Doing the right thing in protected areas: Collective statement from the Governance Stream at WPC 2014

The IUCN World Parks Congress Stream on Enhancing the Diversity and Quality of Governance of Protected Areas has concluded with a powerful collective statement that summarizes the key topics deliberated at the Congress, highlights the current situation, and makes a strong set of recommendations for future action.

The value of the Governance statement is for all of those who, through the Congress events and energy – such as the ICCA Consortium - are motivated and inspired towards concrete action - in the next decade and beyond. This is the value of rendering our work richer and more effective because of having met one another, pulled our experiences together and developed new ideas.

The experience of the 5th World Parks Congress, in Durban 2003, demonstrates that the concepts arising from a Congress do carry a notable influence in the conservation work in the decade that follows (and beyond). Concepts such as “no-go areas”, “redress” of conservation injustice, “governance standards”, “governance vitality” and even the expression of the need to move beyond development models based on economic growth, are beginning to receive more currency. Even more momentous, the idea that “protected areas and conserved areas” are now to be taken into consideration together - as noted in the Promise of Sydney vision - is opening vast new perspectives for more effective and equitable work.

Here are the latest links to the IUCN Protected Area Governance Guidelines: from understanding to action, and Governance Primer; in three languages:

A primer on governance for protected and conserved areas

Cartilla sobre gobernanza sobre áreas protegidas y conservadas

Lexique sur la gouvernance des aires protégées et conservées

Governance of protected areas: from understanding to action

Gobernanza de áreas protegidas—de la comprensión a la acción

Gouvernance des aires protégées— de la compréhension à l’action

(all Annexes in English, Spanish and French are available from here).

 A discussion document by Tasneem Balasinorwala, "DOING THE RIGHT THING: a decade of progress on protected area governance, 2003 to 2014" is also available for download in the column on the right.

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