Important Immigration Update

As part of the Australian Government’s overall work to reduce the risks associated with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), the Department of Immigration and Border Protection has in place very clear and rigorous visa and border processes for all travellers from Ebola affected countries in Africa. If there are justifiable concerns about health risks, visas are not being granted. As at 31 October 2014, these arrangements will particularly impact delegates who are nationals or residents of the following countries, or who have passed through these countries in the last 21 days:

  • Guinea 
  • Liberia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo

If delegates have any concerns about the validity or progress of their visa application, they should contact the closest departmental office as soon as possible. For contact information for the department’s offices in Nairobi and Pretoria please see:

People affected by visa changes should contact to arrange refunds of registration charges.

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