All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
595 Stand Up for Your Rights - parks and social equity Other Dialogue File 595_wpcreport_CJ.docx
183 Opening Parallel Plenary PEOPLE Other Plenary File 183_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 207 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 7) Other ePoster
106 New Technology and MPA management: beyond the gadget Other Dialogue
1 175 New Generation (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
596 Ante Up - money matters and the value of parks Other Dialogue File 596_wpcreport_LN.docx
188 Opening Parallel Plenary PARKS Other Plenary File 188_wpcreport_CJ.docx
1 208 Climate Change (Capacity Development, World Heritage, Marine and New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
109 Altogether, connecting with French marine protected area diversity Other Dialogue
1 176 Governance (Marine) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
597 The Future Is Not What It Used To Be - how parks can help build a more resilient future Other Dialogue File 597_wpcreport_SS.docx
PDF icon 597_1_Introduction slide Inspiring Event side.pdf
PDF icon 597_1_Introduction slide Inspiring Event side.pdf
PDF icon 597_2_Rojas-Bahia de Cispata Cambio Climatico y la conservacion de el Caiman Aguja.pdf
PDF icon 597_3_Martinez-Areas protegidas de Cuba ante el Cambio Climatico.pdf
PDF icon 597_4_Conservación genética en la flora de los Parques nacionales de Canarias.pdf
PDF icon 597_5_Chavez-SIANP Bolivia.pdf
PDF icon 597_6_Nieto-Cambio Climatico Santuario de Machupicchu Peru.pdf
PDF icon 597_7_Proyecto GuateCarbon, Zona de Usos Múltiples de la Reserva de Biosfera Maya Guatemala, Guatemala.pdf
196 Opening Plenary: Afternoon Session (Part 2) Other Plenary File 196_wpcreport_CJ.docx
1 209 Supporting Human Life rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
112 PRCM (Partenariat Régional pour la Conservation de la zone Côtière et Marine en Afrique de l'Ouest S/C UICN): 10 ans au service de la promotion des AMP (session in French) Other Launch Event
1 177 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
68 The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems: a photographic presentation and awards Other Launch Event
199 Opening Plenary: Afternoon Session (Part 1) Other Plenary File 199_wpcreport_LN.docx
1 210 Reconciling Development Challenges (World Heritage) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
1 178 Reaching Conservation Goals (Marine and New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations Other ePoster
205 Opening Plenary - Morning Session (Part 2) Other Plenary File 205_wpcreport_MG.docx
1 179 Health & Wellbeing rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other Poster
646 World Heritage Theme - Opening Plenary Other Welcome Ceremony File 646_wpcreport_KR.docx
PDF icon 646_1- Intro World Heritage CCT.pdf
PDF icon 646_2-Kormos Opening-Importance of WH Convention.pdf
PDF icon 646_3-F Jing-WH over the next decade.pdf
PDF icon 646_4-Debonnet Feng-WHsinceDurban.pdf
1 211 Governance (Capacity Development) rapid fire presentations (Part 4) Other ePoster
115 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
1 180 Reconciling Development Challenges (New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
71 Capacity building for inclusive and effective climate change adaptation Other Lecture
970 A Balancing Act - how global appetite for mineral resources defines the fate of protected areas Other Dialogue
1 212 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 8) Other ePoster
116 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
1 181 Indigenous rapid fire presentation Other ePoster
72 The reality of risk: making the links between ecosystem and human vulnerability for resilience Other Debate
117 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
1 182 Governance (Marine) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
73 Conservation through sustainable land use Other Panel Discussion
118 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
1 183 Governance rapid fire presentations (Part 4) Other ePoster
74 The Green Quarter: celebrating 10 years of sustainable pastoralist development Other Launch Event
119 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
1 184 Reaching Conservation Goals rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other Poster
75 Hima: working on community conservation through sustainable rangeland management Other Lecture
120 Blue Solutions â?? inspiration from what has worked in marine protected areas Other Dialogue
1 185 Health & Wellbeing rapid fire presentations (Part 3) Other ePoster
77 Learning naturally in nature - a children's event Other Workshop
121 Eye on the Reef: be a marine biologist for a day! (Live link-up to the Reef) Other Dialogue
1 186 Reconciling Development Challenges (New Social Compact) rapid fire presentations (Part 2) Other ePoster
78 Dumb Charade Theme Nature - a children's event Other Lecture
122 UNESCO Marine World Heritage: A decade of conservation success Other Launch Event
1 187 New Generation rapid fire presentations (Part 1) Other ePoster
79 Gaming in the real world - a children's event Other Workshop
123 Marine Wilderness 10+10 Project â?? Bringing back the wild around the world Other Dialogue


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