All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 018 Developing Best Practice Guidelines and a Network on Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Protected Areas. Congress Event Networking Function - Not Catered
1 151 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
982 Protected Areas and Poverty Reduction: Applications, lessons and legacy Congress Event Networking Event
1 119 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
1 253 New Social Compact Public Engagement Congress Event Dialogue
567 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
787 Earth's Protected Areas: in Timelapse Congress Event Capacity Development
1 085 New South Wales Aboriginal cultural experiences Congress Event Workshop
750 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas: a global network of priority sites for conservation Congress Event Launch Event
1 051 SOS - Saving Species in Protected Areas Congress Event Dialogue
267 Video Reflections: What does climate change mean for my protected area? (by invitation or appointment) Congress Event Dialogue
1 019 Innovative approaches for landscape conservation programmes in the Himalayas Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 152 WWF International Delegation - Morning Meeting Congress Event Business Meeting
457 Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 457_Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation Workshop Summary Report.pdf
681 Aloha \â??Aina Momona: Collaborative Approaches for the Stewardship of Hawai\â??i's Natural Resources Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 681_1_Presentation.pdf
PDF icon 681_2_Kekuewa-Community Perspective on the Haleakala National Park.pdf
PDF icon 681_4_Kittinger-coral reefs, culture, and food security.pdf
PDF icon 681_3_Aloha Ko Hawai'i Pae'aina.pdf
983 Respecting Protected Area People Congress Event Launch Event
1 120 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
568 Creating the Inspiring a New Generation Legacy Congress Event Workshop
788 How to: 360-degree imagery of your park Congress Event Capacity Development
1 087 The Fight for the Reef Congress Event Workshop
751 Screening for biodiversity risk â?? making an informed decision Congress Event Capacity Development
1 052 Northern Mozambique Channel initiative Partners meeting Congress Event Dialogue
268 Climate Change Journeys Discussion Congress Event Workshop
1 020 Our Pacific Voyage: Natural Solutions for Island Resilience Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1020_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 153 Global Forest Watch: technology and transparency to monitor protected areas in near-real-time Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
984 WCPA Europe members meeting Congress Event Other
1 121 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 255 Building an enhanced understanding of governance options for marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction: definitions, challenges and recent scientific, technological and legal advances Congress Event Other
789 Tools for the mapping & visualization of protected areas Congress Event Capacity Development
1 088 An evening with Bush Blitz Congress Event Dialogue
752 A-Z Biodiversity â?? the most useful website in a meeting! Congress Event Capacity Development
1 053 Buy One Get One Free Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1053_0_Event flyer, BUY ONE GET ONE FREE.pdf
PDF icon 1053_1_Ajagbe-Leveraging Conservation Investment in Africa.pdf
PDF icon 1053_2_Arinaitwe-The CEPF Eastern Afromontane hotspot and the Macarthur Foundation.pdf
PDF icon 1053_3_Anukur-Working together.pdf
PDF icon 1053_4_Some projects in the Eastern Afromontane and Great Lakes region.pdf
PDF icon 1053_5_Fakarayi-Stakeholder Capacity Building for Key Biodiversity Area Management Planning in the Chimanimani-Nyanga Mountains Biodiversity Conservation Corridor.pdf
490 Presenting IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines on transboundary conservation Congress Event Launch Event
269 Climate Change Journeys Discussion Congress Event Workshop
1 021 Russia\â??s marine and coastal protected areas: on the way to the future Congress Event Dialogue
1 154 Exploring and protecting the last wild places in the ocean with National Geographic's Pristine Seas Congress Event TBA
985 Showcase of Aboriginal NRM in Australia Congress Event Other
1 122 Restoration ecology walking tour Congress Event Other
1 257 Indigenous Protected Areas Australian Dialogue Congress Event Other
790 Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist group: Strategy development and networking meeting Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 790_1_Lanier-Positive Impacts of Ecotourism in Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 790_2_Mearns-Use of sustainability indicators in community-based ecotourism in Southern Africa.pdf
PDF icon 790_3_Rylance-Living Outside the Fence.pdf
PDF icon 790_4_Ritchie-Europarc, People, Passion, Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 790_5_Prokosch-Linking Tourism & Conservation.pdf
1 089 What\â??s happening in the Great Barrier Reef? Congress Event Dialogue
1 221 Biodiversity is Us - Zoos and Aquariums supporting the parks mission Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 1221_1_Dick-Biodiversity is us.pdf
754 ZSL: \â??Virunga\â?? film trailer screening Congress Event Capacity Development
1 054 On the right track of conservation of Marine Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
491 Gathering of governance ambassadors (by invitation only) Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 491_1_McIntyre-The Tension between Biodiversity Conservation and Traditional Hunting in Protected Areas.pdf
270 Climate Change Journeys Discussion Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 270_Joyce Loza-Wetland Rehabilitation.pdf
PDF icon 270_3_Carlos sifuentes- Ecology Restoration Mexico.pdf
718 Global launch of new flagship publications - our state of knowledge on the links between biodiversity and human health Congress Event Launch Event
1 022 Landscape Level Approach to Conservation Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 155 Alii - Protected Areas: People and communities Congress Event Networking Event
986 Conservacion en tierras privadas Congress Event Workshop


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