All Presentations

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E.g., 07/08/2024
Session ID Title Session type Sub-type Attachments
1 128 Wetland restoration walking tour Congress Event Other
1 269 Sydney Olympic Park Heritage Train tour Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
760 A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge Congress Event Capacity Development
910 Towards a Protected Areas Global Connectivity Initiative Congress Event Dialogue
1 060 VIRUNGA: the movie Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
490 Presenting IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines on transboundary conservation Congress Event Launch Event
725 NatureWatch: Using mobile technology to engage and empower people for the conservation of key sites for biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
1 027 Protected areas learning and research collaboration Congress Event Other
990 Managing freshwaters in protected areas Congress Event Other
796 Tourism Conservation Partnerships Congress Event Dialogue
1 094 Rhino Conservation - Successes and Challenges: A South African Perspective Congress Event Other PDF icon 1094_1_Ndebele-Community white Rhino Conservation .pdf
1 129 Sydney Olympic Park heritage train tour Congress Event Other
1 270 Sydney Olympic Park Heritage Train tour Congress Event Welcome Ceremony
761 WDPA clinic (Spanish) Congress Event Capacity Development
911 A partnership for the Mozambique Channel Congress Event Dialogue
1 061 Extractives and safeguarding World Heritage Congress Event Dialogue
491 Gathering of governance ambassadors (by invitation only) Congress Event Networking Event PDF icon 491_1_McIntyre-The Tension between Biodiversity Conservation and Traditional Hunting in Protected Areas.pdf
1 230 WIN dialogue: Sharing Practice: Community Perspectives on the Management of Protected Areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
726 \â??Space for Nature\â?? short film screening Congress Event Capacity Development
1 028 Mountains as Youth learning landscapes: Perceptions of sustainability in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, USA Congress Event Workshop
65 Bright Spots and Protected Area Solutions Innovation â?? creating new solutions from the building blocks of success in both marine and terrestrial protected areas Congress Event Panel Discussion
991 Contemplation of Nature Congress Event Workshop
797 Planetary-scale biodiversity analysis with Google Earth Engine Congress Event Dialogue
1 095 Breathing life into the promise of Sydney: the promise of the philanthropy community Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1095_Breathing Life into Promise of Sydney.pdf
1 130 Mystery Disease Outbreak in National Park - solve this crisis tonight Congress Event Workshop
762 A Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard: Addressing challenges to monitoring biodiversity Congress Event Capacity Development
1 062 Protected Areas Networks and Regional Integration in West and Central Africa Congress Event Panel Discussion
492 Social Assessment of Protected Areas Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 492_1_Experience of SAPA in Kenya.pdf
PDF icon 492_2_Social Assessment of Protected Areas.pdf
PDF icon 492_3_Synergies between Protected Area Management Effectiveness and Social and Governance Assessment.pdf
PDF icon 492_Social Assessment of Protected Areas Workshop Summary Report.pdf
727 Demonstration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool Congress Event Capacity Development
1 029 Leave No Trace Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 1029_1_Leave No Trace Master.pdf
67 Urban Protected Areas: Bolstering resilience of urban systems to global change Congress Event Lecture
319 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 3) Congress Event Workshop
995 Asian Sacred Natural Sites: network and Book Launch Congress Event Product Launch or Announcement
798 Extractive sector: case studies on biodiversity and ecosystem services management approaches and conservation actions in and around protected areas Congress Event Dialogue
1 096 NON-EXTRACTIVE WILDLIFE USE: RIGHTS & BENEFITS Congress Event Networking Function - Catered
1 131 African Leaders' Dialogue Congress Event Dialogue File 1131_wpcreport_CJ.docx
PDF icon 1131_African Leaders Dialogue-presentation speakers ALD.pdf
PDF icon 1131_Conservation collaborations-Jesca Eriyo.pdf
1 272 Panorama Community Feedback Event Congress Event Networking Event
763 Book launch of Conservation Catalysts: Academies as Nature\â??s Agent Congress Event Launch Event
1 063 FUNBIO: a strategic mechanism in pursuit of financial sustainability of Brazilian protected areas Congress Event Lecture PDF icon 1063_1_Medeiros-The Contribution of Brazilian Protected Areas for National Economy.pdf
PDF icon 1063_2_Protected areas as economic assets, The Brazilian scenario.pdf
PDF icon 1063_3_SADC TFCA NETWORK.pdf
1 232 The Yawuru and their Indigenous Protected Area Congress Event Lecture
728 Advances in technology for monitoring and management of protected areas â?? Instant Wild demo Congress Event Capacity Development
1 030 Poaching from parks: combating wildlife crime Congress Event Other
320 Stream 3 New Social Compact Dialogue: Defining Health & Wellness for Our Collective Future (part 2) Congress Event Workshop
996 Protected areas development in island systems Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 996_1_Flyer_Protected Areas in Island Systems Congress Event.pdf
PDF icon 996_2_Skelton-Protected Area Management Pacific Island region perspective.pdf
PDF icon 996_3_PRosabal-Protected Areas Development in Islands Systems.pdf
PDF icon 996_4_LGardner-Mobilising for Action in the Caribbean.pdf
PDF icon 996_5_Nosawa-Conservation in Small Islands in Southeast Asia.pdf
799 Protected areas and the extractive industry sector in Africa - Good decisions for better impacts Congress Event Dialogue
1 097 State of the Pan-Amazon and Sustainable Solutions Congress Event Dialogue PDF icon 1097_State of Pan-Amazon and sustainable solutions-WWF.pdf
394 Marine protected areas and community livelihood: sharing experiences on participatory management Congress Event Workshop PDF icon 394_1_Ramirez-Restoration of Biodiversity in a World Heritage Protected Area.pdf
PDF icon 394_2_Morais-Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a tool for restoring biodiversity West African experience.pdf
PDF icon 394_3_Springer-Eradication of Vertebrate Pests from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.pdf
PDF icon 394_4_Latreille-Restoration and Ecological Reconstruction of the Semi-Dry Forest of La Grande Chaloupe.pdf
1 132 Building a sustainable peace Congress Event Workshop
764 Launch of the 2014 Protected Planet Report Congress Event Launch Event
1 064 Learning and Action: Enhancing Conservation Finance through Environmental Funds and South-South Collaboration Congress Event Other


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