developing Best Practice Guidelines and a Network on Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Protected Areas. Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 151 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
523 Pimachiowin Aki - developing sustainable partnerships with Indigenous Peoples and provincial governments for â??the Land that Gives Life"" Congress Event Networking Event
84 Climate change strategy for protected areas in Mexico Congress Event Lecture
766 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
982 Protected Areas and Poverty Reduction: Applications, lessons and legacy Congress Event Networking Event
1 119 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
731 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Launch Event
1 085 New South Wales Aboriginal cultural experiences Congress Event Workshop
1 255 Building an enhanced understanding of governance options for marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction: definitions, challenges and recent scientific, technological and legal advances Congress Event Other
1 051 SOS - Saving Species in Protected Areas Congress Event Dialogue
563 WPC Fuse: linking protected areas and conservation into school curricula Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 563_1_FUSE-Presentation.pdf
802 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 019 Innovative approaches for landscape conservation programmes in the Himalayas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 152 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
767 Spain-UNEP Partnership for Protected Areas in Support of LifeWeb. 2010-2014: Sharing our experience to enhance protected areas and marine corridors Congress Event Launch Event
983 Respecting Protected Area People Congress Event Launch Event
1 120 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
485 Collaborative governance of protected areas in Australia Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 485_1_Smyth-Indigenous Protected Areas Australia's protected area revolution.pdf
PDF icon 485_Collaborative_management_in_Australia_Flyer.pdf
PDF icon 485_2_Ngurrara 2 way learning.pdf
PDF icon 485_3_George-Overview of Collaborative Governance of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 485_4_Thomas-Collaborations, contracts and community projects.pdf
PDF icon 485_5_Australia's Indigenous Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 485_Collaborative governance of protected areas in Australia Workshop Summary Report.pdf
732 Boost your impact: how to use the IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Capacity Development
1 087 The Fight for the Reef Congress Event Workshop
1 257 Indigenous Protected Areas Australian Dialogue Congress Event Other
1 052 Northern Mozambique Channel initiative Partners meeting Congress Event Dialogue
1 221 Biodiversity is Us - Zoos and Aquariums supporting the parks mission Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 1221_1_Dick-Biodiversity is us.pdf
564 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
803 Ocean Data Viewer demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 020 Our Pacific Voyage: Natural Solutions for Island Resilience Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1020_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 153 Global Forest Watch: technology and transparency to monitor protected areas in near-real-time Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
86 Meet and Greet the IUCN SSC Chair and SSC Members Congress Event Panel Discussion
87 Pacific: challenge for a giant Congress Event Launch Event
769 The Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness: linking protected area management effectiveness to the WDPA Congress Event Capacity Development
984 WCPA Europe members meeting Congress Event Other
1 121 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
733 WDPA clinic (English) Congress Event Capacity Development


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