All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
797 Planetary-scale biodiversity analysis with Google Earth Engine Congress Event Dialogue
1 011 Treasures of Baikal and Kamchatka Congress Event Dialogue
266 Tools marketplace for responding to climate change Congress Event Dialogue
761 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Congress Event Capacity Development
911 A partnership for the Mozambique Channel Congress Event Dialogue
1 111 The B4Life flagship and the EU support to Protected Areas in Africa Congress Event Panel Discussion File 1111_wpcreport_JT.docx
718 Global launch of new flagship publications - our state of knowledge on the links between biodiversity and human health Congress Event Launch Event
1 078 New Social Compact Closing Celebration Congress Event Other
1 140 The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program for the Great Barrier Reef Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 044 Ecosystems across Borders: New approaches to transboundary management of Asia\â??s coastal and river systems Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 240 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
361 Tools for understanding and communicating the value of protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 361_1_Tustas-Capturing ecosystem service opportunities.pdf
PDF icon 361_2_Eawpanich-Application of an economic valuations at the ECO-BEST.pdf
PDF icon 361_3_The economic value of Cat Tien National Park.pdf
PDF icon 361_4_Pigueron-Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Mexican Federal Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 361_5_ValuES Tools for Understanding and Communicating the Value of Protected Areas.pdf
798 Extractive sector: case studies on biodiversity and ecosystem services management approaches and conservation actions in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue
1 012 Enhancing the Role of Universities in Protected Areas Management Congress Event Other
267 Video Reflections: What does climate change mean for my protected area? (by invitation or appointment) Congress Event Dialogue
762 A Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard: Addressing challenges to monitoring biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
975 IUCN WCPA Urban Specialist Group reception and book launch Congress Event Other
1 112 SADC Transfrontier Conservation Area Networks, a Vehicle for Development and Sustainable Life Congress Event Other
720 Boost your impact: how to use the IUCN World Heritage Outlook Congress Event Capacity Development
1 079 Communicating Inspiration: Conservation Media Workshop Congress Event Workshop
1 141 Film: Years of Living Dangerously Congress Event Other
394 Marine protected areas and community livelihood: sharing experiences on participatory management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 394_1_Ramirez-Restoration of Biodiversity in a World Heritage Protected Area.pdf
PDF icon 394_2_Morais-Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a tool for restoring biodiversity West African experience.pdf
PDF icon 394_3_Springer-Eradication of Vertebrate Pests from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.pdf
PDF icon 394_4_Latreille-Restoration and Ecological Reconstruction of the Semi-Dry Forest of La Grande Chaloupe.pdf
1 045 Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks Congress Event Welcome Ceremony PDF icon 1045_1_Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks, round-table.pdf
1 241 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
799 Protected areas and the extractive industry sector in Africa - Good decisions for better impacts Congress Event Dialogue
1 013 La guinée Bissau classe 26% de son territoire en aires protégées Congress Event Other
268 Climate Change Journeys Discussion Congress Event Workshop
763 Book launch of Conservation Catalysts: Academies as Nature\â??s Agent Congress Event Launch Event
464 A Call for Limits: the need for ""no-go"areas for industrial activities Congress Event Panel Discussion PDF icon 464_1_Cyril Kormos NO-GO.pdf
PDF icon 464_2_The State of Legislation of No-Go Zones in the Philippines.pdf
PDF icon 464_3_Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia.pdf
976 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 114 Tourism and Protected Areas Congress Event Other
94 Nature is speaking Congress Event Lecture
721 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
1 080 Business and Biodiversity an opportunity for Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop
1 142 Film: Once Upon a Forest (Australian Premiere) Congress Event Other
395 Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to sustain forests and people's livelihoods in protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 395_1_Matta-Main outcomes of the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests.pdf
PDF icon 395_2_Nukui-Efforts of the city of Yokohama.pdf
PDF icon 395_3_Levetan_Maintaining the charge for ecosystem service flows.pdf
PDF icon 395_4_Opportunities and Challenges for Payment in PES.pdf
1 046 Are protected areas in the Congo Basin failing both people and biodiversity? Congress Event Panel Discussion
1 242 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other
800 Is no-go the best approach? Congress Event Dialogue
1 014 The Futures of Privately Protected Areas Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
269 Climate Change Journeys Discussion Congress Event Workshop
764 Launch of the 2014 Protected Planet Report Congress Event Launch Event
977 Healthy Parks Health People â?? Morning Yoga and Meditation Congress Event Other
1 115 Birdwatching - Wake up with the birds Congress Event Other
504 Standing on Sacred Ground â?? Film Screening and Discussion Congress Event Dialogue
723 Advances in technology for monitoring and management of protected areas â?? Instant Wild demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 081 Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Funds Network Kick-Off Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
1 143 Project Wild Thing Congress Event Other
1 047 USAID's Conservation Approach to Development Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement File 1047_wpcreport_JT.docx
1 243 Morning healthy walks with Active in Parks Congress Event Other


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