Three Sisters Declared An Aboriginal Place

Heritage Minister Robyn Parker and Blue Mountains MP Roza Sage announced the Three Sisters at Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area has become the 98th Aboriginal Place to be declared in NSW.

Ms Parker said the declaration recognises the special cultural, social and historic significance of the site to the Aboriginal community.

“The three sisters are significant to Aboriginal culture as a mythical place of legends and stories,” Ms Parker said.

“The area down into the valley below the Three Sisters was used as a ceremonial space with legend telling how the Three Sisters came to be the land formations commanding a view of the valley in traditional times.

“The area is highly valued by the Aboriginal peoples of the Gundangurra, Wiradjuri, Tharawal and Darug nations for its majestic land formations, incredible views across the ranges and down into the valley to the Kedumba River below.”

Mrs Sage said more than 600,000 visit the site every annually. She encouraged everyone to visit the Blue Mountains and learn about the history of this special place.

“By declaring these significant lands as Aboriginal Places, we recognise and acknowledge that Aboriginal culture is living and continuing, and that the connection of Aboriginal people to the land and culture is immensely important to their wellbeing and future,” Mrs Sage said.

In announcing the latest declaration Ms Parker reaffirmed that the Government is committed to the recognition and conservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

“Since March 2011, the NSW Government has declared 26 Aboriginal Places,” Ms Parker said.

“It is important to recognise and preserve Aboriginal history and an Aboriginal Place declaration achieves this.”

The Gundungurra Aboriginal Heritage Association nominated the Three Sisters for declaration as an Aboriginal Place to ensure its recognition and protection as a place of special significance to Aboriginal culture.

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