All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 206 Governance (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
1 174 Reconciling Development Challenges (Marine) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster PDF icon 226_TARA School-Marine Protected Areas.pdf
118 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
74 The Green Quarter: celebrating 10 years of sustainable pastoralist development Other Launch Event
596 Ante Up - money matters and the value of parks Other Dialogue File 596_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 207 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 7) Other ePoster
1 175 New Generation (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
119 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
75 Hima: working on community conservation through sustainable rangeland management Other Lecture
970 A Balancing Act - how global appetite for mineral resources defines the fate of protected areas Other Dialogue
597 The Future Is Not What It Used To Be - how parks can help build a more resilient future Other Dialogue File 597_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 597_1_Introduction slide Inspiring Event side.pdf
PDF icon 597_1_Introduction slide Inspiring Event side.pdf
PDF icon 597_2_Rojas-Bahia de Cispata Cambio Climatico y la conservacion de el Caiman Aguja.pdf
PDF icon 597_3_Martinez-Areas protegidas de Cuba ante el Cambio Climatico.pdf
PDF icon 597_4_Conservación genética en la flora de los Parques nacionales de Canarias.pdf
PDF icon 597_5_Chavez-SIANP Bolivia.pdf
PDF icon 597_6_Nieto-Cambio Climatico Santuario de Machupicchu Peru.pdf
PDF icon 597_7_Proyecto GuateCarbon, Zona de Usos Múltiples de la Reserva de Biosfera Maya Guatemala, Guatemala.pdf
1 208 Climate Change (Capacity Development, World Heritage, Marine and New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 176 Governance (Marine) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
120 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
77 Learning naturally in nature - a children's event Other Workshop
1 209 Supporting Human Life rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
1 177 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
1 045 Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1045_1_Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks, round-table.pdf
739 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
471 Advancing protected area governance in Africa Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 471_1_Jean Luc-Protected areas governance in Africa.pdf
PDF icon 471_2_Elise Belle-Protected Area Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa.pdf
PDF icon 471_3_Leo Christine-Improving Protected Area Governance in Southern Africa - towards a new vision and strategy Namibia.pdf
PDF icon 471_4_Nils Odendaal-Governance for Conservation.pdf
PDF icon 471_5_Binta Ba-Empowering local communities in protected area management in West & Central Africa.pdf
PDF icon 471_6_Innovative ways of addressing current challenges on Protected Areas in Africa.pdf
PDF icon 471_7_How to reconcile development and conservation.pdf
PDF icon 471_Advancing protected area governance in Africa Workshop Summary Report.pdf
1 012 Enhancing the Role of Universities in Protected Areas Management Congress Event Other
1 146 Georgia\â??s Protected Areas ? A Glimpse Behind the Caucasus Veil Congress Event Lecture
975 IUCN WCPA Urban Specialist Group reception and book launch Congress Event Other
1 112 SADC Transfrontier Conservation Area Networks, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other
1 245 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
1 079 Communicating Inspiration: Conservation Media Workshop Congress Event Workshop
565 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
775 Business as unusual Congress Event Dialogue
1 046 Are protected areas in the Congo Basin failing both people and biodiversity? Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 013 La guinée Bissau classe 26% de son territoire en aires protégées Congress Event Other
1 147 Visualising climate change data: because nothing\â??s cooler than a colourful map Congress Event Workshop
976 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 114 Tourism and Protected Areas Congress Event Other
1 248 African Wildlife and National Parks' Directors Dialogue Congress Event Other
811 Key Biodiversity Areas: celebration and thanks Congress Event Networking Event
1 080 Business and Biodiversity an opportunity for Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
566 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
776 IUCN Protected Area Management Categories: Past, present and future. Speaking a Common Language. Congress Event Dialogue
1 047 USAID's Conservation Approach to Development Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1047_wpcreport_JT.docx
740 IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Launch Event
1 014 The Futures of Privately Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
1 148 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
379 Meeting: Latin American Technical Cooperation Network on Protected Areas (REDPARQUES) Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 379_1_Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Técnica en Parques Nacionales, otras Áreas Protegidas, Flora y Fauna Silvestres.pdf
PDF icon 379_2_Peru Map protected areas.pdf
977 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 115 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
1 249 New South Wales in flood and most recent bird breeding events - Macquarie Marshes Congress Event Lecture
647 The Great Barrier Reef: what works! Congress Event Google+ Hangout
812 Going beyond: Diamonds and biodiversity Congress Event Dialogue
1 081 Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Funds Network Kick-Off Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
567 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop


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